


12 Governments should offer a free university education to any student who

has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition.


25 Governments should offer college and university education free of charge

to all students.

12 ~ / 25:政府应该为录取的穷人提供免费大学教育/ 对所有人免费(b)



降,学生不一定还努力。其他方式:Scholarship,interest-free loan,公司赞助,私人


Should government offer free university education to those who have been

admitted but can’t pay the tuition? Well, I have to say that free education indeed

would greatly improve popular literacy and enhance a nation’s overall well-being

in the long run. But at the same time we have to be realistic in that it is nearly

impossible for government to offer free education to everyone who is qualified,

due to pressing financial problems with the government itself. Therefore some

alternatives considering both pros and cons of free education should be made.

First of all, there is no doubt that the university students are the nation’s

future, and the development level of their country is largely tied with their

education level. More students going to college and university would indisputably

contribute to more creation of jobs, more economic growth, and stronger overall

power of the nation. Also, more jobs created by more educated people would

increase a nation’s tax revenue in many folds and enhance the comprehensive

strength in many aspects over the long run.

Moreover, history tells us that great potential and capacity also dwell in those

who have a poor family background and have little access to good education. Two

apt examples involve the business realm and the world of science. Andrew

Carnegie, one of the most admired industrialists in American history, rose from an

insignificant background to universal accolade. Although too poor to go to school,

he strived to educate himself by reading books from Anderson’s personal library.

Had Carnegie been offered a free education, he would have contributed more to

our society. Another example tells the story of Faraday, the great physicist who

discovered electromagnetic field. Faraday was also born in a poor family and had

limited education, and his mathematical ability didn’t exceeded trigonometry

and simplest algebra. But his perseverance and ingenuity in electricity led him to

many discoveries and inventions such as the electric motor technology and

electromagnetic induction. Had he received more education, he would have been

able to summarize his discoveries into a set of math equations, which was instead

proposed by Maxwell. Therefore, in today’s highly competitive world, nobody

should be deprived access to advanced education, and by offering free college

education we can ensure that every brilliant student has the opportunity to fulfill

their dreams.

Having recognized the great benefit of free education, nevertheless we should

be aware that universal free education would become a ponderous financial

burden for governments. When considering the fiscal budget of government, we

have to concede that sometimes it is just unrealistic for government to pour so

much financial support in education. Many other urgent issues in the society also

wait government officials to tackle, and still many projects are even in greater need

of financial support. Therefore offering free education to anyone who has been

admitted to a university is unfeasible in reality. What’s more, free education

would mean limited revenue for colleges and universities, and it is inevitable that

the overall quality of its education would be undermined due to limited revenue.

So in some sense it is unfair for some students who are willing to pay more for a

better education to be settled equally. What’s more, we don’t even know if

government’s support for poor students is worthwhile in that not all poor

students have the motivation to study hard and accomplish more. So in short the

issue of a free education for every qualified person remains a controversial one.

In sum, although there exist many cases in which many brilliant students are

deprived of further education due to poverty and other financial problems, it

nevertheless doesn’t imply that government should offer a free education to all

those who are admitted. Instead, many other alternatives are available to offer

financial support to poor students, such as scholarships and interest-free loans.

Also, government could encourage private company’s donations to education

and relieve its tightening budget.





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