Chinese Pronunciation

Chinese Pronunciation


Chinese Pronunciation(汉语发音)

2008-10-06 20:29

Chinese Pronunciation

Composition of the Chinese Alphabet (pinyin)

1. Syllable

A syllable is the basic unit in the sound structure of modern Chinese. A syllable is

composed by an initial consonant, a simple or compound vowel and tone. Generally

speaking, one Chinese character is composed of one syllable.

2. Initial consonant

An initial consonant is the beginning consonant of a syllable. There are 23 initial

consonants in Chinese. They are:

b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c

s y w.

3. Simple or compound vowel

Vowels after an initial consonant are called simple or compound vowels. There are 36

simple and compound vowels. They are:

a o e i u ü ai ei ui ao ou iu ie üe an en

in un ün ang eng ing ong er ia iao ian iang iong ua

uo uai uan uang ueng üan.

4. Whole syllables

Some syllables are pronounced as a whole, and are called "whole syllables". There are 16

such syllables. They are:

zhi chi shi ri zi ci si ye yi yin ying wu yu yue yun


5. Syllables with no initials

There are some syllables with no initials. Examples include:

ān 安 (safe); a 啊 (ah)

Rules of phonetic spelling

In Chinese, the initial consonant and simple or compound vowels are grouped together

with a tone. The spelling rules go as follows:

1. Initial consonants "j q x" are only grouped together with the simple or compound

vowels "i" and "ü". The two dots above the "ü" are omitted when the vowel is joined

with a consonant. For example:





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