



1. Waiting your kind response and feedback please, and for any more details please

feel free to contact me.

2. Should you have any concerns, please contact him and carbon copy to me.

3. Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.

4. Should you have any queries/ Any queries should you have, please don’t hesitate to

contact us.

5. To avoid any unnecessary delay, your promptly action will be highly appreciated.


In conclusion,……表明立场和观点

7. We trust that the above is in order and would highly appreciate your good cooperation.

Be in order 合适,恰当,符合程序

8. Your comments on the draft updated payment terms are appreciated.

9. ASC trust that they have fully clarified its position. Should you have any further queries don’t

hesitate to contact the undersigned.

10. Pleased direct queries relating to the subject matter of this letter to the undersigned.

11. We trust that we have clarified the situation and hold CJV’s liable for any impact to

the Project which will arise from this topic.

12. We kindly ask for your understanding. In case of any further queries, please do not

hesitate to contact us.

13. For your convenience, please find attached….

14. We trust that we have fully clarified this significant issue and look forward to

constructive dialog in respect to this critical topic.

15. For the best interests of the Project, we kindly instruct CJV to refrain from these

erroneous arguments and expedite the work as per the Subcontract SOW – Item

2.14 of Appendix Part 3, which is clear and unambiguous.(督促分包商停止无休止的争论,加快推进工作。)

16. We trust this meets with your approval and look forward to receiving your


17. SHI would highly appreciate should SEPCOIII fully recognize SHI situation and

appreciate that the continuous delay is not wilfully done, but matter of the financial

circumstances, not caused by SHI.

18. SWCC’s positive approach in order to resolve this situation is anticipated for the

sake of the project, as well as SEPCOIII’s commitments to SWCC.

19. Given that…, we believe, 考虑到…问题,我们相信。。。


1. Being aware of the potential delay from Subcontractor regarding conduit material

procurement, we are

obliged to instruct the Subcontractor to prompt respond to our

request as below:(关于材料延误)

2. With reference to the above mentioned subject, Subcontractor is hereby informed


3. we would like to advise the Subcontractor as below :

4. Further to your letter TSC-ASC-0143 dated on the 25th of July 2012 ASC would like to

comment as follows:

5. May we kindly draw your attention to the following items we deem urgent: (一般用作表示尊敬的场合)

6. Your Excellency, 尊敬的阁下

7. Hereby we submit … for your review and comments.

8. Further to the recent ref ASC-CJV-L-T0307 dated 16th July we would like to express our

concern over….

9. With reference to the above mentioned subject, the subcontractor is hereby with the

followed comments informed.

10. ASC has been in receipt of the letter CJV-ASC-L-T-0740 regarding the IFC drawing

status, and replies as following:

11. Reference is made to your letter CJV-ASC-L-T-0874 dated …concerning the same

subject as mentioned above. The Contractor would reiterate its standpoint as below:

12. Reference is made to ASC letter ASC-FZH-L-C-0558 dated 03.11.2012 regarding the

Ventilation Electrical Consumer List. Fichtner would like to answer and comment as


13. With reference to the subject, ASC would like to comment on the following on the


14. With reference to the above mentioned subject, please be informed that….

15. CJV regretfully notify ASC that due to ASC payment delay work has ceased and will

not recommence until such time as CJV are in receipt of outstanding payments from


16. We acknowledge receiving your letter ref. ,the following points need to be mentioned:

17. In response to SEPCOIII Letter PH-EH-L-1120, SWCC/OE would like to inform the

Contractor that their position has been sufficiently clear on the correspondence cited


18. We refer to your letter No. SEPCOIII-ZAMIL-L-C-0022 dated November 21st, 2013,

with regard to your request to implement a deduction variation order for chilled water

piping, to be deducted from the contract scope of work subject to provisions of Article

9 [Variations] of the Subcontract. We have analyzed such instruction by SEPCOIII

management and please kindly note the following as our response:


1. Please find enclosed….(title of the annex) /Enclosed please find….

2. Enclosed herewith(随函附带) is the remittance detail of your 100% advance

payment for your reference.

3. Please find attached/enclosed herewith the remittance detail of your 100%

advance payment for your reference.


