The Origin of Species
Biologists Define a Species
Modern biology generally define a species as group of actually or potentially interbreeding populationsthat is reproductively isolated from the such groups. Members of a species can interbreed with each other,but they cannot breed with organisms belonging to another species. One advantage of the standard ofreproductive isolation is that it is very precise. Notice,
however, that it can only be applied to organismsthat reproduce sexually. Asexual reproducers, including most prokaryotes, many plants, and someanimals, must be classified into species on the basis of physical (biochemical or morphological) traits.
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ting Gene Exchange
Two general types of mechanisms operate to block the exchange of genes between individuals of relatedgroups. The first
general type is made up of prezygotic isolating mechanisms that prevent the formation ofzygotes. Prezygotic isolation falls into two categories: ecological and behavioral. In the first case, tworelated group may become adapted to slightly different environments-perhaps varying soil types or foodsources.
Over time, these genetic differences become so great that successful cross-fertilization can nolonger take place. In behavioral isolation, related groups evolve differing behaviors such
as specificmating rituals-that restrict the exchange of genes to members of the same group.
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Sometimes the differences that produce prezygotic isolation involve mechanical isolation. That is,mating is physically impossible between members of different species because genitals of males andfemales are structurally incompatible or because molecules on the surfaces of sperm and egg fail to bind.A final type of prezygotic mechanism is temporal isolation, in which time-related environmental cues thattrigger reproductive processes are different for related species.
In postzygotic isolating mechanisms mating occur, but the resulting hybrid organism is inviable orsterile. In a special case
of hybrid sterility termed hybrid breakdown, the second and subsequentgenerations after a cross show reduced reproductive success. Contrast this fact with the very differentoutcome
of crossbreeding between two genetically distant members of
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the same species, where the result isoften heterozygote advantage (hybrid vigor).
Populations of a species that are spread out over a broad geographical range are often arrayed in a cline-a gradual change
in one or more characteristics as each population evolves adaptations to its own localenvironment. Along a cline, subspecies with distinct characteristics may arise. Often, individuals at eitherend of a cline are reproductively isolated.
ng a Species: How Gene Pools Become Isolated
Ernst Mayr's model of allopatric speciation proposes that species can originate in a two-stage the first stage, po
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pulations of existing species are separated by a physical or geographical barrier. As aresult, over time genetic differences leading to pre- or postzygotic isolation arise between the two
the second stage, the diverged populations may again come into contact. If this happens, speciationbecomes complete through the action of natural selection.
Lesson Nine
The Origin of Species
Biologists Define a Species
Modern biology generally define a species as group of actually or potentially interbreeding populationsthat is reproductively isolated from the such groups. Members of a species can interbreed with each other,but they cannot breed with organisms belonging to another species. One advantage of the standard ofreproductive isolation is that it is very precise. Notice,
however, that it can only be applied to organismsthat reproduce sexually. Asexual reproducers, including most prokaryotes, many plants, and someanimals, must be classified into species on the basis of physical (biochemical or morphological) tr
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aits. 现代生物学大体将物种定义为实际上的一群或潜在的杂交群体,即从这个群体隔离繁殖的后代。种族中个体可以互相交配,但种间不能。这种繁殖隔离的一个优势是很精确。但仅适用于性繁殖的生物。非性繁殖,包括大多数原核生物,许多植物,某些动物,需要通过自然特征进行归类。ting Gene Exchange
Two general types of mechanisms operate to block the exchange of genes between individuals of relatedgroups. The first
general type is made up of prezygotic isolating mechanisms that prevent the formation ofzygotes. Prezygotic isolation falls into two categories: ecological and behavioral. In the first case, tworelated group may become adapted to slightly different environments-perhaps varying soil types or foodsources.
Over time, these genetic differences become so great that successful cross-fertilization can nolonger take place. In behavioral isolation, related groups evolve differing behaviors such
as specificmating rituals-that restrict the exchange of genes to members of the same group.
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Sometimes the differences that produce prezygotic isolation involve mechanical isolation. That is,
Lesson One
mating is physically impossible between members of different species because genitals of males andfemales are structurally
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incompatible or because molecules on the surfaces of sperm
and egg fail to bind.A final type of prezygotic mechanism is temporal isolation, in which time-related environmental cues thattrigger reproductive processes are different for related species.
In postzygotic isolating mechanisms mating occur, but the resulting hybrid organism is inviable orsterile. In a special case
of hybrid sterility termed hybrid breakdown, the second and subsequentgenerations after a cross show reduced reproductive success. Contrast this fact with the very differentoutcome
of crossbreeding between two genetically distant members of the same species, where the result isoften heterozygote advantage (hybrid vigor).
