PSM I Professional Scrum Master I认证真题题库C版(附答案)

PSM I Professional Scrum Master I认证真题题库C版(附答案)


PSM I Professional Scrum Master I认证真题题库C版


1. Which two statements are correct about Daily Scrums?

a. It's facilitated by the Scrum Master.

b. Developers must answer the 3 standard questions during the meeting.

c. It's held at the same time and place every day.

d. Only the developers participate in the meeting.

e. The Product Owner should attend the meeting.


2. When is it time to integrate the code?

a. At the end of each Sprint

b. At the end of the project

c. Frequently, during the Sprint

d. Before each release


3. In scaled Scrum, each developer should be a member of only one team.

a. False

b. True


4. Scrum is a methodology for developing complex products.

a. True

b. False


5. The whole Sprint Backlog is defined in the Sprint Planning meeting.

a. True

b. False


6. At the end of the Sprint, all items are done except for one that is almost done. What

should be done with this item?

a. It can be added to the Increment if the customer accepts it.

b. Put it in the next Sprint Backlog.

c. It can be added to the Increment if the user acceptance tests are done.

d. Do not include it in the Increment.


7. Who's responsible for quality?

a. All developers

b. Team leaders

c. Testers


8. Which two of the following should NOT change during the Sprint?

a. Sprint Goal

b. Expected quality

c. Sprint Backlog

d. Product Backlog


9. Which three statements are correct when four teams are working on a product?

a. There is only one Sprint Backlog each Sprint.

b. There can be multiple Scrum Masters.

c. There is only one Product Backlog.

d. There is only one Definition of Done.

e. There can be multiple Product Owners.

f. There is only one Product Owner.


10. When does the next Sprint begin?

a. When the customer approves the previous Increment

b. Immediately after the previous Sprint

c. When the Product Owner authorizes

d. When the Product Backlog is refined and items at the top are "ready"


11. It's required to use User Stories in Scrum.

a. True

b. False


12. When multiple teams are working on the same product, their Sprints should start and

end at the same time.

a. True

b. False


13. It's allowed to have Team Leaders when many developers are working on a complex


a. False

b. True


14. The customer goes to the Development Team in the middle of a Sprint, and asks them

to add an important item to the Sprint Backlog. What should they do?

a. Refer the customer to the Product Owner.

b. Add the item to the next Sprint Backlog.

c. Replace one of the existing items in the Sprint Backlog with the new one.

d. Reject the request.


15. When the team becomes mature enough in using Scrum, they won't need a Scrum

Master anymore.

a. False

b. True


16. Which of the following best describes the way a Product Owner can order the items in

the Product Backlog?

a. Based on value, priority, dependencies, and risk

b. Based on risk; riskier items at the top

c. Based on size; smaller items at the top

d. Based on size; larger items at the top


17. Which role is the equivalent of project manager in Scrum?

a. Scrum Master

b. None of them

c. Product Owner

d. Development Team

e. Team Leader


18. The Scrum Master shouldn't allow the developers to start working without having the

tasks identified and assigned.

a. True

b. False


19. Which of the following best describes Sprint Planning?

a. What to do and who will do it

b. What can be done and how to do it

c. Who will be in the team this Sprint?

d. What went wrong in the last Sprint and what to do about it


20. The Development Team realizes that they have over-committed themselves for the

Sprint. How should they review and adjust the work?

a. They shouldn't make any changes to the Sprint Backlog.

b. They should ask the Product Owner to cancel the Sprint.

c. They can get help from the Product Owner to adjust the Sprint Backlog.

d. They can make any adjustments by themselves, because they own the Sprint Backlog.


21. Which of the following best describes Sprint Review?

a. A demo at the end of the Sprint for everyone in the organization to see the Increment.

b. A formal meeting to receive approval of the customer for the Increment

c. An inspection of the Increment to collect feedback and see what to do in the next Sprint

d. It's a controlling mechanism for evaluating the work of the developers.


