Unit 1
Translate the following sentences into English.
Lesson 1
1. —你好,安娜。你的老师叫什么名字?—他叫蒂姆。
—Hi, Anna. What’s your teacher’s name?
2. —他从哪儿来,安娜?—他从新西兰来。
—Where is he from, Anna?
—He is from New Zealand.
3. —他们是从美国来的吗?—不是,他们是从英国 来的。
—Are they from the USA ?
—No, they are from the United Kingdom
4. 今天他们不太高兴。
They are not very happy today.
5. 安娜现在不在迪厅。
Anna is not at the disco now.
Lesson 2
1. —你是医生吗?—不,我不是。我是记者。
Are you a doctor? No, I’m not. I am a journalist.
2. —他是一个大公司的会计。
He is an accountant in a big company.
3. —他们都是售货员吗?—是,他们都是。
Are they all shop assistants? Yes, they are.
4. —他的女朋友住在波兰吗?—是的。
Does his girl friend live in Poland? Yes, she does.
5. —你在哪儿工作?—我在一家商店工作。
Where do you work? I work in a store.
Lesson 3
1. 他们是印度人,他们讲印地语和英语。
They are Indians. They speak Hindi and English.
2. 他是秘鲁人,他讲西班牙语,不讲英语。
He is from Peru. He doesn’t speak English. He speaks Spanish.
3. 我是老师,我教中文。
I am a teacher. I teach Chinese.
4. 玛丽不喜欢吃鱼。
Mary doesn’t like eating fish.
5. 你会讲法语吗?是的,会一点。
Do you speak French? Yes, just a little.
Unit 2
Lesson 1
1. 这些孩子喜欢住在城市。
These children love to live in the city.
2. 这是我的堂兄弟。
This is my cousin.
3. 这是你的英语老师吗?
Is this your English teacher?
4. 这两位妇女来自同一个村庄。
These two women are from the same village.
5. 这是一座古老而美丽的城市。
This is an old and beautiful city.
Lesson 2
1. 乔是做什么工作的?
What does Joe do?
2. 罗尼每天都乘公共汽车去上学吗?
Does Ronnie go to school by bus every day?
3. 特丽是在芝加哥工作吗?
Does Terry work in Chicago?
4. 萨姆经常来看你吗?
How often does Sam come to see you?
5. 碧和露西在同一所学校读书吗?
Do Bea and Lucy study at the same school?
Some people ask Tania to help them to buy birthday presents.
2. 杰克每天在因特网上冲浪,为他们的电视节目寻找故事。(surf the Internet)
Jake surfs the Internet every day and looks for stories for their TV programs.
3. 他最近研究的每一个故事读起来都象一个新的世界。(research)
Every story he researched recently was like a new world.
4. 黛碧经常帮助那些工作繁忙的人照料他们养的狗。(look after)
Debbie often helps those busy people look after their dogs.
5. 她认为帮助他人是一项最完美的工作。(perfect)
She thinks that helping others is a perfect job.
1. 露西的工作是导游。
Lucy works as a tour/tourist guide.
2. 最近杰克每天在办公室要工作10小时以上。
Recently Jake works in his office for over ten hours every day.
3. 有时他们周末开车去郊外。
Sometimes they drive to the suburbs at the weekend.
4. 岁月不待人。
Time and tide wait for no man.
5. 他喜欢到全国各地去旅游。
He loves to travel around the country.
Lesson 3
1. 星期六雅迪通常10:30才醒来。( wake up)
On Saturday Jade usually wakes up at 10:30.
2.蒂姆每天早晨起床后都要冲个澡。(have a shower)
Tim gets up and has a shower every morning.
3. 你早餐经常要喝一杯咖啡吗?(have a cup of coffee)
Do you often have a cup of coffee for breakfast?
4.许多大学生喜欢玩计算机游戏。(play computer games)
Many students love to play computer games.
5.凯西每天上午10点左右离开家去购物。( do some shopping)
Cassie leaves her house to do some shopping at about 10 o’clock every
Unit 3
Lesson 1
1. 拐角处有一家酒馆。
There is a pub just around the corner.
2. 公园附近有几家咖啡馆。
There are a few cafes near the park.
3. 这座城市没有大的购物中心。
There isn’t any big shopping center in the city.
4. 这里没有火车站。
There isn’t a train station here.
5. —你家乡有电影院吗?—有。
Is there any cinema in your hometown?
Yes, there is.
Lesson 2
1. 爱玛和她的父母住在牛津,他们住在镇中心的一座小公寓里。(flat)
Emma lives in Oxford with her parents, in a small flat in the centre of the town.
2. 我大部分时间呆在客厅看电视或者呆在我的卧室里听音乐。(spend time doing
I spend most of my time watching TV in the living room or listening to music in
my bedroom.
3. 我们学校有一个花园,里面长满了树木花草。(garden)
Our school has a garden with trees and flowers.
