




Understanding each other

Effective communication


If you heard someone shout, “Hey you!” from across the room, how would you

react? Just these two words can carry much information. They could be interpreted as

a welcoming greeting from a close friend, especially if accompanied by a gentle smile.

When spoken by a stranger, they can function as a means of attracting your attention.

Much of what we communicate is dependent not only on the words we use, but also

on how we use them. So, let’s look a little deeper into the topic of communication.

如果你听到有人喊:“嘿,你! ,你会有什么反应? 仅仅这两个词就能传达很

多信息。 这句话可以被理解为来自亲密朋友的欢迎问候,尤其是伴随着温柔的

微笑。 当陌生人和你说话时,它们可以作为一种吸引你注意力的方式。我们交

流的内容不仅取决于我们使用的词语,还取决于我们如何使用它们。 所以,让


Communication is the exchange of information between a sender and a receiver.

The sender encodes a message and sends it face to face, or through video, telephone,

mail or social media. This message is then received and decoded by the receiver. In

response, the receiver sends an encoded message back, which is referred to as

feedback. This feedback is decoded by the original sender and the entire cycle repeats

itself until they have finished communicating.

沟通是发送者和接收者之间的信息交换。 发送者对信息进行编码,然后面

对面发送,或者通过视频、电话、邮件或社交媒体。 然后这个信息被接收方接

收并解码。 作为响应,接收方发送一个编码后的消息,这被称为反馈。 这个反


This complex process can be challenging but, with practice and patience, you

can become a highly competent communicator. To accomplish this, you need to know

with whom you are communicating. What is their age or job position? What is their

relationship to you? What expectations and cultural background do they have? Once

you have obtained this information, you can then use it to determine how best to

communicate with them. Depending on if you are communicating with a stranger,

friend, family member, or co-worker, you will need to decide which communication

channel best suits the situation. Furthermore, you will need to determine the

appropriate style to use and how complex your choice of words should be. For

example, if you are a business person negotiating with a large enterprise about a deal,

you should do it face to face, using formal language, in a straightforward manner.


个非常有能力的沟通者。 要做到这一点,你需要知道你在和谁交流。 他们的年



龄或职位是什么? 他们和你是什么关系? 他们有什么样的期望和文化背景? 一



您还需要确定要使用的适当的风格以及您选择词汇的复杂程度。 例如,如果你



Your body language is equally important, since it reveals a lot about your

thoughts and attitudes. Make sure it clearly supports the message you want to deliver.

A smile shows you are attentive to the issues you are discussing, while looking away

with your arms folded can indicate disinterest and create distrust or cause friction.

Additionally, you should not ignore the other person’s body language, which will give

you clues as to whether the conversation is going well or not. When you notice a

change in the other person’s body language, you should adjust how you are

communicating accordingly. If someone looks at you with a confused expression, this

could indicate that they have not completely understood your point. You will need to

clarify your message before moving on.

你的肢体语言同样重要,因为它透露了很多你的想法和态度。 确保它清楚

地支持您想要传递的消息。 微笑表明你对正在讨论的问题很关注,而双臂交叉

望向别处则表示不感兴趣、产生不信任或引起摩擦。 此外,你不应该忽视对方

的肢体语言,它会给你一些线索,让你知道谈话是否进行得顺利。 当你注意到

对方的肢体语言有变化时,你应该相应地调整你的沟通方式。 如果有人带着困

惑的表情看着你,这可能表明他们没有完全理解你的观点。 在继续之前,你需


While being knowledgeable about body language is vital, the value of empathy

should not be understated. Seek to understand the other person’s emotions, by putting

yourself in their shoes and looking at the situation from their perspective. Some issues

may be complicated and you may be confused about why others feel or act the way

they do. If you give serious consideration to their points of view, however, you will be

able to see what accounts for their emotions and empathize with them. You may not

approve of their ideas but at least you will see where they are coming from, which

means you can make adjustments to your own tone and choice of words. Suppose you

are discussing a project with your partner, who has just lost an important basketball

game and is inactive. To engage him or her in the discussion and make your

communication more effective, you may express your sympathy by, for instance,

saying, “I understand how you feel.…”

虽然了解肢体语言至关重要,但同理心的价值也不应被低估。 试着理解对

方的情绪,设身处地地从他们的角度来看问题。 有些问题可能很复杂,你可能

会困惑为什么其他人会有这样的感觉或行为。 然而,如果你认真考虑他们的观

点,你就能看到是什么导致了他们的情绪,并与他们产生共鸣。 你可能不赞成


词。 假设你正在和你的伙伴讨论一个项目,他刚刚输了一场重要的篮球比赛,






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