22. Which two of the following are required by Scrum?

a. Having full-time developers

b. Story Points

c. Having timeboxed events

d. Definition of Done

e. Release planning


23. Who owns the items in the Sprint Backlog?

a. The whole Scrum Team

b. The Product Owner

c. The Scrum Master

d. The Development Team

e. Individual developers who are working on the item


24. What is a proper role of a PMO in a company that uses Scrum?

a. The PMO will be responsible for making higher level decision in the project.

b. Manage portfolios and programs and facilitate the application of techniques that

complement Scrum.

c. The PMO should manage and help the Scrum Masters.


25. The Definition of Done is composed by the Product Owner, to ensure that the Increments

will be usable by the end-users.

a. True

b. False


26. How do changes in the project environment impact the Product Backlog?

a. There's no effect on the Product Backlog.

b. The old baselined Product Backlog would be saved, and a new one would be created for

the rest of the project.

c. It evolves to reflect the changes

d. The Product Backlog should be kept high-level enough to tolerate such changes.


27. The Sprint Backlog makes visible all the work that the _________ identifies as necessary to

meet the Sprint Goal.

a. Scrum Master

b. Scrum Team

c. Development Team

d. Product Owner


28. Which two of the following are formal opportunities for inspecting and adapting?

a. Release Planning

b. Burn-down chart

c. Sprint Planning

d. Daily Scrum


29. What are two good ways to handle security concerns?

a. Dedicate a certain portion of the team capacity to working on those concerns.

b. Add them to the Definition of Done.

c. Get help from responsible departments to ensure those concerns.

d. Add them to the Product Backlog.


30. It's up to the self-organizing team to decide which Scrum artifacts are needed in the


a. True

b. False


31. Which two of the following are timeboxed?

a. Sprint Planning

b. Release Planning

c. Sprint testing

d. Product Backlog Refinement

e. Sprint Retrospective


32. Which three of the following actions may a Scrum Master take in starting up a project?

a. Ask the Product Owner to explain the project, its business need, history, goals, and context.

b. Ask the Development Team members to introduce themselves to each other and tell about

their skills and background.

c. Ask the development managers to introduce their departments and capabilities.

d. Ask the team to work together and prepare a complete Product Backlog.

e. Ensure that there's a clear understanding of the whole scope of the project.

f. Ask the Development Team to discuss and identify the way they are going to develop the



33. Sprint Review is an informal meeting.

a. False

b. True


34. What type of test should be done during the Sprint?

a. All tests, except for user acceptance tests

b. Unit tests

c. Every type of test

d. All tests, except for integration tests


35. Having the team members and a complete Product Backlog are the only things needed

to start the project.

a. False

b. True


36. Which two statements explain when a Product Backlog item is considered complete?

a. When there's nothing more we need to do before it can be used by end users

b. When all identified tasks are done

c. When everything is Done based on the Definition of Done

d. When the Scrum Master approves it


37. The Scrum Master should NOT allow the Sprint Planning meeting to start when the Sprint

Goal is not ready.

a. False

b. True


38. Which two of the following contribute the most to the Scrum value "focus"?

a. Timeboxing

b. Sprint Review

c. Product Backlog Refinement

d. Sprint Goal


39. An organization has decided to adopt Scrum. Which three of the following describe what

happens if they tailor the Scrum terminology to match their current environment?

a. Management may feel less enthusiastic about the change.

b. The change might not be obvious to everyone, and therefore very little change actually


c. They will get better results adopting Scrum this way.

d. The change might not be obvious to everyone, and some benefits may be lost.


