Unit 6
1. 这么多年过去了;现在他仍然抱着她会被他的爱所感动并嫁给他的希
望..cling to
2. 为了友谊;他选择对约翰的严重错误保持沉默..in the name of
3. 他感觉自己在所有那些聪明人中间像个冒牌货——似乎他根本没资格
4. 她因滑稽、粗俗和大胆成了美国最出名的电视名人之一..profane
5. 一群好奇的旁观者很快聚拢过来看发生了什么事..onlooker
6. 再次听到那支曲子使他内心充满了怀旧之情..nostalgia
7. 我讨厌不得不在天还没亮时起床..detest
8. 地方政府的这项新政策引起了环保组织的强烈抗议..provoke
9. 这本书中有好几个优美的描写片段..sublime
10. 我察觉到他对安排不大满意;于是预订了另一家旅馆..perceive
1. 这么多年过去了;现在他仍然抱着她会被他的爱所感动并嫁给他的希
望..cling to
After so many years he is still clinging to the hope that she will
be moved by his love and marry him.
cling to: to stick to or fit very tightly on something
e.g. Gareth's dripping clothes clung to his body.
2. 为了友谊;他选择对约翰的严重错误保持沉默..in the name of
He chose to remain silent about John’s serious mistake in the name
of friendship.
in the name of: representing someone or something
e.g. They said they came in the name of peace.
3. 他感觉自己在所有那些聪明人中间像个冒牌货——似乎他根本没资格
He felt like an impostor among all those intelligent people; as
if he had no right to be there.
impostor n. someone who pretends to be someone else; in order
to trick people
e.g. We knew he was an impostor because he spoke with a foreign
4. 她因滑稽、粗俗和大胆成了美国最出名的电视名人之一..profane
Funny; profane and fearless; she has become one of America’s
biggest television celebrities.
profane adj. showing a lack of respect for God or religious
objects; places; or beliefs
e.g. 1. He rose exultantly from their
2. Both movies are frank; verbally
and violent.
5. 一群好奇的旁观者很快聚拢过来看发生了什么事..onlooker
A crowd of curious onlookers soon gathered to see what was
onlooker n. someone who watches something happen but does not