“一带一路”战略 词汇梳理
Peace and cooperation; openness and inclusiveness; mutual learning
and mutual benefit
2. 和平赤字、发展赤字、治理赤字
Deficit in peace; development and governance
3. 政策沟通 policy connectivity
4. 设施联通 infrastructure connectivity
5. 互联互通项目 connectivity projects
6. 复合型的基础设施网络 A multi-dimensional infrastructure
7. 智力丝绸之路、健康丝绸之路 the educational Silk Road and the
health Silk Road
8. 主权、尊严、领土完整 sovereignty; dignity and territorial
9. 共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观 the vision of common;
comprehensive; cooperative and sustainable security
10. 化解热点 resolve hotspot issues
11. 标本兼治 address both its symptoms and root causes
12. 消除贫困 eradicate poverty
13. 产业合作industrial cooperation
14. 产能 capacity 去产能 cut overcapacity 15. 新工业革命 the new industrial revolution
16. 培育新业态foster new businesses
17. 金融保障体系financial safeguard system
18 多元化融资体系和多层次资本市场 build a diversified financing
system and a multi-tiered capital market
19. 陆上、海上、天上、网上四位一体的联通 land; maritime; air and
cyberspace connectivity
20 能源结构调整 energy structure adjustment