1. 切入主题,言简意赅
2. 直截了当,不拖泥带水
3. 一语道破,言简意赅
4. 不啰嗦,点到为止
5. 简明扼要,言简意赅
6. 说话精炼,点到为止
7. 话短情长,言简意赅
8. 言之有物,简洁明了
9. 语言精准,言简意赅
10. 说话干脆利落,不拖泥带水当我们要传达信息或表达想法时,简短
1. 言简意赅 - Expressing ideas clearly and concisely
2. 精炼 - Succinct
3. 切中要害 - To get to the point
4. 捷足先登 - First come, first served
5. 一语道破 - To hit the nail on the head
6. 一针见血 - To get straight to the point
7. 言简意明 - To be concise and clear
8. 一目了然 - To be clear at a glance
9. 快刀斩乱麻 - To cut the Gordian knot
10. 善于简明扼要地表达 - To be good at expressing oneself
11. 简短扼要地阐述观点 - To express one's opinion briefly and
12. 阐明 - To clarify
13. 清晰明了 - Clear and concise
14. 洛阳铲 - To speak plainly
15. 省略 - Omitting unnecessary details
16. 简单明了 - Simple and clear
17. 说到点子上 - To get to the point
18. 善于言简意赅 - To be good at expressing oneself clearly and
19. 口若悬河 - To have the gift of gab
20. 点到即止 - To stop at the crucial point。