40. At least one high-priority process improvement item exists in each Sprint Backlog.

a. False

b. True


41. The Product Owner and Scrum Master should NOT be part of the Development Team.

a. True

b. False


42. The Development Team is free to change their engineering practices whenever they want.

a. False

b. True


43. Which two of the following are correct about the Scrum Master role?

a. Estimates the Product Backlog items

b. Is cross-functional

c. Removes impediments

d. Helps the organization implement Scrum

e. May add new work to the Sprint Backlog during the Sprint


44. A Product Owner who used to be a project manager in the past is using burn-up charts

instead of burn-down charts. Is that acceptable?

a. There's nothing wrong with it.

b. Burn-up charts are used in traditional methods, and they should be replaced by burn-down charts.


45. Which element is NOT an attribute of Product Backlog items?

a. Owner

b. Value

c. Estimate

d. Description


46. All teams should be cross-functional in scaled Scrum.

a. True

b. False


47. Who does all the work required for Product Backlog items, to make sure they are

potentially releasable?

a. The customer

b. The Solution Architect

c. The whole Scrum Team

d. The Development Team

e. The Project Manager

f. The Development Team and the Product Owner


48. How many people can there be in a Development Team?

a. 3 to 11

b. 3 to 9

c. 5 to 12

d. 5 ± 3

e. 3 to 10


49. Which three of the following are pillars of Scrum?

a. Inspection

b. Transparency

c. Adaptation

d. Collaboration

e. Creativity

f. Sustainable pace


50. Which three of the following are NOT acceptable in Scrum?

a. Release Sprints

b. Sprint Zero

c. Using User Stories

d. Using Story Points

e. Refactoring

f. Integration Sprints


51. What are the three questions of the Daily Scrum?

a. What problems did I have yesterday?

b. Are we able to deliver all Sprint Backlog items by the end of the Sprint?

c. What work am I going to do today to help the team achieve its goal?

d. How many hours did I spend on the project yesterday?

e. What impediments are in my way or in the way of the team?

f. What work did I do yesterday to help the team achieve its goal?


52. When does a Development Team cancel a Sprint?

a. When not enough information is available for the items in the Sprint Backlog

b. When the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete

c. The Development Team doesn't have the authority to cancel the Sprint.

d. When not enough resources are available for the project


53. Which of the following best describes transparency?

a. The whole process should be visible to everyone.

b. The whole process should be visible to stakeholders.

c. Significant aspects of the process must be visible to those responsible for the outcome.

d. The process should be visible, and understood by key stakeholders.


54. Who estimates the size of the Product Backlog items?

a. The Product Owner

b. The Development Team

c. The Scrum Master

d. The Scrum Team


55. What does it mean for a Development Team to be cross-functional?

a. The team includes not only programmers, but also testers, architects, UI designers, etc.

b. Each Development Team member has all the expertise required for creating potentially

releasable Increments.

c. The team should collaborate with all functional units.

d. The developers work closely with business analysts, architects, and testers external to them.


56. Which two statements best describe the Product Backlog?

a. It is never baselined.

b. Provides just enough information to enable the developers to design the product.

c. Contains only small and clear items.

d. The customer's change requests are reflected in it.


57. The Development Team cannot forecast how much work they can do in the upcoming

Sprint, because of uncertainties in the Product Backlog that the Product Owner is not

able to overcome. What two actions should the Scrum Master recommend?

a. Invite everyone to discuss this problem in the next Sprint Retrospective and try to find a


b. Extend the duration of Sprint Planning and ask them to discuss the items more and get

into agreement.

c. Ask the developers to come up with their best guess and do not worry about the capacity.

d. Cancel the Sprint Planning meeting, give them some time to prepare, and then hold

another Sprint Planning.

e. Cancel the Sprint and start the next one when the items are clear.


