1 k值试验 test for k value of complete car
2 s形辐板 s-type wheel plate
3 矮侧板 low side
4 矮端板 low end
5 爱车点 car caring point
6 百叶窗 louver
7 摆块 centering block
8 摆块吊 centering block hanger
9 板梁式钢结构 plate girder type steel structure
10 半夜灯 evening lamp
11 包间式卧车 corridor compartment type sleeping car
12 背负运输车 piggyback car
13 比面积 specific floor area
14 比容积 specific volume
15 闭锁位置 locked position of coupler
16 边走边卸阀 ballast flow control valve
17 变摩擦式减震装置 variable friction type snubbing device
18 变位阀 changeover valve
19 拨叉 poking fork
20 波纹地板 corrugated floor
21 波形辐板 corragated wheel plate
22 播音连接器 public address coupling
23 播音装置 public address system
24 薄壁筒体结构 thin-shelled tubular structure
25 不摘车修 in-train repair
26 采暖装置 heating system
27 餐车洗池 sink
28 餐室 dining room
29 残车率 rate of bad order cars
30 侧灯 side lamp
31 侧架弹簧承台 side frame spring seat
32 侧架立柱 side frame column
33 侧架上弦杆 side frame top chord
34 侧架上斜弦杆 side frame top oblique chord
35 侧架下弦杆 side frame bottom chord
36 侧架下斜弦杆 side frame bottom oblique chord
37 侧梁 side sill
38 侧门 side door
39 侧排油阀 side oil outlet valve
40 侧墙 side wall
41 侧墙包板 side sheathing
42 侧倾车体 tilting type car body
43 侧柱 side post
44 侧柱连铁 side post connecting rail
45 侧柱内补强 inside reinforcement of side post
46 茶桌 tea table
47 长大货物车 oversize commodity car
48 常摩擦式减震装置 constant friction type snubbing device
49 车长阀 caboose valve
50 车底电线管 electric wire conduit underneath the car
51 车底数 number of allocated passenger trains
52 车电分线盒 junction box
53 车顶冰箱冷藏车 overhead brine tank refrigerator car
54 车顶侧梁 roof cant rail
55 车顶端横梁 roof end rail
56 车顶横梁 roof cross beam
57 车顶弯梁 carline
58 车顶纵梁 purline
59 车端冰箱冷藏车 ice-bunker refrigerator car
60 车端缓冲器 end-of-car cushioning device
61 车钩复原装置 coupler centering device
62 车钩缓冲装置压缩与拉 coupler & draft gearrunning-in & running-out
63 车钩间隙 coupler slack
64 车钩连接线 coupling line
65 车钩轮廓 coupler contour
66 车钩三态作用 three states of coupler operation
67 车钩托梁 coupler carrier
68 车钩中心线高度 height of coupler center from top of rail
69 车号 number of car
70 车辆报废限度 car condemning limit
71 车辆标记 lettering and marking of car
72 车辆长距比 ratio of car body length to length between truck c
73 车辆厂修 car repair in works
74 车辆冲击试验 car impact test
75 车辆大修 car heavy repair
76 车辆定距 length between truck centers
77 车辆动力学试验 car dynamics test
78 车辆段检修台位利用率 rate of utilization of repair positions in car dep
79 车辆段修 car repair in depot
80 车辆分散供电 separate power supply system for car
81 车辆辅修 car auxiliary repair
82 车辆高度 height of car
83 车辆构造速度 design speed of car
84 车辆横向 lateral direction of car
85 车辆互撞 car collision
86 车辆集中供电 centralized power supply systemfor car
87 车辆计算长度 calculated length of car
88 车辆技术履历薄 technical record book of car
89 车辆检修率 rate of cars under repair
90 车辆检修设备 car repair facilities
91 车辆检修停留时间 down time for holding cars for repairing
92 车辆检修限度 car repair limit
93 车辆检修在修时间 down time for car under repair
94 车辆交直流供电 ac-dc power supply for car
95 车辆年修 car yearly repair
96 车辆平均长度 average length of car
97 车辆强度试验 car strength test
98 车辆全长 length over pulling faces of couplers
