





My Favorite Game

Hi there! My name is Lily and I'm a 6th grader. For this

writing assignment, I need to tell you all about my favorite game.

Get ready, because I'm going to give you alllll the deets!

My absolute favorite game of all time is hide and seek. I

know, I know, you're probably thinking "Lily, that's such a baby

game!" But just hear me out, ok? Hide and seek is THE BEST!

First of all, it's so much fun trying to find the perfect hiding

spot. You have to be sneaky and clever. Sometimes I'll hide

behind the couch cushions or under my bed. Other times, I'll tuck

myself into the back of my closet. If my parents are the ones

seeking, I might even hide in the pantry behind the cans! Shh,

don't tell them!

Then once you're hidden, your heart starts pounding as you

listen for the seeker coming closer. You have to be absolutely

silent and still. It's both scary and exciting at the same time! Will

they find me? Won't they? It's like a real life movie thriller!

And if the seeker can't find you after what feels like forever,

you finally get to jump out shouting "You'll never find me! I win, I

win!" Seeing the look of surprise on their face is priceless. Haha, I

totally tricked them!

But my very favorite part is when it's my turn to be the

seeker. I LOVE being the hunter on the prowl. I get to sneak

around the house, listening carefully for any sounds that might

give away a hiding spot. Maybe I'll hear a tiny giggle coming

from the laundry room. Or maybe I'll spot a pair of feet sticking

out from behind the curtain. Closer, closer, I'm getting so close!

Then BOOM! I dramatically rip open the closet door and

there's my sister Janie crouched down, looking all guilty. "Found

you!" I shout victoriously. We both laugh and laugh. She's so silly,

picking such an obvious spot!

After a few rounds, we're running all over the place, out of

breath and sweaty but still insisting on one more game. We

never want it to end! Our parents are like "That's enough girls,

you're both too loud!" But we just can't stop. Hide and seek is

our favorite thing ever.





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