58. The Development Team is free to change their engineering practices whenever they want.

a. False

b. True


59. Which two of the following contribute the most to the Scrum value "focus"?

a. Timeboxing

b. Product Backlog Refinement

c. Sprint Review

d. Sprint Goal


60. The Scrum Master can also be a member of the Development Team

a. True

b. False


61. The Definition of Done can change during the project.

a. True

b. False


62. What's the timeboxed duration of Sprint Retrospective meetings?

a. Maximum 3 hours

b. Maximum 8 hours

c. 8 hours in a one-month Sprint

d. 4 hours in a one-month Sprint


63. The performance of the Sprint should be measured

a. Once a week

b. Once a day

c. Before or after each release

d. Once per Sprint


64. It's wrong to have a Project Manager in Scrum.

a. True

b. False


65. What does a burn-down chart measure?

a. Work remaining across time

b. Cost of the project across time

c. Work that is done based on the Definition of Done

d. The amount of business value delivered to the customer


66. Items on the Sprint Backlog are, on average, larger than those on the Product Backlog.

a. True

b. False


67. Who owns the Product Backlog?

a. The whole Scrum Team

b. The Development Team

c. The Product Owner

d. The Scrum Master


68. Which two statements are correct about an item that is in-progress at the end of the


a. Put it in the next Sprint Backlog.

b. It can be added to the Increment if the customer accepts it.

c. Do not include it in the Increment.

d. Move it back to the Product Backlog.

e. Consider the complete part of the item in velocity calculation and then create a new item

in the Product Backlog for the remaining work


69. When multiple teams are working on the same product, one person can be a member

of more than one Development Team.

a. False

b. True


70. All Development Team members should be cross-functional.

a. True

b. False


71. Which of the following is not allowed in Scrum?

a. Release Planning

b. Using User Stories

c. Sprint Zero

d. Using Story Points


72. Which two statements are correct about Daily Scrums?

a. The Product Owner should attend the meeting.

b. It's facilitated by the Scrum Master.

c. No one other than the Development Team is allowed to be there.

d. It's always a 15-minute timeboxed event, no matter how many developers there are, or

how long the Sprint is.

e. It's held at the same time and place every day.


73. How often should the composition of the team change?

a. As needed, considering that it will have a short-term reduction in productivity

b. As needed, without a need to be concerned about changes in productivity

c. Every Sprint, to encourage creativity and openness

d. Never, because it reduces productivity


74. Which three of the following may be done in the Sprint Retrospective meeting?

a. Calculate Velocity

b. Discuss tools used to communicate with remote team members

c. Discuss the Product Backlog items for the next Sprint

d. Refining the Product Backlog

e. Discuss the timeboxed duration of Sprints

f. Discuss the Definition of Done


75. How should the Product Owner forecast the completion date?

a. It is the responsibility of the Scrum Master to forecast the completion date.

b. By using a trend line in the burn-down chart

c. By dividing the remaining amount of work in the Product Backlog to the latest calculated


d. By any method they find appropriate


76. The Scrum Master shouldn't allow the developers to start working without having the

tasks identified and assigned.

a. False

b. True


77. Which of the following has the most to do with capturing and using lessons learned?

a. Sprint Planning

b. Sprint Review

c. Product Backlog Refinement

d. Sprint Retrospective


78. Which statement is correct about the Sprint Backlog?

a. It has no detail.

b. It has all the details.

c. It has just enough detail.


79. Which of the following is correct about the whole Scrum Team role?

a. Measures the performance of the Sprint

b. Makes changes to the Definition of Done

c. Is designed in a way to maximize flexibility

d. Is responsible for maximizing the value of the product


80. When is it time to integrate the code?

a. Before each release

b. At the end of the project

c. At the end of each Sprint

d. Frequently, during the Sprint



1.C, D


You can't know if the code will work properly, unless you integrate it with the rest of the code.

That's why we have continuous integration in Agile, which can happen multiple times a day.


None of the Scrum roles are necessarily full-time, and the person can occupy more than one

role (e.g. both Scrum Master and developer), or be a developer in more than one team. E.g.

there may be a special expertise that is needed in multiple teams, but its not needed in a full-time basis. So, one person can provide that special type of expertise to multiple teams.


