($sid) { session_delete(array('sid' => $sid)); session_data_delete(array('sid' => $sid)); return TRUE; } function sess_gc($maxlifetime) { global $time; $expiry = $time - $maxlifetime; $arrlist = session_find(array('last_date' => array('<' => $expiry)), array(), 1, 10000, '', array('sid', 'bigdata', 'last_date')); if (!$arrlist) return TRUE; $expiry = $time - 21600; // 超6小时未提交丢弃上传图片和附件 $sidarr = array(); foreach ($arrlist as $val) { if ($val['last_date'] > $expiry && $val['bigdata']) continue; $sidarr[] = $val['sid']; } if (empty($sidarr)) return TRUE; session_delete(array('sid' => $sidarr)); session_data_delete(array('sid' => $sidarr)); return TRUE; } function sess_start() { global $conf, $sid, $g_session; ini_set('session.name', $conf['cookie_pre'] . 'sid'); ini_set('session.use_cookies', TRUE); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', TRUE); ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $conf['cookie_domain']); // 为空则表示当前目录和子目录 ini_set('session.cookie_path', $conf['cookie_path']); // 打开后只有通过 https 才有效 ini_set('session.cookie_secure', FALSE); ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 8640000); // 打开后 js 获取不到 HTTP 设置的 cookie, 有效防止 XSS,对于安全很重要,除非有 BUG,否则不要关闭。 ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', TRUE); // 活动时间 ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $conf['online_hold_time']); // 垃圾回收概率 = gc_probability/gc_divisor ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); // 垃圾回收时间 5 秒,在线人数 * 10 / 每1000个请求回收一次垃圾 ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 1000); session_set_save_handler('sess_open', 'sess_close', 'sess_read', 'sess_write', 'sess_destroy', 'sess_gc'); // register_shutdown_function 会丢失当前目录,需要 chdir(APP_PATH) $conf['url_rewrite_on'] > 1 and function_exists('chdir') and chdir(APP_PATH); // 这个必须有,否则 ZEND 会提前释放 $db 资源 register_shutdown_function('session_write_close'); session_start(); $sid = session_id(); return $sid; } // 刷新页面清理附件缓存 废弃 function sess_clear_attach() { global $sid, $time; $arr = session_read($sid); if (!$arr || 0 == $arr['bigdata']) return TRUE; session_update($sid, array('bigdata' => 0, 'last_date' => $time)); session_data_delete(array('sid' => $sid)); return TRUE; } function online_count() { return session_count(); } function online_list_cache() { static $cache = array(); $key = 'online_list'; if (isset($cache[$key])) return $cache[$key]; $cache[$key] = cache_get($key); if (NULL === $cache[$key]) { $cache[$key] = session_find(array('uid' => array('>' => 0)), array('last_date' => -1), 1, 1000); foreach ($cache[$key] as &$online) { $user = user_read_cache($online['uid']); $online['username'] = $user['username']; $online['gid'] = $user['gid']; $online['ip_fmt'] = safe_long2ip($online['ip']); $online['last_date_fmt'] = date('Y-n-j H:i', $online['last_date']); } cache_set('online_list', $cache[$key], 300); } return $cache[$key]; } function online_user_list_cache() { static $cache = array(); $key = 'online_user_list'; if (isset($cache[$key])) return $cache[$key]; $cache[$key] = cache_get($key); if (NULL === $cache[$key]) { $cache[$key] = session_find(array('uid' => array('>' => 0)), array(), 1, 1000, 'uid', array('uid')); cache_set('online_user_list', $cache[$key], 300); } return $cache[$key]; } ?>全国学生营养日 National Students Nutrition Day_英语作文|江阴雨辰互联

全国学生营养日 National Students Nutrition Day_英语作文

全国学生营养日 National Students Nutrition Day_英语作文


全国学生营养日 National Students Nutrition Day

National Students nutrition day is on May 20th, started from

1989, this day has made great contribution to the whole nation’

s students. The Chinese nutritionist Yu Ruomu, had made a ten

year project in order to enhance the nutritional status of the

whole national students. As we all know, human body needs enough

nutrition to function. As to the students, lack of nutrition

will lead to mental retardation, hyperactivity and so on. So

it is very important for us to eat different kinds of food.






来说非常重要。According to the least survey, Chinese students

lack of Vitamin A, calcium, iron and zinc. Some children are

too particularly with food that they don’t eat staple food;

instead, they turn to different kinds of snacks. As a result,

they may become sick because lack of vitamins and other elements.

If we want to keep fit and keep the doctor away, we better do


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健康,不找医生,那我们最好注意饮食。First of all, we should eat

different kinds of fruits and vegetables. Do not eat too much

sweet or drink too much soft drinks. Early to bed and early to

rise, do more outdoor exercises; don’t play too many computer

games. Last but not least, take the body examination once a year.

If you have any problems, you can fix them immediately.

Prevention is better than cure. Only in these ways, we can stay

in good health.首先,我们要吃不同的蔬菜水果。不要吃太多的甜





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