99 车辆全轴距 wheelbase of car
100 车辆设计规范 specifications for design of cars
101 车辆修理厂 car repair works
102 车辆运营 car operation
103 车辆运用维修 car operation and maintenance
104 车辆运用限度 car road service limit
105 车辆制检 car brake examination
106 车辆制造厂 car manufacturing works
107 车辆中修 car medium repair
108 车辆轴检 car journal and box examination
109 车辆装卸修 car repair before loading or after unloading
110 车辆纵向 longitudinal direction of car
111 车辆最大高度 maximum height of car
112 车辆最大宽度 maximum width of car
113 车辆最大容许速度 maximum permissible speed of car
114 车轮不圆 wheel out of round
115 车轮厂 car wheelset repair factory
116 车轮静平衡检验 car wheel static balance test
117 车轮扣环 retaining ring of tire
118 车轮贴靠 flanging
119 车轮直径 wheel diameter
120 车上给水装置 water supply equipment with roof tank
121 车上水箱 roof water tank
122 车体侧倾装置 car body tilting device
123 车体长度 length over ends of body
124 车体骨架 body framing
125 车体宽度 width over sides of car body
126 车体内长 length inside car body
127 车体内高 height inside car body
128 车体内宽 width inside car body
129 车体内中心处高度 height inside car body from floor to roof center
130 车体弯曲振动试验 test of vibration caused by carbody bending
131 车下电气插座 car power receptacle
132 车下给水装置 water supply equipment with lower tank
133 车下水箱 lower water tank
134 车种 type of car
135 车轴超声探伤 ultrasonic inspection for axle
136 车轴电磁探伤 magnetic particle inspection for axle
137 车轴发电机控制箱 axle generator control box
138 车轴模拟试验台 axle analogy test machine
139 车轴弯曲 bent axle
140 承载鞍 adapter
141 乘座舒适度 riding comfortableness
142 充电插头 charging plug
143 冲便阀 flush valve
144 冲击座 striker
145 抽液管座 unloading pipe connection
146 厨房 kitchen
147 厨房车 kitchen car
148 储藏室 storage room
149 传动轴 transmission shaft
150 窗间板 pier sheathing
151 窗卷帘 window blind
152 窗框 window sash
153 窗帘 window curtain
154 窗锁 window sash lock
155 窗台 window sill
156 床头灯 berth lamp
157 炊事室 cooking room
158 垂直动载荷 vertical dynamic load
159 垂直载荷 vertical load
160 从板 follower
161 大横梁 cross bearer
162 大气压式采暖装置 atmospheric pressure steam heating equipment
163 大气压式暖汽调整阀 vapor regulater
164 大腰带 waist rail
165 单侧踏面制动 single shoe brake
166 单车试验 single car test
167 单车试验器 single car testing device
168 单管逆变器 individual inverter
169 单管荧光灯 single tube fluorescent lamp
170 单筒壁灯 single cylindrical shade wall lamp
171 单线制 single wire system
172 单元制动 brake unit
173 单轴转向架 single-axle truck
174 弹簧动挠度 dynamic spring deflection
175 弹簧刚度 spring stiffness
176 弹簧静挠度 static spring deflection
177 弹簧摩擦式缓冲器 spring friction draft gear
178 弹簧柔度 spring flexibility
179 弹簧托板 spring plank
180 弹簧托梁 spring plank carrier
181 弹簧悬挂装置 spring suspension
182 弹性定位轮对 elastically positioned wheelset
183 弹性旁承 elastic side bearing
184 弹性止挡 elastic bolster guide
185 刀把梁 lowered draft sill
186 导框式转向架 pedestal truck
187 导热系数 coefficient of thermal conductivity
188 低摩合成闸瓦 low friction composite brake shoe
189 底架 underframe
190 底架长度 length over end sills
191 底架宽度 width over side sills
192 地板面高度 height of floor from rail top
193 地板面积 floor area
194 地板排水装置 floor draining device
195 第二系悬挂 secondary suspension