Scrum is "considered" a framework, not a methodology, process, techniques, etc. It can be

used to develop new products or maintain/sustain existing ones.


There are two elements in the Sprint Backlog: items selected from the Product Backlog and

tasks created by decomposing those items. Tasks are always changing, and therefore, we can't

say that Sprint Backlog doesn't change during the Sprint. The old-fashioned approach is to

keep the items fixed, to avoid distractions, but doesn't believe in that anymore, so

it's fine for them to change the items too.


Everything in the Increment must be Done; i.e. 100% DONE!


There are no people "titled" as testers, because we don't have extra roles and titles in Scrum.

However, there can be "developers" who are expert in testing. Remember that everyone in

the Development Team is called a "developer".

8.A, B

Did you notice the word "not" in the question?

Those that stay fixed during the Sprint are needed to avoid distractions, and create a more

productive environment. After all, Sprints are not so long that they create problems.

9.B, C, F

When there are n teams in the project (working on one product), there are:

1 Product Backlog

n Sprint Backlogs each Sprint

one or more Definitions of Done, as long as they are compatible with each other

1 integrated Increment each Sprint

1 Product Owner

n Scrum Master roles which can be occupied by 1 or more Scrum Masters


Each Sprint starts immediately after the previous one; there's no space between the two.


It's a good idea to use User Stories to form the Product Backlog items, but it's not mandatory.


It's not mandatory in to start and end the Sprints at the same time. That makes it

much more difficult to manage the whole project. It's not mandatory, because you may need

it in certain cases; maybe some teams are working on parts of the project that need longer

Sprints (four-week), while others need shorter ones (two-week) for shorter feedback loops.


It's not allowed to introduce new roles or titles in Scrum.


The Product Owner is the person responsible for the items and the order in which they are



A Scrum Master is always needed; at least for removing impediments.


Recently, considered ordering based on value, priority, risks, and dependencies.

However, if you don't have such a choice, the next best answer (the old-fashioned one) is

"based on value".

Note: priority is different from order; it's something like "high, medium, low", or "must-have,

should-have, could-have".


There's no project manager role in Scrum, and it's not allowed to add new role to the existing

three. Also, none of those three roles are the equivalent of a project manager; project

management activities are distributed among all of them. This is only about the project level;

you can always have higher management levels (e.g. program management), and those "can"

be compatible with what you do in your Scrum projects.


First of all, the Scrum Master doesn't order people to do something; the Scrum Master teaches

them and coaches them to understand how it should work, and convinces them to do the

right thing. The Product Owner can't order developers to do things either. Second, most of

the tasks are identified and assigned gradually during the Sprint.



Some people think that a successful team is one that can complete all the work in the Sprint

Backlog, but this is not true. To the contrary, it probably means they are too conservative in

the number of items they select for the Sprint, which in turn may reduce their productivity

because of the Parkinson's Law and the Student Syndrome. Nothing bad happens if some

items are not done by the end of the Sprint, and no one should blame the team; the Sprint

Backlog is just a rough estimate of what they can do.


22.C, D


Individual developers take responsibility for doing an item, but all developers stay

accountable (own).


Remember that there are limits to the self-organization of the team, and the important thing

is to have power within the borders of the project. However, each project is run in a wider

organization with multiple levels of management that impact the project, and it's not possible

or even acceptable to reject that structure, as long as it doesn't block internal self-organization of the team.


The Definition of Done may come from the organization. Inside the project, it's the developers

who adjust or define it.



28.C, D

Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective are "formal

opportunities for inspecting and adapting", and are considered "feedback loops".

29.B, D


Self-organization is not unlimited; e.g. you should follow the Scrum framework.

