改善人际关系的高考英语作文 真题

改善人际关系的高考英语作文 真题


改善人际关系的高考英语作文 真题



How to Be a Super Friend

Being a good friend is really important! Friends make you

feel happy and like you belong. But sometimes it's hard to know

how to be a good friend. Here are some tips that can help you be

a super friend!

Listen Up!

One of the best ways to be a good friend is to listen. When

your friends are talking, give them your full attention. Look at

them, nod your head, and don't interrupt. Ask questions if you

don't understand something. Listening shows you care about

what they have to say.

Be Kind

Kindness is really important for being a good friend. Say nice

things and compliment your friends. Don't make fun of them or

call them mean names. If they're feeling sad, give them a hug or

say something encouraging. Little acts of kindness can make a

big difference!

Share Your Stuff

Good friends share their toys, games, snacks and other

belongings. It makes people feel happy when you let them

borrow something or give them part of your treat. Just make

sure to ask before using other people's stuff without permission


How to Be a Great Friend

Hi there! My name is Tommy and I'm going to tell you all

about how to be a really awesome friend. Having good friends is

super important because they make life way more fun. But you

have to be a good friend too if you want to keep your buddies

around. Let me share some tips!

The number one most important thing is to be kind.

Kindness is like giving someone a big warm hug with your words

and actions. You should always try to say nice things and do nice

things for your friends. If they're feeling sad, give them a

compliment or tell a silly joke to cheer them up. If they forgot

their lunch money, you could share your snacks. Little acts of

kindness go a long way in making your friends feel happy and


Another big part of being a friend is listening. When your

buddies are talking to you, give them your full attention. Look

them in the eye, nod your head, and show you're really hearing

what they have to say. Don't interrupt or start talking about

yourself until they're totally finished. We all like to feel

understood, so being a good listener makes people feel valued.

Ask questions if you don't understand something too.

You also have to be honest and trustworthy as a friend. Lying,

talking about your friends behind their backs, or betraying their

secrets is a huge no-no. If a friend tells you something personal,

you have to keep that private unless they say it's okay to share.

Honesty helps create trust, and trust is the foundation that

friendships are built on. Without trust, your friendships won't be

very strong.

Spending quality time together is really important too. You

have to make an effort to hang out, have fun, and make

memories. Go to the park and play on the swings. Have a

sleepover and watch funny movies. Go on a bike ride adventure.

Do activities you both enjoy so you can bond and grow closer.

The more you experience together, the tighter your friendship

will become.

At the same time, you have to give your friends some space

and independence too. You can't be joined at the hip 24/7 or

you'll drive each other crazy! Make sure to spend time apart

pursuing your own hobbies and interests. Having other friends is

okay too as long as you make quality time for your bestie. A little

distance can make your friendship stronger by giving you new

things to talk about when you reunite.

Forgiveness is another big part of being a good friend. Even

awesome friends mess up sometimes and hurt each other's

feelings on accident. If your buddy does something

disappointing, talk to them about it calmly and try to understand

their side before getting too mad. Then if they sincerely

apologize, you should forgive them. Holding grudges against

your friends pushes you apart instead of bringing you together.

We all make mistakes, so being forgiving helps your friendship

survive the tough times.

You also need to be supportive and loyal to your friends,

through thick and thin. Cheer them on at their sports games and

concerts. Compliment their achievements and talents. Stick up

for them if others tease or bully them. True friends have each

other's backs no matter what. Knowing your friend believes in

you and has your back helps you feel confident to try new


Lastly, don't be afraid to work through conflicts in a healthy

way. You won't agree with your friend on everything all the time,

and that's okay! If you have an argument or disagreement, take a

break to calm down first. Then talk it out respectfully, listen to

each other's perspectives, and try to find a compromise you both

feel good about. Resolving conflicts properly helps your

friendship grow stronger instead of ripping you apart.

Being a great friend takes a lot of effort, but it's so worth it to

have those tight bonds. Follow these tips and you'll be a shining

example of what a real friend should be! Just keep being kind,

listening, being honest, making memories, giving space,

forgiving, supporting your friends, and working through

problems. Do all those things, and you're destined to have

amazing, long-lasting friendships that truly enrich your life. Now

go out there and be the best friend ever!