196 第一第二系弹簧挠度比 ratio of spring deflections of primary & secondary
197 第一系悬挂 primary suspension
198 点火器 spark lighter
199 电动水泵 electric water pump
200 电加热器 electric heater
201 电加湿器 electric moistening device
202 电空制动装置 electropneumatic brake equipment
203 电力电缆及连接器 power supply cable & coupling
204 电气系统 electric system
205 电热采暖装置 electric heating equipment
206 电热管 tubular electric heating element
207 电扇 electric fan
208 电站列车车组 power plant car train-set
209 调梁设备 beam straightening equipment
210 叠板弹簧 laminated spring
211 丁形离水阀 tee trap
212 顶车 lift one end of car
213 顶车座 jacking pad
214 顶灯 ceiling lamp
215 顶盖座 hatch cover seat
216 定期修 periodic repair
217 定压风缸 constant pressure reservoir
218 动板 movable plate
219 动力试验车 dynamometer car
220 动力系数 coefficient of dynamic force
221 毒品车 poison car
222 渡板 gangway foot plate
223 端部塞门 end cock
224 端接管 pipe nipple
225 端梁 end sill
226 端门 end door
227 端墙包板 end sheathing
228 端柱 end post
229 段修循环系数 circulating factor of repair in depot
230 对角撑 diagonal brace
231 蹲式便器 eastern type toilet
232 多次磨耗车轮 multiple wear wheel
233 多轴转向架 multi-axle truck
234 二三压力混合机构 composite two and three-pressure equalizing system
235 二位侧 right side of car
236 二位端 "a" end of car
237 二压力机构 two-pressure equalizing system
238 二轴车 two-axle car
239 二轴转向架 two-axle truck
240 发电室 power plant compartment
241 翻板 platform trap door
242 防尘板 dust guard
243 防尘板座 dust guard seat
244 防滑器 anti-skid device
245 放风阀 vent valve
246 非踏面制动 off tread braking
247 非运用车系数 coefficient of cars not in service
248 非粘着制动 non-adhesion braking
249 分检室 mail sorting room
250 分配阀试验台 distributing valve test rack
251 粉末货物车 powdered goods car
252 风挡 vestibule diaphram
253 风挡缓冲板 vestibule diaphram buffer plate
254 风挡面板 vestibule diaphram face plate
255 风动石碴漏斗车 pneumatic ballast hopper car
256 风口 air port
257 风轮 fan
258 扶手 hand hold
259 辐板 plate
260 辐板径向裂纹 radial crack in plate
261 辐板孔 plate hole
262 辐板圆周裂纹 circumferential crack in plate
263 辅助梁 floor stringer
264 附加风缸 supplementary reservoir
265 副风缸 auxiliary reservoir
266 干摩擦式轴箱定位装置 dry friction type journal box positioning device
267 干燥器 dryer
268 甘蔗车 sugar cane car
269 杆件 member
270 刚性定位轮对 rigidly positioned wheelset
271 杠杆上拉杆 lever connecting rod
272 高度调整阀 leveling valve
273 高鹅头弯管 high level bend
274 高级包房卧车 superclass corridor compartment type sleeping car
275 高摩合成闸瓦 high friction composite brake shoe
276 高压罐车 high pressure tank car
277 隔热棚车 insulated box car
278 给气调整阀 pressure regulating valve
279 给水调整阀 water supply governer valve
280 给水风缸 water supply air reservoir
281 给水减压阀 pressure reducing valve
282 给水系统 water supply system
283 工具室 tool room
284 钩耳 coupler pivot lug
285 钩肩 coupler horn
286 钩颈 coupler neck
287 钩舌 coupler knuckle
288 钩舌销 knuckle pivot pin
289 钩身 coupler shank
290 钩锁 coupler lock
291 钩锁销 coupler lock lift
292 钩体 coupler body
293 钩头正面 coupler front face
294 钩腕外臂 coupler guard arm
295 钩尾 coupler tail
296 钩尾销 draft key
297 构架侧梁 truck side sill
298 构架端梁 truck end sill
299 构架辅助梁 truck auxiliary transom
300 构架横梁 truck transom
