【able,capable,competent】 adj.[定,表,补]有能力的,能干的
able 指有能力做某事,强调聪明、能干、有本事,后面可接动词不定式,后加-er,—est构成比
较级和最高级形式,用例:There are many able students in our institute. //You are able to
do it better than I. // She is an abler actress than I thought.
capable 意为“有能力的、有才能的”,与able相比语义较弱,有时两词可以互换使用,但capable
后面只可接介词of,而不能接动词不定式, 前接more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式,
用例:Let me introduce the capable doctor to your parents. // Show your teacher what you
are capable of // He is capable of running a mile in four minutes.
competent 除表示“有能力”外,还兼有“胜任的” 之义,后面可接动词不定式或介词as,for
或to,前接more,themost构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:He isn't a very competent director./
/Is she competent to do the work?// Is she competent as a teacher?//They are competent
for designing this type of machine.//He is not competent to the task of teaching English.
【absurd,ridiculous】 ddj.[定,表,补]荒谬的,可笑的
这两个词前接more,the most构成比较级和最 高级形式。
absurd 意为“荒谬的、可笑的”,表示某种言论因其极不符合逻辑、常识和情理而令人发笑,往
往指无稽之谈,常后接介词in 用例:It is absurd in theory. // n is absurd to predict
that the sun will not rise tomorrow. // What could be more absurd than that?
ridiculous 指某人或某件事是“荒唐可笑的”,常后接介词in 用例:He looks ridiculous in that
hat. //Don't be ridiculous! //The idea seemed ridiculous to him.
【abundant,ample】 adj. [定,表,补]大量的 这两个词意义相近,许多情况下可互换,但
abundant 意为“大量的、多的”,多指某物品有“充裕的”供应,前接more,the most构成比较
级和最高级形式,但很少使用, 用例:abundant rainfall // an abundant supply of meat,
milk and eggs。
ample 本义为“充分的”,可引申为“大量的’,表示足够或超出必要的程度,通常后接不可效名
词或可数名词复数形式,可前接more, the most或后加·er,·est构成比较级和最高级形
式,用例:ample opportunities//ample time // We have ample money for the journey.
【acid,sour】 adj.[定,表,补]酸的
acid 一般指自然的酸味,通常是因含有化学酸,其引申义可表示辛辣、刻薄或讽刺,无比较级
或最高级形式,用例:acid rain//acid fruits// Lemons have an acid taste.—// His wit
became acid.
sour 有时可与acid互换使用,用例:The fruit is still green and tastes sour.该词也表示物质由于
发酵或变质而发酸,后加-er,—est构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:sour garbage//sour milk
//He has a sour temper. 用于形容人 时,指人脾气坏、尖酸挑剔,用例:Jane took a sour view
of everything.
【 accurate,exact,precise】 adj.[定,表,补]准确的,精确的
accurate 意为“准确的、精确的”,往往含有小心谨慎地做到与某一标准或客观事物相符合或相
一致的意味,可后接介词at,in等,前接more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:
Clocks in railway station should be accurate./ He was accurate in his work. // His
memory was not accurate.
exact 意为“确切的、精确的、贴切的”,强调与事 实、真实情况或标准绝对相符、严格吻合,
语气比accurate强,常后接介词in无比较级或最高级形式,用例:He is always exact in his
words.//I can hardly find an exact word to express. // What is the exact size of the room?
precise 意为“准确的、精确的”,着重指具有高度的精确度和准确性,表示连详情细节都精确无
the most构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:He is precise in a11 his habits. // It is hard to
give a precise definition to it.
【 acute,keen,sharp】adj.定,表,补]敏锐的
acute 意为“敏锐的、精明的”,强调对别人不易察觉的细微差别的感受性,也可表示只能短时
间内保持的高度神经紧张状态,前接more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:Her
judgment is acute. // He has an acute awareness of the slightest ambiguity in each statement
made by his opponent.//With his acute mind,he was able to find an answer quickly.
keen 意为“敏捷的、敏锐的”,强调机敏过人或非凡的洞察力,同时还带有精力旺盛并令人信服
est 构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:a keen intelligence//The retired president's insight is as
keen as before. // Is your grandfather's eyesight still keen?
sharp 意为“敏锐的、灵敏的、机敏的”,通常表示天分极高,而不一定在某一领域受过专门教
高级形式,用例:He is old but his mind is still sharp.// n takes sharp eyes to see the flaw. /
/You won't catch him.He is very sharp.
【acute,nasty,urgent】 adj. [定,表,补]严重的,急迫的acute 意为“严重的、激烈的”,通
more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式;用例:an acute water shortage // the acute
problem of air pollution in cities//The doctors think his illness is acute rather than chronic.
nasty 意为“严重的、凶险的”,在不正式的用法中,该词可以形容任何严厉的、严重的或者有
害的行为,后加·er,·est构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:She old him that she wouldn't put up
with his nasty remarks any longer.//I have a nasty cold this morning.
urgent 常用词,意为“紧迫的、急促的”,该词常修饰某种紧急情况,表示接近危机状态,前接
more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:The matter is urgent;we must do it now./
/ The refugees are in urgent need of help.// I received an urgent message from my father
telling me to return home at once.
【adequate,enough,sufficient】 adj.[定,表,补]充足的 本组词无比较级或最高级形式。
adequate 较正式用词,意为“充分的、足够的”,指数量或程度上符合某一特定或最低要求,用
例:The supply is not adequate to the demand.// We took adequate food for a short camping
holiday./ Is your salary adequate to support a family of five?
enough 常用词,意为“足够的、充足的”,多指数量、份量或程度上能满足需求或愿望,特别
在前;反之,该名词在后。用例:We have enough money,so why don't we have a good meal? /
/We have time enough to get to the airport.
// The food iS enough for a11 of us.Please don't worry.
sufficient 正式用词,意为“足够的、充分的”,在很多情况下,可与enough通用,主要表示
实际需要能够得到满足,作定语时只可置于所修饰的名词之前,用例:Is one hundred yuan
sufficient for the expenses of your journey?//The poor child didn't have sufficient clothing for the
winter.//He has sufficient authority to allow them to do this.
【adult,mature】 adj.成年的,成熟的 这两个词可指已经完成了生命最初阶段的成长期和发展
adult [定]用于修饰人时,指其生理上已过于青少年期,法律上也已达到法定年龄。该词暗示一
个年龄分界线,例如18岁或21岁,无比较级 或最高级形式,用例:adult education// adult
entertainment//Are these films suitable for adult women only?
mature [定,表,补]修饰人时,常着重表示其智力、智慧及体力“成熟”,而并无严格的具体年
龄界定,可前接more,the most或后加·er,·est构成比较级和最高级形式,用例:He is not mature
enough to be given too much responsibility.// She is very mature for her age.
【advanced,progressive】 adj.[定,表,补]先进的,进步的
这两个词前接more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式。
advanced 意为“先进的、高级的”,多表示时间上和位置上处于前面的,或者在发展过程中早