How to Be a Super Friend!

Hi there! My name is Lily and I'm going to tell you all about

how to be an awesome friend. Being a great friend is really

important because friends make life way more fun! When you

have good friends, you always have people to play with, joke

around with, and just hang out and be silly together. Plus, good

friends help each other out when they're feeling sad or need

some advice.

The first step to being a super friend is to be a good listener.

Nobody likes a friend who just talks about themselves all the

time without ever letting others get a word in. You have to let

your friends share their thoughts and feelings too. When they're

talking, really pay attention and don't get distracted. Nod your

head, ask follow-up questions, and let them know you're

interested in what they're saying. That makes people feel valued

and heard.

Next, you need to be a trustworthy pal that your friends can

count on. If a friend tells you an important secret, never ever

share it with anyone else unless they say it's okay. Pinky promise!

Breaking a friend's trust by blabbing their private stuff is a huge

no-no. You should also try your best to keep the promises you

make to your friends, like being on time if you plan to meet up

somewhere. Showing you're reliable makes your friends feel

secure with you.

Being a supportive friend is really important too. If your

friend is having a tough day or is upset about something, be

there to comfort them with kind words and a warm hug. Let

them vent about what's bothering them without judging or

interrupting. Sometimes people just need someone to listen. You

can also support your friends by cheering them on when they're

trying hard at something, like scoring a goal in soccer or giving a

big presentation.

Of course, you'll want your friends to do the same

supportive things for you in return! Don't be afraid to open up to

your friends about what's on your mind, especially if you're

feeling sad, anxious, or angry. Keeping those hard feelings all

bottled up inside never helps. Your true friends will listen without

criticism and try their best to make you feel better. Just

remember to take turns venting - you can't hog all the venting


Another key part of being an amazing friend is being willing

to make compromises and avoid fighting over every little thing.

Maybe your friend wants to play pirates at recess but you want

to play superheroes. Instead of arguing about it, compromise by

doing pirates one day and superheroes the next. Finding middle

ground shows you value your friendship more than just getting

your way. When disagreements do happen, stay calm and talk it

out respectfully without name-calling or losing your temper.

Most importantly, always treat your friends with kindness,

acceptance, and respect. Never make fun of your friends or put

them down, even if you think you're just joking around. Words

can really hurt people's feelings without you meaning to. Accept

and appreciate your friends for who they are, even if they're a

little different from you. That's what real friendship is all about!

Well, those are the main tips for rocking the superpower of

exceptional friendship. Just remember to listen well, keep

confidence, support each other, share venting time, compromise

fairly, and treat friends with kindness. Do all that and you'll have

a whole squad of great pals to laugh, play, and grow up with!

Being a super friend makes life so much happier. Now get out

there and start spreading some friendship sunshine!


Making Friends is Fun!

Hello friends! My name is Tommy and I want to tell you all

about making new friends. It's really fun and easy if you know the

right ways to do it. First of all, you have to be a nice person.

Nobody wants to be friends with a mean kid who is rude and

doesn't share their toys. You have to smile, say hello, and ask

questions about the other kid like what games they like or what's

their favorite food. Sharing is really important too! If you have

extra snacks or neat stickers, offer to give some to the new kid.

That always makes them happy.

Another good tip is to find out what interests you both have

and then do those things together. Like if you both love

dinosaurs, you can pretend to be paleontologists digging for

fossils at recess. Or if you're both really into Lego, you can build

awesome spaceships and race cars side-by-side. Talking about

your favorite games, books, TV shows and movies is a great way

to bond too. You can discuss which Pokémon is the cutest or

what the best Daniel Tiger episode is. Having things in common

helps you become super close friends.

But you know what's really important for keeping friends?

Being a good listener. Don't just talk about yourself all the time.

Ask your friend questions and let them share their stories and

feelings without interrupting them. Nobody likes a kid who hogs

the conversation and never lets others get a word in. Take turns





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