heavy rain 暴雨
heavy sky 乌云密布的天空
heavy load 重负载
heavy industry重工业
heavy style晦涩的文体
heavy blow沉重的打击
heavy casualty 惨重的伤亡
heavy fate命运
heavy news悲痛的消息,坏消息
heavy features浓眉大眼
heavy food难消化的食物
heavy wine烈酒
heavy eater食量大的人
heavy smoker 烟瘾大的人,老烟枪瘾君子
heavy fire烈火
heavy crop丰收
heavy task 繁重的任务
heavy current强电流
heavy machine 重机械
heavy sleep酣睡
heavy taxes重税
heavy road 泥泞的路
heavy applause热烈的掌声
heavy traffic 拥挤的交通
heavy sea
硬包装, hard package,
硬笔(书法), (calligraphical works done with) hard-tipped,
硬塑料, rigid plastic,
硬武器, lethal/destructive weapon,
硬汉, tough/dauntless/unyielding man,
硬话, strong/harsh words,
硬功夫, great skill/high proficiency
硬道理 , absolute principle.
正式合同:formal contract, written contract, sealed contract, contract
长纪录片:long documentary
创奇迹: do/ work wonders
拥挤的交通:heavy traffic
碰运气: take a chance
强硬的政策:tough policy
扎根: take root
铁一般的事实:hard fact
打井: dig wells
供不应求的市场:tight market
受贿: accept a bribe
学习知识: acquire/ obtain knowledge
提高经济效益: enhance economic performance, increase economic returns
实现个人价值: realize one’s personal value
普及义务教育: extend compulsory education
用发展的眼光看中国: see china in the light of her development
Qin Shi Huang unified China and standardized the forms of writing and coinage and weights and measures.
I got on horseback within ten minutes after I got your letter. When I got to Canterbury I got a chaise for
town, but I got wet through, and have got such a cold that I shall not get rid of it in a hurry. I got to
the Treasury about noon, but first of all got shaved and dressed. I soon got into the secret of getting a
memorial before the Board, but I could not get one next morning. As soon as I got back to my inn, I got my
breakfast, and having got dressed, I got out in time to get an answer to my memorial. As soon as I got it,
I got into a chaise, and got back to Canterbury by three, and got home for tea. I have got nothing for you,
and so adieu.
They are as thick as thieves. 他们非常亲密/亲如兄弟/情同手足
bookish” & “book worm” 书卷气,书迷
to go into retreat, to go to one’s private office,to go to the bank, to go to Egypt, to go tap a kidney,
生米做成熟饭 what’s done is done 意译
2. 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉 the toad on the ground wanting to eat the goose in the sky 直译
3. 切片/切碎/腌/去皮 slicing/ mincing/ pickling, salting/ skinning, peeling
4. 炒/煎/煮/蒸/煲 stir-frying/ pan-frying/ boiling/ steaming/ stewing
5. 叉烧肉/白切鸡/涮羊肉/红烧肉/叫化鸡
barbecued pork, roast pork fillet/ steamed chicken/ instant boiled mutton/ braised pork with brown sauce/ baked mud-coated chicken,
beggar’s chicken
6. 知识始自实践。Knowledge begins with practice.
B. 请列举中国著名的八大菜系,并任选一种介绍其特色之处。
Fujian Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Cantonese Cuisine, Beijing Cuisine, Shandong Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, Anhui
Cantonese Cuisine focuses on color, smell, taste, appealing. It has five features: pure, fresh, tender(嫩), flowing texture (滑), crispy
(爽). The main methods of making Cantonese foods includes quick-frying爆炒, steaming, boiling, stewing and frying烹.
仰卧(俯卧) lie on one’s back (stomach)
倒立 stand on one’s hand
蛙泳 breaststroke
双杠 parallel bars
活字典 walking dictionary
内部刊物 restricted publications
应用题 story problem
走读生 day student
非处方药 over-the-counter medicine
门诊病人 outpatient
餐具 tableware
保暖杯 vacuum flask
汗衫 T-shirt
秒表 stopwatch
家谱 family tree
隐形眼镜 contact lens
to spend a penny, to cash a check,to see a man about a dog, to shake hands with an old friends, to see one’
s aunt, to visit the sandbox, to fix one’s face, to powder one’s nose, to do a job for oneself, to do one’
s duty/needs/business,to see John, to ease one’s nature, to perform one’s ablution, to pluck a rose, to
water the lawn, shake dew off the lily, to shoot a lion, to have a bio-break, to look at those foul verses
in Poet’s Corner, to hit and miss, etc.
visual surveillance 视觉监控
surgical strike 外科手术式打击
air support 空中支援
strategic movement to the rear 阶段性转移
strategic village 战略村
Some words and expressions are almost always used in the plural form:
binoculars 双筒望远镜, pants, trousers, scissors, pincers 钳子, pliers 老虎钳, spectacles 眼镜, annals 年
报, remains 遗迹,遗体, etc.