4. Herewith attached /enclosed as your requested in two attachment as follows


1. The Contractor reserves his right to。。。due to。。。

2. We trust we have clarified the situation and look forward to your corporation with

this matter

3. Contractor hereby advise the Subcontractor that its documentation is not sufficient

to substantiate its position that its labor forces are delayed.

4. You are kindly requested to submit the related documents not further than 5th

August 2012, any further delay will be under CJV responsibility.

5. In order to mitigate the further delay, ACC is kindly required to proceed the

engineering work.

6. Unfortunately, this leaves us no choice but to advise you that unless you confirm

by return your agreements to the original quotation we will have no alternative but

to cease the acceleration measures

7. The Subcontractor shall be deemed to have full knowledge and to have taken full

account of the provisions of the main Contract.


0. be within sb. obligation 属于某一方的责任

1. for reasons not attributable to the contractor原因不可归责于承包商

2. … … by reasons attributable to the Contractor. 因为承包商的原因。

3. Despite our several repeated requests, we have not yet received your confirmation

as of today as such we are afraid that subsequent activities are being held and hence

the delivery schedule might be affected.

4. Any further delay will be totally under Siemens responsibility.

otherwise stated in the delegated person’s communication relating to such

act, It shall not relieve the contractor from any responsibility he has under the contract.除非在受托人员关于上述行动的信函中另有说明,该行动不免除承包商根据合同应承担的任何指责。

5. As these delays are all issues specifically due to the contractor, we herewith give

notice of the effect the works and the additional cost.

6. If the Contractor fails to carry out any obligation under the Contract, the Employer

may by notice require the Contract to make good the failure and to remedy it within a

specified reasonable time.

7. Fail to comply with Sub-Clause ….

Contractor shall be entitled subject to 某合同的某个条款 to an extension of

time and payment of any such cost.


9. The payment or deduction of such damages shall not relieve the Subcontractor

from his obligation to complete the subcontract works.


10.For the avoidance of doubt, in no event do Consultant’s Services include

equipment or installation and/or construction.


11. 转折话

Nevertheless, for the sake of good cooperation and as goodwill gesture without prejudice to any

rights and obligations, the Contractor will do sth.


1. We are interested in sth. and would like to have details of your items and prices.

It would be helpful if you could supply samples.

2. Please provide us with new arrangement so that we can proceed with relevant

(further) work.

3. The Subcontractor shall submit, within 28 days after receiving any request from

the Contractor, reasonable evidence……


1. No amount will be paid until the Employer( Contractor) has received and approved

the Performance Security.

2. If the Contractor does not receive payment in accordance with Sub-Clause

14.7[Timing of Payments], the Contractor shall be entitled to receiving financing

charge compounded monthly on the amount unpaid during the payment delay.


3. ASC is working closely with SWCC to release payment within the expected period.

However, it shall be understood that such issue is beyond ASC full control.


1. Disruption and delay costs are now occurring.

2. We herewith give notice under the General Conditions of Contract Clauses 7.2 and

17.1 of our claim for additional time and money resulting from delays to the works (in


3. Should any actual delays and increase in costs occur to the project work because of

the situation, then shall give you formal notification accordingly. (一般用于文末表明立场,方便下一步索赔)

4. The consultant will waive any further claim for additional works performed until April


5. Regardless of the fact, CJV is not entitled to claim against the idle resources

according to the contract between ASC and CJV and for the sake of clarity, please


6. Charge extra cost

7. The Contractor shall give notice to the Employer and be entitled subject to

Sub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims] to payment of any such Cost plus reasonable

profit, which shall be assed to Contract Price.

8. With ASC approval CJV shall complete these works as a variation order.

9. Trust this meets with your approval and CJV awaits your instruction.

10. The Consultant shall not make any variation to the contract by the alteration,

amendment, addition or omission from this agreement without the prior written

consent of the Contractor.


1. The Contractor may suspend all or part of the Contract by notice of at least

twenty-one(21) days to the subcontractor.


1. The Subcontractor shall not without the written consent of the Contractor assign his

obligation under the contract to the other payty.

