引言 Introduction
Human geography is such a subject full of vitalities despite of being neglected
research themes, the social-spatial structure and the relationship between human and environments,
have brought opportunities and challenges to both various forms of research and
recent 30 years, the western human geography has so many variegated theories and
geographers have kept absorbing new ideas and opinions from many other
subjects, which gives tremendous vital force to the development of human geography.
Characters of human geography
Formation and differentiation of geography
Geography mainly studies the earth sphere that people live in.
Geography studied in university had ramifications about “physical geography” and “human
geography” because its development had been affected by the differentiation of natural science
and social science from the beginning.
随着科学的进步和社会需求的出现,地理学的定义也在不断地发生变化。通过英国和美国地理学家学会研究组对大多数地理学系课程和学科体系的调查发现, 1990年代的地理学主要由人文地理学、自然地理学、混合人文和自然地理学和其它领域四个方面所组成 。
With the development of sciences and the emergence of social demands, the definition of
geography has been evolving continuously.
As shown in a survey about the curriculum and the subject system of geography, in the
1990s, geography was consisted of four branches: human geography, physical geography, human-
physical geography together with other geography fields.
Progress of human geography
From late 1800s to early 1900s, human geography germinated in German and France.
From 1918 to1939, the progress of human geography was in the period of early survey.
After the world War II, especially from the 1960s, human geography had interacted and
linked up with other social sciences. It changed into interpreting the relationship between human
and society, human and environment, human and site or place, while in the early time, it mainly
aimed to describe region and place.
20世纪60-70年代,地理学的数量革命涉及到 “社会经济”的诸多主题,为后来的诸如人口、社会、城市、经济、工业和农业地理学等一些专门人文地理学学科的发展奠定了基础。
From 1960s to 1970s, quantitative revolution in geography stepped into many themes of
social contributed to the development of many human geography specialties such as
population geography,social geography,urban geography,economic geography,industrial
geography and agricultural geography.
From 1970s to 1980s, two important trends of the world human geography, inner
specialization and philosophical diversity, had come into being.
In the 1980s, positivistic geography, humanist geography and radical geography had
become three distinct subject methods.
In the past 20 years, various thoughts from other sciences have brought new growth points to
human geography. Ethnic geography, population geography, settlement geography, cultural
geography, political geography, commercial geography, economic geography, industrial geography,
agricultural geography, transportation geography and so on have developed during the time.
The basic theories of contemporary human geography refer to space, globalization,
urbanization, population, migration, culture, landscape, development, geopolitics and so on .
The main contents include: (1)the relation between globalization and regional differences;
(2)the relation between human and circumstances; (3)the political and economic evolution of
different-scale space(including the world, state, region and urban). (4)the social-cultural characters
of factors relating to nationality, race, gender, age, class, and their effects on spatial development .
1、经济地理学 Economic geography
Main task: study the spatial distribution and arrangement of human economical activities,
such as production, circulation and consumption.
Traditional economic geography was concerned with the connections between natural
environment and the arrangement of resources, production and commerce. Its research highlighted
production distribution and location analysis.
The contemporary economic geography has began to focus on the effects that the decision
of government and people imposed on economic distribution and then territory renovation has
been regarded.
Urban geography
Many factors,such as demands of urban reconstruction in many countries, the emergence of
more and more new cities as well as growth of the urban scale, have accelerated the urbanization.
Hence, urban geography is becoming more and more important in human geography category.
Tourist geography
After the second world war, tourism industry developed vigorously and tourist income
became increasingly important to the national income. Then, tourist geography developed quickly
and became a new branch of human geography.
Political geography
In 1897,拉采尔 published POLITCAL GEOGRAPHY, in which the state was regarded as
organism attached to the earth, he also proposed the concept of EXIETENCE SPACE. After that
麦金德 raised the concept of “陆心说” in 1904. With their and other scholars’ efforts,political
geography became an important branch of humanity geography.
5、人口地理学 Population geography
The distribution of race and folk, together with the effects nature took on human had been
referred to in early geography works. After the first world war, 鲍曼analyzed the phenomena
about population distribution differences. Sweden geographer 德·耶尔 drew maps of population
distribution pattern. From then on, population geography has become a ramification of human
geography. the Census,population migration and distribution,population problems are all
included in the categories of population geography.
Social geography
Social geography analyzes the social phenomena in the space, studies regional
distributions of kinds of social forms and compares the relationship among them.
It studies such geography issues as population, settlement, nationality, religion, language
behavior and response, and aims to resolve social problems
Cultural geography
From the aspect of cultural-spatial combination, explain how various cultural factors
generated different regional characters.
Contrast to social geography studying the spatial characters of different social groups and
their relation to environment, cultural geography aims to study cultural region human creates.
Behavioral geography
During 1970s, behavioral study was prevailing in geography. By studying responding and
behavior-deciding of different social groups, hierarchies and classes to different
environments, geography has exerted better effects in solving practical problems.
Regional geography
Traditional human geography’s main issues are research of small areas, economic zoning
and cultural landscape types. Now it has changed to analyze and solve realistic social problems,
concerning about territory renovation, environmental protection, poverty and hunger, racial
discrimination, rational use of the resources and improving people’s life.
Historical geography
After 1930s, English scholar 达比 began to study historical physical geography. From then
on, historical geography studied not only changes of human geography phenomena but also
physical geography phenomena in history. Hence it became a independent ramification of
11、应用地理学 Applied geography
Human geography combined with economy, demology, politics, environment
science,ecology, regional science and behavior science can contribute to solve world resource
shortage, population crisis, natural disasters, pollution,ecological balance and urban problems,
especially useful to the the planning of state and regional economic development.