Some terms are habitually plural in form but are treated as singulars:
the United States, the United Nations, the Philippines, etc.
候机室 departure lounge
美人计 honey trap
手扶拖拉机 walking tractor
乳臭未干 still wet behind the ears
画蛇添足 put a fifth wheel to the cart
companion volume 姐妹篇
glass eye 玻璃假眼,马的一种盲症
school report 学生成绩报告单
九五折 five percent discount
不二价 uniform price
传销 pyramid sale
standing clock 座钟
三角债 debt chain
一次性筷子 throwaway chopsticks
一次性杯子 sanitary(卫生的清洁的) cup;disposable cup
一次性包装 disposable packaging
“He is professional.” 他是一个职业拳击手
“She is professional.” 她是一个职业妓女
Literal translation:
to regret that it is iron but not steel.
to wish that iron could be turned into steel.
The Connotative meaning:
The speaker is disappointed that someone-usually a loved one-does not do as good as has been expected.
《钢铁是怎样炼成的》 The Making of a Hero’
English :silly ass, lame duck, queer fish, early bird, lucky dog, black sheep, dark horse, drowned rat, rat in
a hole, etc.
(derogatory senses)
jolly dog, top dog, lucky dog, sly dog, clever dog, like a dog with two tails, help a lame dog over a stile, teach
an old dog new tricks, Every dog has its day, etc.
(neutral or commendatory implications)
瓮中之鳖a rat in a hole
蠢得像猪as stupid as a goose
胆小如鼠chicken-hearted, pigeon-hearted, as timid as a rabbit
牛饮drink like a fish
如鱼得水like a duck to water
猫哭老鼠shed crocodile tears
养虎为患warm a sanke in one’s bosom
杀鸡取卵kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
热锅上的蚂蚁like a hen on a hot girdle/ like a cat on hot bricks
骑虎难下hold a wolf by the ear
非驴非马neither fish, flesh, nor fowl
公鸭嗓子as hoarse as a crow
引狼入室set the fox to keep the geese
宁为鸡头,勿为牛后。better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.
缘木求鱼—fish in the air 竹篮打水—make a wild goose chase
水中捞月—cry for the moon 问道于盲—hold a candle to the sun
挑雪填井—slough the sands
Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang translated “请安” as “went down on one’s knee in salute”;
But Hawks turned it into “couch one’s hand and knee to the ground in Manchu salute”.
coolie—苦力 polaroid—拍立得
romantic– 罗曼蒂克 crown– 康乐球
marathon– 马拉松 pump– 泵
vitamin– 维他命 hysteria—歇斯底里
shampoo – 香波 utopia—乌托邦
club– 俱乐部 simmons—席梦思
bowling—保龄球 bandage—绷带
* A kiss planted on the forehead of a young Iranian director by a well-known actress has landed the pair in court
and sparked heated protests in the Islamic Republic over physical contact between the sexes.
* [译文]一位年轻的伊朗导演被一位知名的女演员在额头上亲吻了一下,而双双进入法庭,并因在不同性别之间有了肉体的接
* [赏析]原句一气呵成,这,就是英语!主句(A kiss has landed the pair in court)很短,但附结在主句上的attachments
* [Counter-Comment]:
* 1. 主动or被动?
* 2. 吻or 亲吻?
* 3. “肉体接触”好,还是“身体接触”好?
* 4.激烈抗议or 强烈抗议?
* 5. “累累”之势is a criticism or praise?
* So there was stunned silence at a film awards ceremony in the central city of Yazd last Friday when respected
actress Gohar Kheirandish kissed the forehead of Ali Zamani and shook his hand when presenting the prize for top
* [译文]因此,上周五在中心城市Yazd举行的一场电影颁奖典礼上,当受人尊敬的女演员Gohar Kheirandish在给Ali Zamani
* [赏析]原句出现不可多得的修辞格Transferred Epithet,我们汉语称之为“移就”:stunned silence。请注意,silence
本身不可能stunned,stunned者,全场观众也!遗憾的是,我们汉语不接受stunned silence的直译(如:惊吓的沉默)。我
* [Counter-comment]:
* 1.”中心城市Yazd”?Yazd is a province of Iran, usually translated as 亚兹德(省).And its provincial capital
is also called Yazd.
* 2. 一场典礼sounds awkard. It can be omitted.
* 3. 当„的时候is typical translationese, which should be avoided.
* 4.全场一片惊愕,人们鸦雀无声is over-translation. It can be better translated as 人们一下子惊呆了。
* 5. Transferred epithet can be translated literally sometimes as Chinese also often uses this rhetoric means,
such as 必恭必敬的服从(pious obedience),愤怒的子弹(angry bullets),忧心忡忡的夜晚(anxious nights).
The end