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Populations of a species that are spread out over a broad geographical range are often arrayed in a cline-a gradual change
in one or more characteristics as each population evolves adaptations to its own localenvironment. Along a cline, subspecies with distinct characteristics may arise. Often, individuals at eitherend of a cline are reproductively isolated.
ng a Species: How Gene Pools Become Isolated
Ernst Mayr's model of allopatric speciation proposes that species can originate in a two-stage the first stage, populations of existing species are separated by a physical or geographical barrier. As aresult, over time genetic differences leading to pre- or postzygotic isolation arise between the two
the second stage, the diverged populations may ag
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ain come into contact. If this happens, speciationbecomes complete through the action of natural selection 异地物种形成模型认为,物种可能起源于两个阶段。第一阶段,已经存在的物种群体可能由于自然或地理屏障被隔离。结果,长时间后,在两个群体间遗传差异导致前合子或后合子隔离的产生。
Lesson One
第二阶段,这些趋异群体可能再次接触,物种发生可能通过自然选择发生。 Genetic Bases of speciation
The extent of differences between populations that are diverging into separate species or betweenspecies that have already diverged is represented by a statistic called genetic identity-the relativeproportion of the same structural genes present in
members of groups being compared. In general,biologists believe that the genetic events leading to speciation take place
gradually. Once a new specieshas arisen, it tends to diverge
genetically from related species at a more rapid pace. In some cases, such asthe primate order, major differences in body form are not reflected by corresponding divergences instructural genes. This has led Biologists to hypothesize that small ch
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anges in regulatory genes mayaccount for many of the large-scale changes responsible for sepciation and the origin of higher taxonomicgroups.
One mechanism that may rapidly split populations genetically is polyploidization—the suddenmultiplication of an entire complement of chromosomes. This can result in sympatric speciation, in whichnew species arise even though no geographical isolation has taken place. A phenomenon similar topolyploidization involving the rearrangement of chromosomes has been proposed to explain theevolutionary origin of giant pandas. Clearly, species can originate in a variety of ways.
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产生新的物种。与多倍体相似的一个现象是染色体重排,可以解释巨大熊猫的进化起源。显然,物种可以以多种方式进化。ning Macroevolution: Higher-order Changes
The changes that generate species are sometimes termed microevolution; those that produce the majorphenotypic differences that separate genera, classes, orders, and so on are termed macroevolution. Somelines of descent can be traced by studying the fossil record. In other cases relationships must be inferredby comparison of related living organisms. When lines of descent over evolutionary time are constructed,the result is a phylogeny.
Lesson One
The rationale for building a phylogeny is simple: it assumes that similarities in body structure,biochemistry, reproductive strategies, and other features of organisms can be used to trace
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lines ofcommon descent. The process is complex because evolution proceeds in different patterns. In cases ofparallel evolution, two or more lineages evolve along similar lines. In convergent evolution, very distantlyrelated lineages become more alike as similar adaptations take hold in response to demands of theenvironment. Thus similar structures in different organisms may reflect homology (derivation from acommon ancestor) or analogy (independent origin of structures used for similar purposes).
One of the most common evolutionary patterns that can be constructed from the fossil record isdivergent evolution or radiation. It is represented by the branching and rebranching of
a single r common feature of evolution is extinction-the complete loss of a species or group of ext
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inctions have occurred at least five times in the earth's history.
Gaps in the fossil record have led some paleontologists to propose the punctuated equilibrium theory ofevolution. The theory holds that evolution proceeds by spurts-radical changes
over short (in geologicaltime) periods of time-with intervening periods of equilibrium. The theory is controversial and tends not tobe supported when an abundant fossil record is available.
化石证据上的断代使古生物学家们提出间断平衡进化理论。这个理论认为进化在短期内经历了根本突变,中间又介入均衡阶段。这个理论很有争议,一旦发现丰富的化石证据,理论就难支撑了。 Role of microevolution in Macroevolution
Biologists have no certain answers to a number of questions
about large-scale evolutionary questions range from whether novel higher taxa result from as-yet undescri
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bed radical geneticprocesses, to whether known processes such as genetic drift and small gene changes can plausibly accountfor the evolution of new genera, families, and orders. Investigators are exploring these areas using
traditional methods as well as the newer techniques of molecular biology.
The Ecology of Populations
tion Growth
Populations-groups of individuals belonging to the same species-all have three very significant statisticalcharacteristics: per capita birth rate or natality; per capita death rate or motality; and number of individualsper unit area or density.
