Listening (60%)
A Circle the words you hear.(16分)
1. skip shirt swim sing
2. mangoes apples oranges pears
3. book foot frog box
4. hand head house hair
5. door drive doll desk
6. shop hot dog stop
7. duck bus cup duster
8. pens bench park book
B Listen and tick the correct picture.( 16分)
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
C Listen and write a tick or a cross(8分)
1. I can go by . ( )
2. You can go by . ( )
3. They can go by . ( )
4. We can go by . ( )
D Listen and write the letters in the correct boxes.(20分)
A. Ken B. Bob C. Gigi D. Fanny E. May