Game localization translation, translated into English,
and then write 10 bilingual examples.
1. 您的炮弹库已满,请前往商店购买更多的空间。
Your missile storage is full, please go to the store to
purchase more space.
2. 点击屏幕开始游戏。
Tap the screen to start the game.
3. 整装待发!即将出发!
Get ready! We're about to set off!
4. 这个难关实在是太难了,需要多试几次。
This challenge is really tough. We'll need to try it a
few more times.
5. 这一关卡的难度比之前的要高,需要准备好克服它。
This level is more difficult than the last ones. We need
to be prepared to overcome it.
6. 让我们看看你的高分给排行榜添上一笔吧!
Let's see if your high score can be added to the
7. 获得道具的最快途径是通过完成每个关卡。
The quickest way to get power-ups is by completing all
the levels.
8. 等待时可以使用时间加速道具。
Use the time speed-up tool while waiting.
9. 需要用手指滑动来控制屏幕。
Swipe with your fingers to control the screen.
10. 喜欢这个游戏?不要忘记给它评分、分享和留言!
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