Interactive Approach

Interactive Approach


Interactive Approach

.2 Definition of the

In the era of communicative teaching, interaction is the heart of communication. We send

messages and receive them, we interpret them in a context; we negotiate meanings and we

collaborate to accomplish certain purposes. Interaction is the collaborative exchange of thoughts,

feelings, or ideas between two or more people resulting in a reciprocal effect on each other. This

activity should be the norm from the beginning of language study. Communication must be

interaction between people who have something to share. As Wells and Brown expressed that:

Exchange is the basic unit of discourse…linguistic interaction is a collaborative activity involving

the establishment of a triangular relationship between the sender, the receiver and the context of

situation. (Wells, 1981:29)

Theories of communicative competence emphasize the importance of interaction as human beings

use language in various contexts to “negotiate” meaning, to get an idea out of your head and into

the head of another person and vice versa. (Brown, 1980)

Through interaction, students can increase their language store as they listen or read authentic

material, or even the output of their fellow students in discussion, skits, joint problem-solving

tasks, or dialogue journals.

In interaction, students can use all they possess of the language-all they have learned or casually

absorbed—in real-life exchange….Even at an elementary stage, they learn in this way to exploit

the elasticity of language. (Rivers, 1987:4-5)

Interactive approach is a “student-centered, textbook-founded, and ability-aimed” monitor model.

This approach offers teachers a guiding principle, they should supply students with enough

“comprehensible input”, while organizing class activities. And the teachers must prepare a variety

of games, role-plays, task-based communication activities and so on. “English teaching is of

communication, by communication and for communication. The process of learning through

interaction is equally important for foreign language learners.” (Hatch, 1978) The basic

supposition of developmental theory is “the children’s interaction for proper task can advocate

their mastery of the important concepts. The children’s cognitive and social development has

grown through companions’ interaction and association.” (Wang, 2005)

Interactive teaching approach means series of teaching English methods organized between

teacher-students, student-student and even human-computers in order to fulfill different learning

tasks cooperatively. The learning tasks are based on interaction and reciprocal interdependence

among students and teacher-student and require mutual help. In this approach, students and

teachers are in a state of dynamic cooperation and together build up an intimate learning and

social atmosphere in the classroom. So in the state of interaction between teachers and students or

students and students, either of them could be ignored.

互动式教学意指在一定的教学情境中,教学参与者以主体的身份遵循一定的规则进行的教学互动式教学法强调以“学生为中心”,师生互动能为学生创造一个轻松活跃的学习氛围。互动式教学是教学工作艺术性的一种体现,常见的互动教学方法有讲课法,案例法,讨论法,角色扮演法和练习法等。如今如何在教学实践中提高学生自主学习的能力,促进课堂教学质量的提高已成为许多师生共同关心的问题。这篇论文旨在从英语课堂学科角度围绕互动式教学法的理论与口语教学特点来探索如何通过师生互动的方法使学生喜爱英语,喜欢说英语,最终达到能够自主学习英语,成为具有终身语言学习能力的人。 关键词:互动式教学;口语教学;中学 I Abstract Interactive Teaching means teaching in a certain context the identity of

the main teachingparticipants to follow certain rules。Interactiveteaching methods emphasize

“student-centered” teacher-student interaction helps to create adynamic learning atmosphere. The

Interactive Teaching is an artistic performance inteaching activities. The main

methods of interactiveteaching are as follows: teaching method,sampling,discussion,role-play and to improve the students active learning abilities in teaching activities

and promote theteaching efficiency has become the main issue which is considered by many

teachers andstudents nowadays. This essay aims to study the theory of interactive teaching

and thefeatures of oral English teaching from the subjective teaching perspectives to

stimulate thestudents to love English by interactive activities between teachers and the students.

Thereforethe students can learn English actively and become the persons who have the linguistic

capabilityfor the whole life.

Keywords: Interactive Teaching Oral English Teaching active learninginteractive

activities between teachers and students II Contents ContentsChapter


The education task features powerful scientific and artistic characteristics. Teaching shouldbe

scientific because in its process many educational and psychological theories are

ore many practical experiences can be concluded and developed into systematic

artistic features lie in the fact that education task is the task that serves students who

are themain objects. Teachers should not only pass on knowledge but also put emphasis on

thestudents absorption of knowledge. However in different educational circumstances

teachersmay be confronted with students with different characteristics. Meanwhile there are

obviousdifferences in the contents of the course. Therefore there doesnt exist standard teaching

modelsand methods which calls for creative and flexible teaching methods. Since 1950s many

psychologists have done theoretical researches on active learning fromdifferent perspectives

especially in some issues like the essence of active learning abilitiesmany achievements have been

made. Our nation starts later in the research on the activelearning .However with the implement

of the policy of dispositional education the research onthe active learning has blossomed rapidly.

Therefore how to enhance students’ active learningcapabilities in the teaching practices and to

improve the teaching quality has become a hot issueteachers and students concern. According to

the theory of Rochester“students should be put in the main position between .teaching and

learning all the teaching procedures should be focused on the students” Hence themain task of

classroom teaching is to activate the students’learning activities and encouragethem to transfer

their“passive learning” to “active learning”. Interactive Teaching means teaching in a certain

context the identity of the main teachingparticipants to follow certain rules norms-the rules norms

that the participants mutuallyacceptable recognized and reached a common consent consensus and

universality the field ofteaching the material mental exchange and transfer activities. Interactive

teaching methodsemphasize “student-centered” teacher-student interaction can be easy for

students to create adynamic learning atmosphere. Interaction in teaching English teaching so that

students in theteaching role from mere recipients into the main body of the learning process from

the “want meto learn” to “ I want to learn” learning to accept change from discovery learning

inquirylearning and inspire innovative ideas and innovation of students desire to enhance

studentsinterested in innovation training students to generate new knowledge new ideas and

innovationsability to innovate contribute to the overall quality of English language training. As a

nationwhich is blossoming everyday China′s education is being seriously valued. Therefore

theresearch on the interactive teaching would always be of great significance. This

thesis begins with a general review of interactive and oral English teachingfocusing on

the basic principles and accepted modes of the interactive and features oforal English

teaching. It explores the practical interaction between teacher and students in theclassroom

teaching of oral English which throws light on the feasibility of improving classroomteaching

effectiveness and empower students’ ability to learn English on their own. 1





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