301 构架纵梁 truck longitudinal sill
302 构件 structural member
303 固定杠杆 truck dead lever
304 固定轴距 rigid wheelbase
305 固定座椅 fixed seat
306 挂瓦室 journal bearing babbit metal lining room
307 罐车容积计表 tank volume table
308 罐端板 tank head
309 罐体 tank
310 罐体鞍座 tank saddle
311 罐体长度 length of tank
312 滚动圆 tread rolling circle
313 滚动轴承故障自动检测 automatic roller bearing defect detection
314 滚动轴承间 roller bearing shop
315 滚圈 rolling ring
316 滚柱轴承试验台 roller bearing test stand
317 过滤器 filter
318 合造客车 composite passenger car
319 恒温膨胀阀 thermostatic expansion valve
320 桁架式钢结构 truss type steel structure
321 横带 rail
322 横向拉杆 lateral connecting rod
323 横向稳定性 lateral stability
324 红外线轴温检测所 infrared journal temperature detection point
325 红外线轴温探测系统 infrared journal temperature detection system
326 后从板座 rear draft lug
327 后挡板 back shield
328 呼叫装置 call button
329 滑阀 slide valve
330 缓冲杆 buffer rod
331 缓冲梁 buffer beam
332 缓冲器反弹 draft gear recoil
333 缓冲器能量吸收率 rate of energy absorbed by draft gear
334 缓冲器容量 draft gear capacity
335 缓冲器箱体 draft gear housing
336 缓冲器行程 draft gear travel
337 缓冲器预紧力 draft gear initial compression
338 缓冲器阻抗力 draft gear reaction force at rating travel
339 缓解部 release portion
340 缓解阀 release valve
341 簧上重量 suspended weight
342 簧下重量 non-suspended weight
343 回风道 air return duct
344 活顶盖 removable hatch cover
345 活动中梁底架 underframe with sliding center sill
346 活动座椅 self-folding seat
347 活鱼车 live fish car
348 货车保有量 number of freight cars on hand
349 货车技术交接所 freight car technical condition handing-over post
350 货车脚蹬 sill step
351 货车门锁 door latch
352 货车内墙板 lining
353 货车上侧梁 top chord
354 货车上开门 upward swing door
355 货车洗刷所 freight car washing point
356 货车下开门 downward swing door
357 货车摇枕挡 column guide
358 货车站修所 freight car repairing point
359 货物积累损伤指数 rate of accumulated freight damage
360 货物列车检修所 freight train inspection and service point
361 货物列车区段检修所 transit freight train inspection and service point
362 货物列车一般检修所 freight train ordinary inspection and service poin
363 货物列车主要检修所 freight train main inspection and service point
364 机械保温车辆段 mechanical refrigerator car depot
365 机械冷藏车组 mechanical refrigerator car group
366 机械通风装置 mechanical ventilation equipment
367 基础制动装置 foundation brake rigging
368 集尘器 dirt collector
369 集中式逆变器 centralized inverter
370 挤轨 gage widening
371 技术整备 technical servicing
372 加速制动阀部 accelerated application valve portion
373 加温车 heater car
374 加温套 steam jacket
375 家禽车 poultry car
376 架车 jack up car body
377 间壁 partition
378 减压中继阀 reduction relay valve
379 减振器试验台 damper test stand
380 减振指数 damping index
381 检衡车 weigh bridge test car
382 降压电阻 step down resistance
383 降压气室 pressure reducing reservoir
384 交流感应子发电机 inductor type alternator
385 角灯 corner lamp
386 角柱 corner post
387 教育车 education car
388 接线端子 connection terminal
389 接线盒 connection box
390 截断塞门 cut-out cock
391 解钩装置 uncoupling device
392 紧急部 emergency portion
393 紧急风缸 emergency reservoir
394 紧急制动阀 emergency brake valve
395 进风道 air inlet duct
396 进气阀 air inlet valve
397 净制动率 net braking ratio
398 静强度试验台 static strength test rack