Main application areas: (1)Urban and Regional Planning; (2) Cartography and Remote
Sensing; (3) Marketing and Location of Industry; (4) Location and Management of Public
Facilities; (5) Land development and management;(6) Disease Ecology
Contemporary human geography research approaches
(一)研究方法论 Research approaches
Human geography is the science studying the relationship between society, space,
place and environment. It hasn’t taken long time to form various theory-ramifications.
Contemporary human geography is very diverse both in research themes and approaches. There
are 12 kinds of common approaches in geographic thoughts, as shown below:
Empirical approach
Empiricist insists that science can only care for impersonal matter in the world and seek its
original features. Human values and purposes are excluded from scientific research because they
can’t be measured. The term “empiricism” refers to such a school which believes that reality
speaks itself and we need not to understand and explain it (May,1993).
Positivistic approach
Positivism believes that we can make sure some principles to forecast and explain the reasons
and effects of human behavior through objectively collecting detailed data about social
phenomena. Contemporary positivism can be divided into two branches: logical positivism
and critical rationalism. The application of quantitative statistical approach is most close to
Behaviorist approach
Behaviorists sought to simulate space behavior through explaining spatial choices and
decision-making process through measure of human memory capacity and handling and
valuing geographic information. Throughout the 1970s, there were two forms of behaviorist
geography: (1) analytical behaviorism, which introduced the factor of behavior into spatial
mode; (2) the one which entirely abandoned spatial analysis and explored values, mentalities
and phenomena instead.
Phenomenological approach
Phenomenology refused the quantitative analytical approach empiricist and behaviorist
science employed. Phenomenology thought that we should focus on understanding the world
instead of explaining it. The purpose of phenomenology is to reconstruct the meaning of
individuals and their behavior as well as phenomena in the objective world, thus
understanding individual behavior without proposing assuming theories.
Existentialist approach
Existentialist approach was mainly concerned with the meaning of how individuals form and
control their world and how did they identify with the values of object and other things. The
original data of existentialist research came from penetrating interviews, ethnics records and
observation. It focused attention on VALUES. Samuel(1981) is the famous human geographer
to utilize it.
Idealist approach
Idealist assumed that the real world wasn’t beyond individual observation and expression.
Different from existentialism, idealism regarded the real world as construction of mind and
explained behavioral types through cognizing thoughts beneath behavior. Its original data
came from profound interview and ethnical records. Guelke (1981) is the primary advocator
to employ idealist approach in geography.
Pragmatist approach
The father of pragmatism is沛尔斯(1839—1914),杜威(1859—1952)and 詹姆斯(1842-1910). They suggested understanding the real world by practice. Pragmatism
proposed that we should focus on the interrelationship between society and individuals and
that cognition should be gained from behaviors embedded in experience instead of
Marxist approach
In geography, Marxist approach was first used to oppose pragmatism of spatial science.
Marxists believed that spatial science couldn't recognize the economical and political restraint
that the society forced on spatial types. Marxist geographers sought to distinguish temporal
and spatial social relationships in order to reproduce and maintain producing and consuming
patterns and propose their substitution.
Materialist approach
the “constructing blocks “ to recognize the real world. Materialists, not studying the
communication and interaction among people, searched for the mechanism of politics and
practice and tried to make the possibility work immediately. Materialism concerned more
about the mechanism of an occurrence and expanding or generalizing the phenomena and
Postmodernist approach
Postmodernism held it essential that neither one answer nor one argument could surpass
anything else or took an overwhelming position and no one sound must be excluded.
Postmodernist held that there was no absolute truth and every truth was explainable.
Postmodernism provided not “observation”but “read”, concerned more about not
“discovering” but “explanation”, and sought for not causality but interrelation.
Poststructuralist approach
Poststructuralist held that the correlation between society and space was mediated by
language culture. Contrast to postmodernism, post structuralism attached more attention to
individual, methodology and epistemology, nor social-culture criticism( Rosenau,1992).
Poststructuralist also thought that it was cognition that helped form our living circumstance
and analyze what we meet.
Feminist approach
Feminist held that the research of geography greatly overlooked the female being and the
patriarchy in society. Recently the opinion and practice from feminist approach has been
adopted by the research of the minorities such as the underdog and handicapped and so on.
(二)分析方法 Analysis approach
1. 宏观分析方法 Macro analytical approach
Contemporary macro analytical approach paid attention to study the growth ratios of GNP
and national income in national and regional dimension, investigate the correlation between
international & interregional differences and the forming of manufacture location. It mainly
analyzes the character of the capital’s engendering and the investment-ratio gaps in the national &
regional areas, the regional differences of unemployment and inflation. It thus discusses these
factors’ effects on the location’s shift. Besides, environmental economy and ecological balance
are also included in its research
2.微观分析方法 Micro analytical approach
Traditionally, micro analytical approach mainly analyzed supply elasticity, demand elasticity,
average cost and profit, marginal cost and profit as well as scale economy. Nowadays, the research
about expenditure’s patterns of different families at every level of income and the changing
expenditure structure caused by price’s change in the market is being further scrutinized.
Quantitative approach
The quantitative application in the areas of observation and analysis greatly contributed to the
progress of the human geography. By means of new statistic methods and techniques,
geographers can measure with greater precisions and present man-land relationship with
formula, explaining the regional differences and transformations.
结语 Epilogue
Compared with western countries,human geography is less developed in China. The overall
level of human geography in China is at the stage of 1960-1970’s of western countries .China
needs to develop human geography and the environments here are good enough to develop
human geography.
The past twenty years failed to see the mature characters which could mark the age of human
geography was coming. Nevertheless, human geography showed strong vitality and the other
scientific areas were also very active.
In recent years, many changes have taken place in human geography in the world and this
kind of change will go on.