31.A, E

The events (Sprint, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective) are


32.A, B, F


It's not a formal meeting, in the sense that you and the customer won't work on

approval/acceptance of the product and exchanging signatures (that would block feedback

generation). This may be confusing, because on the other hand, Sprint Review (and other

events) are considered "formal opportunities for inspecting and adapting". The word "formal"

has been used for two different meanings in the exam, the former is what we have in this

question, and the latter simply means "serious"! So, make sure you understand the context of

the question to interpret words such as "formal".


Remember that the Increment has to be "Done", and potentially releasable. It means that all

tests should be done.


The Product Backlog is never complete.

36.A, C

(a) Usable for end-users = potentially shippable = potentially releasable = done based on the

Definition of Done

(c)This is the ultimate answer! The Definition of Done is composed in a way that ensures this



The Sprint Goal is prepared during the Sprint Planning meeting. Also, Scrum Masters don't

order people, they teach and convince people to do the right thing.

38.A, D

Scrum values are commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect.

39.A, B, D

Scrum is a simple framework rather than a comprehensive methodology, and it contains only

the necessary minimums that you need in every project. So, instead of a normal tailoring, you

will follow everything that is described in Scrum, and suit it to your project by the practices

and techniques that you add; e.g. Planning Poker, Pair-Programming, and Test-Driven

Development. When it comes to terminology, believes that it's better if you don't

change them, for the reasons that you see in the answers.


This is one of the statements added to the latest update of Scrum Guide: At least one high-priority process improvement item exists in each Sprint Backlog. It was a little unexpected,

because it's mixing content related to the product with the content related to the process in

the Sprint Backlog; but, well, that's how it is now.


Did you notice the word "not" in the statement? OK, this is usually tricky! Think of it like this:

is it correct to say that they should not be part of the Development Team? No, this is not

correct (because they can be part of the team), therefore, the statement is false. What some

people do is think about the opposite statement, and get confused. Note that the opposite

of this statement is NOT "the Product Owner and Scrum Master should be part of the

Development Team". The correct opposite of "should not" is "could" or "can" or "may", NOT


One person can have more than one role in Scrum (not recommended, but allowed).


They are the technical people in the project, which makes them the best people to decide

about engineering practices, and they are also self-organized.

43.C, D


It's up to the Product Owner to decide how they want to measure and visualize performance.


Did you notice the word "not" in the question?

There are 3 pieces of information in each Product Backlog item: the description (in the form

of a User Story, or otherwise), value, and estimate (i.e. estimated size). The ownership of items

is shared, therefore, there's no need to record it in the item.


It's one of the basic concepts in Scrum to have cross-functional, self-organizing teams.


The Development Team is cross-functional and does all the work; i.e. they don't need help

from people and departments outside the project.


49.A, B, C

Pillars are transparency, inspection, and adaptation. Make sure you're not confusing these

pillars with the Scrum values (commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect).

50.A, B, F

(a) Not allowed, because it's a reason for having Increments that are not potentially releasable

and waiting for "release" Sprints.

(b) Not allowed; preparing the tools and infrastructure is done gradually during normal Sprints.

Otherwise, it will block adaptation and generation of value.

(f) Not allowed, because all items must be integrated before we can consider them Done.

51.C, E, F

It's not mandatory to use these questions, but very common and recommended.


It's done by the Product Owner.




(a) i.e. all skills needed to create the product.

A cross-functional team is one that has all types of expertise that is required to develop the

product. Note that this is about the team as a whole, not individual team members.

56.A, D

(a) interprets "baseline" as fixing something (which is not entirely correct), and

therefore says that nothing should be baselined in Scrum.

57.A, C

It's fine! You just pick a number of items. If it was not enough, you can pick more later. If it

was too many, you will just deliver as many as you can. Nothing bad happens if you don't

deliver all items in the Sprint Backlog. The goal is to generate value, not to develop all items

in the backlog.


They are the technical people in the project, which makes them the best people to decide

about engineering practices, and they are also self-organized.

59.A, D

Scrum values are commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect.


A better way of asking is "Can the same person play both the Scrum Master role and a

Development Team member role?"