引用合同依据(参考后附样板 EH-PH-0458)

1. Please be kindly advised that your above statement deviate against the Subcontract

stipulations. “For the avoidance of doubt”, according to Article 10.1 of Subcontract GC,

“designs, drawings and other documents furnished by the Subcontractor to the

Contractor shall be deemed to be the Employer’s property and can be used for the

purpose of the Main contract.”

2. For ’’ the avoidance of doubt’’ reference to any other documents leading up to the Contract

becoming legally binding “which, are not included” in the Contract have no legal relevance.

3. Please note that any deviation from original contract is subject for the variation.

4. The Subcontract Agreement with CJV is back to back with the Main Contract Agreement

between ASC and SWCC. It is with this reasoning and the following clause from the main

contract which has resulted in our invoice submission: (Contents of Contract)

5. SWCC/OE refers to Contract Specification Volume V, Part P-B6, B6.5, Section 1.1.2 where it is

indicated that” 合同内容 ”

6. Reference to Subcontract Clause 19.3 CJV reserves our right and shall claim for an extension

of time and loss and expense relative to ASC design delay regarding all works mentioned


7. For the sake of good order, Contractor hereby notify SWCC/OE the occurrence of the

above said Force Majeure event in pursuance of Clause 8.28 of Contract Special Conditions.


1. Furthermore, 另外

2. Otherwise, 否则


1. Based on our experience and with responsibility to meet the project milestone, we

have submitted the prequalification documents of other companies.


METKA is a leading international EPC contractor for specialized large-scale energy

projects, undertaking the complete range of Engineering, Procurement and

Construction activities through to project completion. It is currently executing

projects with more than 6,000MW of power generation capacity in 6 different

countries (Algeria, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Greece). Further information is

available at: .


1. 是否需要回复那一栏:Yes if there’s objection or commence


1. ASC has honored all payments in respect of submitted invoices.针对已经提交的发票,ASC已经承兑了所有付款。

2. The … work is currently not in our scope but can be undertaken on receipt of a

variation order.


1. During Mr. absence, his duty will be undertaken by the PM.

Warranty and Acceptance(工艺质量符合承包商要求)

1. Except as otherwise specified, the workmanship shall be free of defects and of the

quality required. The work shall be subject to inspection and acceptance by



1. We apologize for the delay and default.


Engineer’s letter EH-PH-L-0045 identified that Local Access Roads were defined to be

included in Temporary Facilities requiring completion prior to payment. No response from

Contractor was provided to refute such definition; as it had been well agreed in previous

discussions and meetings.

Contract Agreement

1. The Contract shall come into full force and effect on the date stated in the Contract

Agreement. The costs of stamp duties(印花税) and similar charges(if any) imposed by low

(依法征收的费用) in connection with entry into the Contract Agreement shall be borne by

the Employer.

2. For the purpose of the Contract/execution of the project…..


1. At the expiry of 60 days在60天期满后

2. The price is payable as consideration for the contractor’s performance。


8. We own your name and address to….我们从。。。得知您的姓名和地址。

9. For your reference为您提供参考,for you information 旨在为您提供信息

10. The method of doing sth 。。。的行为、方法

11. Notify sb. of sth. 把某件事情通知给某人

12. Come into force 生效,开始实施

13. Modifications to….关于。。。的修改

14. Proposal for… 关于。。。的提议

15. As appropriate视。。。的情况

16. To raise the issue at an appropriate time.

17. In an endeavor to reach agreement 尽量达成协议

18. Give effect to 落实,执行

19. To the extent 超出。。。的范围

20. Be fluent in the language 流利使用语言

21. Due to , resulting from由于,因为

22. Relieve sb. of liability for any defect..解除某人对缺陷的责任

23. In the presence of 参与,在场

24. In pursuance of 追求

25. In the circumstance,,…在什么的情况下

26. Relevant documents are attached herewith

27. No action has been taken by subcontractor regarding this matter

28. With/without the prior/previous agreement事先征得同意

29. Intellectual property rights知识产权

30. Without the Contractor’s consent未经承包商同意

31. First Semester 上半年

32. The value shall be rounded off up to 3 decimal places. 金额应保留三位小数。

33. In the event of conflicts or inconsistencies between option A and option B, option A

shall prevail.