399 俱乐部车 club car
400 聚液窝 liquid trap
401 均衡风缸 equalizing reservoir
402 均衡杠杆 equalizing lever
403 均衡拉杆 equalizing pull rod
404 卡带 tank band
405 开敞式卧车 open type sleeping car
406 开锁位置 lockset position of coupler
407 抗挤出稳定性 stability against forcing out during train bucklin
408 抗倾覆稳定性 stability against overturning
409 抗脱轨稳定性 stability against derailment
410 可钉地板 nailable floor
411 可躺座椅 reclining seat
412 客车摆门 spring butt rocking door
413 客车保有量 number of passenger cars on hand
414 客车隔门 partition door
415 客车技术整备所 passenger train technical servicing point
416 客车脚蹬 entrance door step
417 客车脚蹬门 vestibule entrance door
418 客车门锁 door lock
419 客车内墙板 panel
420 客车配属辆数 number of allocated passenger cars
421 客车上侧梁 cant rail
422 客车摇门 swing door
423 客车整备库 coach servicing shed
424 客车轴温报警 passenger car journal temperature warning
425 客货车厂段修规程 regulations for passenger/freight car repair in fa
426 客室 passenger room
427 客室通道 aisle
428 客厅车 saloon car
429 空车 empty car
430 空调客车 air conditioned passenger car
431 空气包 tank dome
432 空气调节装置 air conditioning equipment
433 空气控制装置 pneumatic control device
434 空气预冷装置 air precooler
435 空气真空两用制动装置 air and vacuum dual brake equipment
436 空气制动装置 air brake equipment
437 空气自动控制装置 automatic air control device
438 空重车制动装置 empty/load brake equipment
439 空重车转换塞门 empty and load changeover cock
440 空走距离 idling stopping distance
441 空走时间 idling braking time
442 控制电缆连接器 control cable coupling
443 控制室 control cabin
444 控制箱 control box
445 扣车条件 specified conditions for detaining cars
446 库检 examination in depot
447 快速接头 quick coupling
448 拉板式轴箱定位装置 tie-plate type journal box positioning device
449 拉杆 toggle arm
450 拉杆式轴箱定位装置 tie-rod type journal box positioning device
451 拉钩检查距离 car spacing for uncoupled inspection
452 拉门 sliding door
453 冷藏加温车 refrigerator and heater car
454 冷冻板冷藏车 freezing-plate refrigerator car
455 冷凝器 condenser
456 冷凝器风道 condenser air concentrator
457 冷铸铁轮 chilled cast iron wheel
458 离水格子 floor rack
459 连接拉杆 cylinder lever connecting rod
460 联合集尘截断塞门 combined dirt collector and cut-out cock
461 链子钩 screw coupling
462 两系悬挂 two stage suspension
463 了望车 observation car
464 了望窗 observation window
465 列车管 train pipe
466 列车尾部风压反馈 train rear end air pressure feedback
467 列车员室 attendants room
468 列车制动简易试验 train brake simplified test
469 列车制动溜放试验 coasting braking test
470 列车制动全部试验 train brake overall test
471 列车制动试验器 train brake tester
472 列车纵向动力 longitudinal dynamic force of train
473 列检 train examination
474 临界阻尼 critical damping
475 临界阻尼值 critical damping value
476 临修 temporary repair
477 临修线 temporary repair siding
478 零担办公车 office car for peddler train
479 流线型车体 streamlined car body
480 漏斗 hopper
481 漏斗门风手动传动装置 pneumatic/manual hopper door operating device
482 旅客列车检修所 passenger train inspection and service point
483 旅客疲劳时间 passenger fatigue time
484 轮对存放场 wheelset storing yard
485 轮对动平衡检验 wheelset dynamic balance test
486 轮对内侧距 distance between backs of wheel flanges
487 轮毂 wheel hub
488 轮毂长度 hub length
489 轮毂厚度 hub thickness
490 轮毂孔 wheel hub bore