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As first described by Malthus, a population theoretically can grow exponentially (geometrically) if thereare no limits on resources such as food or hiding places and no predation (ac of population growth isrepresented by an exponential growth curve. The condition exponential growth rarely occur in nature,however. The finite levels of resources in any environment set
an upper limit to population size—termedcarrying capacity (K)—that can be reached but never long exceeded. A logistic growth curve plots theleveling-off of growth when population size reaches equilibrium with available resources.
When resource limits are approached or exceeded, time is required for the birth rate to fall and for thedeath rate to rise. This response time is known as reproductive time lag. It is one
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reason for thefluctuations in numbers that are seen in every
population. In many natural populations, carrying capacity(and hence population size) fluctuates seasonally. If a population drastically exceeds the carrying capacityof its environment temporarily, damage may occur that permanently lowers environmental carryingcapacity.
Besides environmental carrying capacity, a population's age structure and reproductive strategy alsoaffect the rate at which the population grows. Age structure reflects the relative numbers of young,middle-aged, and older individuals in a give
population. In a population having many members at ornearing reproductive age, significant growth may occur. Age structure may also be represented by asurvivorship curve.
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The reproducing members of a population follow a complex
adaptive reproductive strategy that hasevolved over millennia. Reproductive strategies generally fit into one of two categories: those of r-selected species and those of K-selected species. In r selection individuals reach reproductive age quicklyand produce many offspring., Each offspring is small and enters
the world with relatively few of the many produced, only a few will survive until reproductive age. In K selection, a strategy relatedto environmental carrying capacity and the need to compete for resource, individuals mature slowly
andproduce few offspring. However, parents invest a great deal of resources in each offspring; and after along period of growth to large size, each offspring's chances of survival until reproductive age are high.几千年来,进化形成两个繁殖策略,一是繁殖周期快,后代数量多,每个后代小并可获得资源少。仅有少量存活到生育年龄。一是和环境的容纳量及可匹配资源有关,个体成熟
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慢并产生很少的后代。但,父母给后代提供很多资源,需要很长的生长期,存活到生育年龄的机遇很高。 on Population Size
The size of a population is measured in terms of its density.
Whether population density is high or low, thedistribution of individuals within the population is usually uneven. Common
distribution patterns includeclumped, uniform, and random.
Negative consequences are often attached to high (or rising)
populationdensity. These density-dependent factors include increased predation, parasitism, disease, and intraspecificand interspecific competition. Population size may also be reduced by densityindependent factors, acategory that includes natural catastrophes.
Lesson One
The interactions of predators and their prey affect population size in complex ways. Such populationssometimes cycle reg
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ularly between growth and decline, in part from the effects of reproductive time general, predation may slow or stop the growth of a prey population only when many reproducingindividuals are eliminated. If only weak, sick, or very young prey are taken, the effect of predation on thedensity of the population as a whole may be slight.
An area of controversy among ecologists is the question of whether species diversity in a communitytends to generate stability of whether stability encourages species diversity. One aspect of this argument isthe hypothesis that a complex food
web is more stable than a simple one. In nature, however, many stable,highly diverse communities are characterized by the presence of numerous simple food webs. It may bethat stable environments beget diversity because they allow rare species to persist.
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生物学家一直在争论,是否是物种差异产生稳定性还是稳定性促成了物种差异。一种假设认为,复杂的食物链要比简单的食物链更稳定。实际上,许多稳定的,高差异的社会群体是由众多简单食物链支撑的。可能是稳定的环境引起差异,它只允许很少的物种存留。 Populations Are Distributed
Just as competition, predation, and other elements interact to determine the size of a population within acommunity, population distribution is the result of many interrelated factors. Overall, the distribution of apopulation in its potential range depends on locations of food and suitable habitat, interspecificcompetition for resources, and other variables. Among plants, one of the most effective forms ofinterspecific competition for resources is allelopathy. Among species that share similar
or identical habitatniches, resource partitioning is often seen.
In character displacement, closely related species have evolvedphysical differences in body structures used for exploiting
a limited resource. Eventually, such solutions tothe need for
dividing up a scarce resource may lead to speciation.
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Lesson One
Population: A Case Study in Exponential Growth
The awesome rate of increase that is now a feature of the human population started about 10,000 years agoduring the agricultural revolution. At that time, world human population is
estimated to have totaled 133million people; today it has reached a staggering 5 billion. Viewed on a graph, this increase closelyresembles the classical exponential growth curve-a growth pattern that cannot be sustained.
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While the birth rate in many developed countries has slowed,
it remains high in less well developedareas of the world. Demographers predict that, if this rate continues, the human population level will reach30 billion before the end of the twenty-first century. Yet most biologists believe that the earth's carryingcapacity for humans is only 10 billion. Clearly, we humans face a serious problem in managing the earth'sprecious resources while sustaining such a high population density.