





1. 用法一:建立

• 例句1: The company was established in 1995. (公司成立于1995年。)

• 例句2: The government aims to establish stronger trade

relations with other countries. (政府旨在与其他国家建立更强的贸易关系。)

• 例句3: We need to establish a new system to improve

efficiency. (我们需要建立一个新的系统以提高效率。)

2. 用法二:确立

• 例句1: The research establishes a clear link between

smoking and lung cancer. (研究确立了吸烟与肺癌之间的明确联系。)

• 例句2: The treaty establishes the rights and

responsibilities of both parties. (该条约确立了双方的权利与责任。)

• 例句3: This study aims to establish a framework for

future research in the field. (这项研究旨在为未来的研究奠定一个框架。)

3. 用法三:创办

• 例句1: He established a successful business in the

fashion industry. (他在时尚行业创办了一家成功的企业。)

• 例句2: The artist established her own art gallery to

showcase her work. (艺术家创办了自己的艺术画廊来展示她的作品。)

• 例句3: They established a charity organization to help

those in need. (他们创办了一个慈善组织来帮助那些需要帮助的人。)

4. 用法四:证实

• 例句1: The evidence presented in court established his

innocence. (在法庭上呈现的证据证实了他的清白。)

• 例句2: The study establishes a correlation between diet

and longevity. (这项研究证实了饮食与寿命之间的关联。)

• 例句3: The DNA test established a genetic link between

the suspect and the crime scene. (DNA测试证实了嫌疑人与犯罪现场之间的基因联系。)

5. 用法五:设立

• 例句1: The government established a committee to

investigate the issue. (政府设立了一个委员会来调查这个问题。)

• 例句2: The university plans to establish a new

department for environmental studies. (大学计划设立一个新的环境研究系。)

• 例句3: The organization aims to establish a branch in

every major city. (该组织的目标是在每个主要城市设立一个分支机构。)


6. 用法六:建设/创建

• 例句1: The government plans to establish a new highway

to improve transportation infrastructure. (政府计划建设一条新公路,以改善交通基础设施。)

• 例句2: The architect was hired to help establish a

modern and sustainable building design. (建筑师受聘以帮助创建一种现代且可持续的建筑设计。)

• 例句3: The team is working hard to establish a new

software platform for the company’s operations. (团队正在努力创建一种新的软件平台,用于公司的运营。)

7. 用法七:确立地位/声誉

• 例句1: The musician established himself as a leading

figure in the jazz industry. (这位音乐家在爵士乐界确立了自己的地位。)

• 例句2: The author’s first novel helped to establish

her as a talented writer. (这位作家的第一部小说帮助她确立了才华横溢的作家身份。)

• 例句3: The company’s commitment to quality has

established its reputation as a reliable brand. (公司对质量的承诺确立了它作为可靠品牌的声誉。)

8. 用法八:建立联系/友谊

• 例句1: The exchange program aims to establish cultural

ties between the two countries. (交流项目旨在建立两国之间的文化联系。)

• 例句2: The conference provided a platform for

researchers to establish professional connections. (这次会议为研究人员建立了专业联系的平台。)

• 例句3: We should make an effort to establish a strong

friendship with our neighbors. (我们应该努力与邻居们建立起牢固的友谊。)

9. 用法九:安排/设立规则

• 例句1: The school has established a strict dress code

for students. (学校为学生设立了严格的着装规定。)

• 例句2: The committee will establish a set of guidelines

for project management. (委员会将设立一套项目管理准则。)

• 例句3: The company needs to establish clear policies

and procedures for handling customer complaints. (公司需要建立明确的处理顾客投诉的政策和程序。)

10. 用法十:确立观点/理论

• 例句1: The scientist’s research helped to establish a

new theory in the field of quantum physics. (这位科学家的研究帮助确立了量子物理学领域的一种新理论。)

• 例句2: The professor’s groundbreaking work established

a new paradigm in linguistics. (这位教授的开创性工作在语言学中确立了一种新范式。)

• 例句3: The study conducted by the team aims to

establish a hypothesis about the origins of the universe.







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