491 轮毂孔直径 hub bore diameter
492 轮毂破裂 burst hub
493 轮毂松动 wheel loose on axle
494 轮毂直径 hub diameter
495 轮箍厚度 tire thickness
496 轮辋 wheel rim
497 轮辋宽度 rim width
498 轮辋烧伤 burnt rim
499 轮辋辗出 spread rim
500 轮心 wheel center
501 轮缘垂直磨耗 vertical flange
502 轮缘高度 flange height
503 轮缘厚度 flange thickness
504 轮重减载率 rate of wheel load reduction
505 轮装盘形制动 wheel-mounted disc brake
506 轮座 wheel seat
507 螺杆式制冷压缩机 screw type refrigeration compressor
508 落锤试验 drop test
509 毛巾杆 towel hanging rod
510 每延米重量 load per meter of track
511 门滑轮 door guide roller
512 门孔宽度 width of door opening
513 门柱 door post
514 迷宫式密封 labyrinth seal
515 密封圈 seal ring
516 密接式车钩 tight-lock coupler
517 膜板 diaphragm
518 膜式空气弹簧 diaphragm type air spring
519 摩擦制动 friction braking
520 磨擦板 friction plate
521 磨擦式减振器 snubber
522 磨耗板 wearing plate
523 磨耗型踏面 worn profile tread
524 母车 car with axle generator
525 木前枕 wooden strut
526 内顶板 ceiling
527 内端墙 inside end wall
528 内构架转向架 inside-frame truck
529 内梯 manhole ladder
530 囊式空气弹簧 bellows type air spring
531 挠度裕量系数 coefficient of spring deflection reservation
532 扭杆弹簧 torsion bar spring
533 暖汽端阀 train pipe end valve
534 暖汽软管 heater hose
535 暖汽软管连接器 heater hose coupler
536 暖汽支管 heater branch pipe
537 暖汽主管 heater train pipe
538 爬轨 climb on rail
539 排风道 air exhausting duct
540 排气风扇 exhaust fan
541 盘形缓冲器 side buffer
542 旁承承载 side bearing loading
543 旁承间隙 side bearing clearance
544 旁承载荷 load on side bearing
545 旁承支重转向架 side bearing truck
546 旁弯 sidewise bending
547 刨花车 wood chip car
548 配电柜 electric power distribution cabinet
549 配电盘 switch board
550 平板地板 flat floor
551 平均减速度 average retardation rate
552 平稳性指标 riding index
553 迫导向径向转向架 forced-steering radial truck
554 气密性 air-tightness
555 牵引钩 hauling hook
556 牵引梁 draft sill
557 前从板座 front draft lug
558 钳形梁 schnabel
559 墙板压筋 flute or rib on sheathing
560 球芯折角塞门 ball type angle cock
561 球形滚子轴承 spherical roller bearing
562 球形心盘 spherical center plate
563 球形轴箱定位装置 ball type journal box positioning device
564 曲梁式转向架 curved-beam truck
565 全车振动试验台 full car vibration test rig
566 全金属客车 all metal passenger car
567 全开位置 full open position of coupler
568 裙板 apron
569 燃煤独立温水采暖装置 coal-burning heater type hot water heating equipme
570 燃煤温水锅炉 coal-burning heater
571 燃油独立温水采暖装置 oil-burning heater type hot water heating equipmen
572 燃油温水锅炉 oil burning heater
573 热泵 heat pump
574 热风采暖装置 hot air heating equipment
575 热工试验室 heat engineering laboratory
576 热裂纹 thermal crack
577 人孔盖 manhole cover
578 塞入门 plug door
579 塞入门导轮 door guide wheel
580 三大件转向架 three-piece truck
581 三压力机构 three-pressure equalizing system
582 三轴转向架 three-axle truck
583 散热管 radiator
584 散装水泥车 bulk cement car
585 砂石车 gravel car
586 上鞍 tank anchor
587 上防跳台 top operation anticreep ledge
588 上开窗 uplifting window
589 上拉杆 top rod
590 上挠度 camber
591 上旁承 body side bearing
592 上墙板 cornice sheathing
593 上心盘 body center plate
594 上作用车钩 top operation coupler
595 深盆辐板 deep dish wheel plate
596 绳栓 rope lug
597 实制动距离 actual stopping distance
598 实制动时间 actual braking time