34. In due course在适当的时候,及时的


1. Hereto

Parties hereto 本合同双方当事人

2. Onwards adv. 向前,在前面

Now onwards 即日起

From today onwards 从今天起

From the effective date onwards 从生效日起

FIDIC 条款语言

1. 雇主的指示

The employer may issue to the Contractor instructions which may be necessary for

the Contractor to perform his obligations under the Contract. Each instruction shall be

given in writing and shall state the obligations to which it relates and the Sub-Clause

in which the obligations are specified.

2. 承包商

2.1 When completed, the works shall be fit for the purpose for which the works are

intended as defined in the contract.


3. The Employer’s personnel shall have the right of access to all these documents at

all reasonable times.


3.2 The Contractor shall deliver the performance security to the Employer within 28

days after both parties have signed the contract agreement.


3.3 某一方未能根据合同完成某项事情的说法

Failure by the Contractor to pay the amount due, as either determined under

Sub-clause within 42 days.

2.4 Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against and from all

damages resulting from the transport of Goods.

2.5 The contractor shall, XX条件, 做什么事情…..惯用格式

比如:The Contractor shall, except as stated below, be responsible for the

provision of power.

The Contractor shall, at his risk and cost, provide any apparatus.

The Contractor shall, upon request, submit in writing to the Engineer, any detailed

information concerning the arrangements necessary for the completion of works/

2.6 All these laws shall, in respect of the works, be …..


2.7 The Contractor shall carry out the training to the extent specified in the Employer’s


3. 要求分包商在多少天内完成某项工作的说法

The Subcontractor shall carry out the work on completion within the period of 21 days.

4. If the Contractor is prevented, for more than 14 days, from carrying out the Tests

on Completion by a cause for which the Employer is responsible…..


5. The Contractor shall deliver each day to the Employer accurate statements in



6. The Employer shall be entitled to make a claim under the Contract in the event of

the Contractor’s failure to extend the validity of the performance security as

described in the preceding paragraph.



We also inform you that within a period not exceeding ten (10) days from the date

of the day following the date of this letter you must provide a bank letter of

guarantee to SWCC equivalent to (5%) five percent of the total amount above to

be issued by a bank accredited to the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency and valid

for the duration of the contract


1. 提醒银行账户信息

We remind you of our temporary bank account details as follows


Where discrepancies, contradictions or ambiguities are found to exist between

documents comprising the Subcontract Agreement then the preceding document

shall take precedence over the succeeding documents in the order as listed


Where discrepancies, contradictions or ambiguities are found to exit within a

document or documents then the most stringent article or clause shall prevail.

Unless caused by the willful misconduct or negligence of CONTRACTOR or its

personnel or its agents or SUBCONTRACTOR, COMPANY shall release,

indemnify, and hold CONTRACTOR harmless for losses, expenses or damages

resulting from any damage to COMPANY property to the extent of the scope or

limits of insurance policies (OCIP) purchased by COMPANY for this CONTRACT.


I hereby agree to release,defend,indemnify and hold harmless Happy

Cares, its affiliates and sponsors and their

officers,directors,employees,representatives and agents, from any and all claims

for expenses,personal injury,losses or damages that may be incurred or caused

by me during or in connection with my volunteering, whether arising from the

negligence of such persons or otherwise.

我在此同意,对于由我的志愿行为期间或相关事件导致的任何费用、人身伤害、损失或损害引起的任何或所有索赔,我将解除、保护、赔偿并保持 Happy Cares,Inc.(幸福关怀公司)及其附属公司和赞助商以及其官员、董事、员工、代表和代理不受损害,无论这些索赔是由这些人员的疏忽引起还是其他原因引起.

CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend and hold COMPANY harmless from any

and all claims, losses, expenses and damages arising from or related to any

criminal misappropriation or misapplication by any of CONTRACTOR's personnel

of any property, whether tangible or intangible, occurring during the course of or in

connection with the performance of the WORK.




Should CONTRACTOR be in agreement therewith as set forth in paragraph “b”

above, CONTRACTOR's claim for additional compensation shall be deemed

resolved as between the parties; provided however, that at any time prior to

CONTRACTOR's receipt and acceptance of COMPANY's findings/offer of

settlement, CONTRACTOR may avail itself of the provisions set forth in

Paragraph 26.5 of this Schedule "A".

关于 provided的用法。





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