一.厨房小家电 Small kitchen appliance
1.吸油烟机 Range Hood
2.燃气灶 Hotplate; Gas Cooker
3.砂锅 Casserole
4.电灶具 Electric cooker
5.电磁炉 Electromagnetic Oven; induction cooker
6.电饭煲 Electric rice Cooker
7.电压力锅 Electric pressure Cooker
8.电火锅 Electric chafing dish
10.光波炉 The Convection Oven
11.电炸锅 Electric frying pan
12.电蒸锅 Electric steamer
13.粥汤煲 The soup pot
14.电炖锅 Electric Cooker
二.厨房辅助小家电 assistant small kitchen appliance
1.搅拌机 agitator; amalgamator
2.料理机 cooking machine
3.洗碗机 Dish-washing machine
4.食物垃圾处理器 Food waste processor
5.消毒柜 disinfection cabinet
6.微波炉 Microwave oven
7.电烤箱 electric oven
8.早餐吧 Breakfast
9.芝士炉 Cheese furnace
10.煎药器、煎药壶 decoction vessel
11.刨冰机;block shaving machine
碎冰机; ice crusher
炒冰机 Fry ice machine
三.家居小家电Home furnishing small household electrical
脱水机 spin drier; dehydrator di: haidreit ;
干衣机 clothes drier
洗衣机 washer
电水壶 electric Kettle; 电热壶 electric kettle
电热杯 electric cup
电冰箱 refrigerator; fridge
电烫斗 electric iron
干鞋器 shoes dryer
擦鞋器 shoe polisher
干手器 Hand dryer
电子温度计 electronic thermometer