599 市郊客车 suburban passenger car
600 室温控制器 room thermostat
601 手动水泵 hand water pump
602 手制动机 hand brake
603 手制动链轮 hand brake sheave wheel
604 手制动曲拐 hand brake bell crank
605 梳妆架 comb rack
606 双侧踏面制动 clasp brake
607 双层轿车平车 double deck sedan car
608 双管荧光灯 double tube fluorescent lamp
609 双联杠杆 toggle linkage
610 双室风缸 two-compartment reservoir
611 双筒壁灯 double cylindrical shade wall lamp
612 双线制 two wire system
613 双向风缸 two way cylinder
614 水盘 drip pan
615 水位表 water level gage
616 水温控制器 water temperature regulater
617 水箱验水阀 water tank test cock
618 四用广播机 four-function public address equipment
619 四轴车 four-axle car
620 伺服疲劳试验机 servo fatigue testing machine
621 送风道 air delivery duct
622 塑料轴瓦头 plastic wearing end for plain bearing
623 隧道摄影车 tunnel photographing car
624 缩短装置 shortening device
625 锁紧中心销 locking center pin
626 踏面剥离 shelled tread
627 踏面擦伤 flat sliding
628 踏面基点 tread taping point
629 踏面磨耗 tread wear
630 踏面清扫器 tread cleaner
631 踏面外形 tread contour
632 踏面锥度 tread conicity
633 台位利用系数 utility factor of the position
634 套车 telescoping
635 特等卧室 superclass bedroom
636 梯 ladder
637 提升阀 poppet valve
638 天窗 skylight
639 跳轨 jump on rail
640 停驻制动 parking braking
641 通风车 ventilated box car
642 通风器 ventilator
643 通过最小曲线半径 minimum radius of curvature negotiable
644 通气口 vent
645 通用货车 general-purpose freight car
646 椭圆弹簧 elliptic spring
647 外顶板 roof sheet
648 外端门 gangway door
649 外端墙 outside end wall
650 弯形止阀 bend stop valve
651 往复式制冷压缩机 reciprocating type refrigeration compressor
652 尾灯 tail lamp
653 尾框 coupler yoke
654 温水采暖装置 hot water heating equipment
655 温水箱 hot water tank
656 稳定性安全系数 safety factor of stability
657 稳定运行工况 steady running condition
658 卧室 bedroom
659 无导框式转向架 non-pedestal truck
660 无间隙牵引杆 slackless drawbar
661 无摇动台式转向架 truck with no swing bolster
662 无摇枕转向架 bolsterless truck
663 无中梁底架 underframe without center sill
664 五通塞门 five-way cock
665 雾化杯 atomizing cup
666 雾化轮 atomizing wheel
667 吸入压力调节阀 suction pressure regulating valve
668 席别灯 car class indicating lamp
669 洗罐棚 tank washing shed
670 洗罐设备 tank washing equipment
671 洗罐线 tank washing siding
672 洗罐站 tank washing point
673 洗面间 washing room
674 洗面器 wash basin
675 洗手器 wash bowl
676 下垂 drooping
677 下防跳台 rotary operation anticreep ledge
678 下开窗 dropping window
679 下墙板 wainscot sheathing
680 下心盘 truck center plate
681 下作用车钩 bottom operation coupler
682 下作用水阀 under lever faucet
683 限压阀 limiting valve
684 相对摩擦系数 relative friction coefficient
685 相对阻尼系数 damping factor
686 橡胶弹性导柱式轴箱定 rubber elastic guide post type journal box positio
687 橡胶垫 rubber pad
688 橡胶堆 rubber-metal pad
689 橡胶缓冲器 rubber draft gear
690 橡胶摩擦式缓冲器 rubber friction draft gear
691 小横梁 crosstie
692 小卖部 snack counter
693 小腰带 window lintel
694 斜对称载荷 diagonally symmetrical loading force
695 斜楔 wedge
696 心盘面自由高 free height of center plate wearing surface from r
697 心盘载荷 load on center plate
698 心盘座 center filler
699 行李室 baggage room
700 修车库 freight car temporary repairing shed
701 修车台位长度 length of repair position
702 修车线 repair siding
703 蓄电池箱 storage battery box