4. 这套房子有两个卧室、一个客厅、两个卫生间、一个书房和一间厨房。(living room)
The house has got two bedrooms, a living room, two bathrooms, a study and a
5. 从阳台上,我可以看见大海。(balcony)
I can see/view the sea from the balcony.
Lesson 3
1. 客厅里有一个长沙发和一把扶手椅子。
There is a sofa and an armchair in the living room.
2. 角落里有一些书籍。
There are some books in the corner.
3. 这间屋子里没有壁炉。
There isn’t any/a fireplace in the room.
4. 书房里有几个书架。
There are bookshelves in the study.
5. 车上有CD机吗?
Is there a CD player in the car?
Unit 4
Lesson 2
1. 玛丽亚的母亲正在打扫客厅。
Maria’s mother is cleaning the sitting room.
2. —孩子们在做作业吗?
—不, 他们在踢足球。
—Are the children doing their homework?
—No. They are playing football.
3. —露西在做什么?
—What is Lucy doing?
—She is swimming.
4. —你这是去哪里?
—Where are you going?
—I’m going to the supermarket.
5. 萨姆和他父亲正在打羽毛球。
Sam and his father are playing badminton
1. 我的朋友玛吉是一位性格极好的女人。(character)
My friend, Margie, is a woman of fine character.
2. 他们能操纵这种新型的机器。(control)
They can control this new type of machine.
3. 他救了约翰, 没让他淹死。(save from)
He saved him from drowning.
4. 这个故事的结尾出人意料。(ending)
The story has a surprise ending.
5. 请查一下火车什么时候开。(find out)
Please find out when the train leaves.
Lesson 4
1. 他收藏着不少外国硬币。( collection)
He has a very good collection of foreign coins.
2. 这是一座让人印象深刻的城堡。(impressive)
This is an impressive castle.
3. 博物馆里陈列着许多艺术收藏品。(on display)
There are a lot of art collections on display in the museum.
4. 去公园怎么样?(how about)
How about going to the park?
5. 这是一部极好的电影。(fantastic)
This is a fantastic film.
Unit 5
Lesson 1
1. 里奇会演奏几种乐器。Rich can play several musical instruments.
2. 我的英语说得不好。I can’t speak English very well.
3. 娜奥米不会下象棋。Naomi cannot play chess.
4. —本吉会做饭吗? –Can Benji cook?
—会,但做得不是很好。–Yes, but not very well.
5. —你会骑马吗?–Can you ride a horse?
—不,我不会。– No, I can’t.
1. 你能借我一把伞吗?
Can you lend me an umbrella?
2. 克里斯有许多朋友。
Chris has many friends.
3. 他有很多钱。
He has a lot of money.
4. 你想喝点水么?
Would you like to have some water?
5. 玛丽穿着一件游泳衣。
Mary is wearing a swimming costume.
Lesson 2
1. 丹尼今天下午坐火车去广州。
Dani is going to Guangzhou by train this afternoon.
2. 我爸爸明早飞往北京。
My father is flying to Beijing tomorrow morning.
3. 我们本周六晚上要为汤姆开一个生日派对。
We are having a birthday party for Tom on this Saturday evening.
4. 他要带女朋友去科西嘉岛过周末。
He is taking her girlfriend to Corsica for the weekend.
5. 安妮要过一个浪漫的周末。
Anne is spending/having a romantic weekend.
1. 昨晚我去参加了小刘的生日派对。
I went to Xiao Liu’s birthday party yesterday evening.
2. 我和父母一起过了一个愉快的周末。
I had a great weekend with my parents.
It was a sunny day last Saturday.
4. 昨天放学后安妮没有回家。
Anne didn’t go home after school yesterday.
5. 桑迪两年前不是医生。
Sandi wasn’t a doctor two years ago.
Lesson 3
1. 我们步行了几公里到了一个小村庄。(a couple of)
We walked a couple of kilometers to a small village.
2. 我们到达奥林帕斯山时太阳正好开始落山。(just as)
We arrived at Mount Olympus just as the sun started to go down.
3. 我们整夜打牌、讲故事打发时间。 (pass the time)
We passed the time playing cards and telling stories all night.
4. 我的一个朋友弹吉他演奏了我们喜欢的所有歌曲。(play)
One of my friends played all our favourite songs with a guitar.
5. 那座燃烧的大山从远处看上去非常壮观。(fantastic)
The burning mountain looked fantastic from afar.
Lesson 4
1. 我们打算骑自行车从恩尼斯基林出发去贝尔里克村。(be starting)
We were starting in Enniskillen for Belleek by bicycle .
2. 我们沿着湖边往前走进入森林。(go along…up)
We went along a lake up into a forest.
3. 一路上都是下坡。(downhill, all the way)
It’s downhill all the way.
4. 晚上七点半爸爸在火车站接我们。(meet)
My father met us at the railway station at about 7:30.
5. 去考德威尔城堡花了我们几个小时。(take)
It took us a couple of hours to go to Castle Caldwell.