FCC label requirement

FCC label requirement


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Number: 784748

Rule Parts: 90 Publication Date: 11/10/2008

Keyword: Part 15, Part 18, Labelling Guidelines, Labelling, Information to User, Information in Manual, User


First Category:

Third Category:

Question: What are the labelling and user information requirements for Part 15 and Part 18 devices?


Guidelines for labelling and user Information for Part 15 and Part 18 devices are contained in the below

attached document "784748 D01 Labelling Part 15 18 Guidelines v07". Links to 300 ppi artwork for Declaration

of Conformity labels are available below:

Examples of Labelling Requirements

Equipment AuthorizationFCC Rule Section(s):Label:

§15.19(a)(1) Receivers This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC

associated with the operation of Rules. Operation is subject to the condition

a licensed radio service, e.g., that this device does not cause harmful

FM broadcast under Part 73, interference.

land mobile operation under

Part 90, etc., shall bear the

following statement in a

conspicuous location on the


§15.19(a)(2) A stand-alone This device is verified to comply with Part

cable input selector switch, 15 of the FCC Rules for use with cable

shall bear the following television service.

statement in a conspicuous

location on the device:

§15.19(a)(3) All other devices This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC

shall bear the following Rules. Operation is subject to the following

statement in a conspicuous two conditions: (1) this device may not

location on the device:cause harmful interference, and (2) this

device must accept any interference

received, including interference that may

cause undesired operation.

§2.954 Devices must be The identification format shall not be

labelled with a unique ed with the FCC ID label for


§2.925(a) Each equipment Example: FCC ID AAAXXXXX. AAA=3

covered in an application for Character Grantee Code; XXXXX =

equipment authorization shall Applicant's unique Equipment Product Code

bear a nameplate or label listing (14 characters or less).

the following: (1) FCC Identifier

consisting of the two elements

in the exact order specified in

Section 2.926. The FCC

Identifier shall be preceded by

the term FCC ID in capital

letters on a single line, and

Radio Service Rules

Second Category: Labelling - Parts 2.925 & 15.19

Verification and Certification

Additional Labelling For

Verification Only

Additional Labelling For

Certification Only

shall be of a type size large

enough to be legible without

the aid of magnification:

§15.19(b)(1)(i) Products

subject to authorization under a

Declaration of Conformity shall

be labelled as follows:

Declaration of Conformity

Part 18 Declaration of


Part 18 Verification

Print 300

ppi tif files

6.7 X 2.8"

3.5 X 1.4"

1.6 X .7"



right click

and "Save

Target As"

§15.19(b)(1)(ii) If a personal Print 300

computer is authorized based ppi tif files

on assembly using separately 6.7 X 2.8"

3.5 X 1.4" authorized components:

1.6 X .7"



right click

and "Save

Target As"

§18.209(b) Devices authorized Print 300

under the Declaration of ppi tif files

Conformity procedure shall be 6.7 X 2.8"

labelled with:3.5 X 1.4"

1.6 X .7"



right click

and Save

Target As"

§2.954 Devices subject only to A uniquely identified label shall not be of a

verification shall be uniquely format which could be confused with the

FCC Identifier (FCC ID) required on certified identified by the person

responsible for marketing or equipment or the Declaration of Conformity

importing the equipment within label. The importer or manufacturer shall

the United States:maintain adequate identification records to

facilitate positive identification for each

verified device.

Attachment List:

784748 D01 Labelling Part 15 18 Guidelines v07 ,Published on: Nov 10 2008 4:08PM

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