One person can have more than one role in Scrum (not recommended, but allowed).


Yes, it can be improved during the project. However, it shouldn't change in the middle of the



The timeboxed duration of events is as follows: Sprint - Maximum 1 month Daily Scrum - 15

minutes Sprint Planning - 8 hours in a one-month Sprint, and shorter proportionally Sprint

Review - 4 hours in a one-month Sprint, and shorter proportionally Sprint Retrospective - 3

hours in a one-month Sprint, and shorter proportionally


The performance of the project is measured at least once per Sprint, and the Sprint

performance is measured daily.


There's no project manager role in Scrum, and it's not allowed to add new role to the existing

three. Also, none of those three roles are the equivalent of a project manager; project

management activities are distributed among all of them. This is only about the project level;

you can always have higher management levels (e.g. program management), and those "can"

be compatible with what you do in your Scrum projects.



This is how it works: When you first add the items in the Product Backlog, you don't have to

break them down into very small and clear items, because it's a form of upfront planning.

Some of them may be very large. When you order the items, if they are at the top of the list,

you have to make them clear, and make sure they can fit into one Sprint; therefore, you will

break them down into smaller items. Some of those child items may remain at the top, and

some may go down. Nevertheless, because of this way of refining, the items at the top of the

Product Backlog are on average smaller than those at the bottom. On the other hand, items

in the Sprint Backlog come from the top of the Product Backlog, therefore, we can say that

the items in the Sprint Backlog are, on average, smaller than items on the Product Backlog.


68.C, D

(c) Everything in the Increment must be Done; i.e. 100% DONE!


None of the Scrum roles are necessarily full-time, and the person can occupy more than one

role (e.g. both Scrum Master and developer), or be a developer in more than one team. E.g.

there may be a special expertise that is needed in multiple teams, but its not needed in a full-time basis. So, one person can provide that special type of expertise to multiple teams.


The team as a whole has to be cross-functional, not the individuals inside the team.


Not allowed; preparing the tools and infrastructure is done gradually during normal Sprints.

Otherwise, it will block adaptation and generation of value.

72.D, E


Sometimes you will see questions like this in the exam. You may know that the composition

of the team should not change during the Sprint, yet, the correct choice here may imply that.

Well, it is up to you to interpret it in a way that it doesn't mean such a thing! So, the precise

statement would be "As needed, so long as it's not in the middle of the Sprint, and we consider

that it may have a short-term reduction in productivity".

74.B, E, F

Sprint Retrospective is about the way we work. It's about the things that affect the product,

but we don't discuss the product directly. In general, it's about the context, not the content.

For example, we can talk about the way Product Backlog is refined, but we won't refine the

Product Backlog in the Sprint Retrospective meeting.


There are different things that can help them in this forecast, but they are all simplified, and

the Product Owner has to consider everything and adjust the forecast before presenting it to

the stakeholders.


First of all, the Scrum Master doesn't order people to do something; the Scrum Master teaches

them and coaches them to understand how it should work, and convinces them to do the

right thing. The Product Owner can't order developers to do things either. Second, most of

the tasks are identified and assigned gradually during the Sprint.


Sprint Retrospective is about discussing the way work was done and finding ways to improve

it next time; this is mainly about lessons learned.


Both Sprint Backlog and Product Backlog evolve during their lives, and the amount of

information grows as time passes. So, at each point in time, they don't have as much detail

as they will have in the future (also imaginary future). On the other hand, we never add all the

details there. For example, it's common to say that a User Story doesn't provide all the

information, but is an excuse for people involved in the project to have communications

around a certain topic. The details are in those communications, and are not completely

captured in the backlog


The team model in Scrum is designed to optimize flexibility, creativity, and productivity.


You can't know if the code will work properly, unless you integrate it with the rest of the code.

That's why we have continuous integration in Agile, which can happen multiple times a day.





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