I think that the most important difference is that 'an accident' is something which happens
purely by chance, there was no intention involved, and we can’t really use 'incident' like this.
If you do something by accident, you don't mean to do it, perhaps it's something you do or
did without thinking.
Post-it notes, for example, are little sticky pieces of paper that we use to write notes on. And
they were discovered by accident when a scientist, who was trying to make a very strong
glue created a very weak one instead. He didn't mean to discover Post-it notes - he made
them by accident.
We often use 'accident' to describe something unpleasant or unfortunate ?
"She had an accident while she was skiing and broke her leg."
It's especially common to use it when we are talking about traffic and vehicle collisions ...
"The car accident caused a big problem on the motorway."
'An incident' is much more general - we can use it to talk about almost anything that
happens, any single event. If we were describing a particular time when something went
badly wrong, we might talk about "the incident last summer" for example.
It might be something completely intentional - someone deliberately starting an argument ...
"We don't talk about politics at home since the incident last summer. Li was looking for an
argument and brought up the subject of the recent elections."
We couldn't call the argument 'an accident' because Li started it deliberately.
We often say 'incident' when we don't want to mention what actually happened, or
sometimes if we want to make an event sound less important. The police use 'incident' to
talk about possible crimes, if they're not yet sure if a crime has been committed. It's quite
common to hear:
"Police are looking into the incident."
It means that they are investigating to see if someone has committed a crime.
So the biggest difference is that accidents are never intentional, but incidents might be
Accident and Incident: 两词区别
Accident and Incident: 两词区别
Yang Li: Hello and welcome to Question and Answer of the Week. 我是杨莉,大家好。
Kate: Hello, I'm Kate.
Yang Li: 我们今天要回答的问题来自昆明的Zoe. 我请菲菲来读一下她在电子邮件中提出的问题
“看书时发现 incident与 accident 意思差不多,但究竟它们在用法上有什么区别呢,两个可以互换
---Zoe, KunmingYang Li: Zoe wrote that she found the words accident and incident similar
inmeaning and would like to know what the differences are. Can you helpKate?
Kate: Sure, I can help with that. Well, obviously there are lots of different uses for these
words but I want to focus on the basic meanings for each and their differences. I'll give lots
of examples too of course!
Yang Li: Good. 我们将集中介绍这两个词的基本用法和区别,附带很多例句。
Kate: Let’s start with the word accident. It is used to mean an unpleasant event that happens
unintentionally and causes damage. The word can apply to an object or a person. A person involved
in an accident could be injured or even die.
Yang Li: 首先这是一个名词,它的意思意外的事故,故障, 不幸甚至伤亡。可以指人,也可以指
Kate: We often hear stories relating to car accidents or traffic accidents.
Yang Li: Car accidents 汽车事故,traffic accidents交通事故。请听例句。
Insert I can see why they are tightening the rules for driving as there are so many traffic
accidents nowadays.
Kate: It can be something major or minor.
Page 2 of 3Yang Li: 既可指大事故,也可以指小事故。比如一个人把手给划破了。
Insert--What happened to your finger?
--Well, I had a slight accident at home and broke a glass. When I tried to pick up the pieces
I cut my finger, but it's not serious.
Kate: Here you could say that this man cut his finger accidentally, meaning by mistake.
In this sense accidentally means something bad or undesirable.
Yang Li: Accidentally 是副词,不幸地。
Kate: However the word accident can also refer to an unplanned event that is a good and
positive thing.
Yang Li: Accident 还可以指意外的好事, 比如下面的对话者说一个人的获奖完全是因为他前面的
Insert--He was over the moon at winning the speech competition, wasn’t he?
--Yes, it was a bit of an accident because the other competitors both pulled out at the
last minute!
Kate: Here is a common phrase to learn: by accident, which means by chance.
Yang Li: 意思是碰巧了,偶然。
Kate: A lot of our users told us that they found the website by accident!
Yang Li: And of course, they lived happily ever after!
StingYang Li: 前面我们讲了accident 这个词的用法,下面我们举例讲解incident.
Kate: The word incident simply refers to something that happened – anoccurrence either
big or small, which was not necessarily good or bad.
Yang Li: Incident 是个名词,最基本的意思是发生的事情或事件occurrence 不一定好,也不一定
Kate: For example: 2010 World Cup passed without incident.
Yang Li: 这一句话的意思是世界杯平平安安地结束了,含义是既没有出大事也没出小事。
Kate: It can also refer to an occurrence or event that interrupts normal procedure or
precipitates a crisis. For example, we might talk about 'an international incident'.