704 循环挡板 circulating baffle plate
705 压紧装置 pinch device
706 压块 pressing block
707 压力风缸 pressure reservoir
708 压力主管 pressure pipe
709 压式水阀 compression faucet
710 延长杆 extension rod
711 摇枕弹簧 bolster spring
712 摇枕挡 bolster guide
713 摇枕挡间隙 bogie bolster play
714 摇枕吊 bolster hanger
715 摇枕吊轴 swing hanger cross beam
716 液力气动式缓冲器 hydropneumatic draft gear
717 液面高度指示牌 liquid level indicating plate
718 液压式缓冲器 hydraulic draft gear
719 一次磨耗车轮 one-wear wheel
720 一体从板座 rear draft check casting
721 一体构架转向架 rigid frame truck
722 一位侧 left side of car
723 一位端 "b" end of car
724 一系悬挂 single stage suspension
725 移动杠杆 truck live lever
726 邮政间 post office compartment
727 油导筒式轴箱定位装置 oil guide cylinder type journal box positioning de
728 油分离器 oil extractor
729 油卷 lubricating roll
730 油线室 journal box packing room
731 有箍车轮 tired wheel
732 有效容积 effective volume
733 有中梁底架 underframe with center sill
734 鱼腹梁 fish-belly sill
735 雨檐 eaves
736 圆柱滚子轴承 cylindrical roller bearing
737 圆锥滚子轴承 tapered roller bearing
738 阅读灯 reading lamp
739 匀质列车 even mass train
740 允许轴载荷 allowable load on journals of same axle
741 运行过渡工况 transitional running condition
742 运行品质 riding quality
743 运用考验 service test
744 载荷比例阀 load proportional valve
745 载荷传感阀 load sensor valve
746 载重 loading capacity
747 闸片 brake lining
748 闸瓦背 brake shoe back
749 闸瓦插销 brake shoe key
750 闸瓦间隙自动调节器 automatic slack adjuster
751 闸瓦试验台 brake shoe inertia dynamometer
752 闸瓦托 brake head
753 闸瓦压力 brake shoe pressure
754 摘车修 car detached repair
755 粘着制动 adhesion braking
756 站修 repair track maintenance
757 站修线 repair track in station
758 涨圈式密封 piston ring type seal
759 照明稳压器 illumination voltage stabilizer
760 照明装置 illumination equipment
761 折叠座椅 folding seat
762 真空缸 vacuum chamber
763 真空制动装置 vacuum brake equipment
764 枕梁 body bolster
765 枕形壁灯 pillow shaped wall lamp
766 蒸发器 evaporator
767 蒸汽采暖装置 steam heating equipment
768 整备品重量 servicing weight
769 整备线配置系数 allocation factor of service track
770 整体承载结构 monocoque structure
771 直辐板 straight wheel plate
772 直角截止阀 angle shut-off valve
773 直接进入阀 direct admission valve
774 直通截止阀 through shut-off valve
775 直通空气制动装置 straight air brake equipment
776 直通制动管 direct air brake pipe
777 直压式采暖装置 direct pressure steam heating equipment
778 直压式暖汽调整阀 car pressure regulater
779 纸浆车 pulp car
780 制动安定性 service stability
781 制动倍率 leverage ratio
782 制动不衰竭性 inexhaustibility
783 制动初速 initial speed at brake application
784 制动缸后杠杆 auxiliary lever
785 制动缸活塞行程 piston travel
786 制动缸前杠杆 cylinder lever
787 制动缸压力保持阀 retaining valve
788 制动杠杆传动效率 brake rigging efficiency
789 制动管路 brake piping
790 制动检修所 brake inspection point
791 制动梁槽钢 brake beam compression channel
792 制动梁弓形杆 brake beam tension rod
793 制动梁拉杆 brake beam pull rod
794 制动梁下拉杆 brake beam bottom rod
795 制动梁支柱 brake beam strut
796 制动灵敏度 sensitivity
797 制动率 braking ratio
798 制动软管 hose
799 制动软管连接器 brake hose coupling
800 制动时间 braking time
801 制动室 brake repair room
802 制动衰竭性 exhaustibility
803 制动稳定性 insensitivity
804 制动系统 brake system
805 制动效率 brake efficiency
806 制动支管 brake branch pipe
807 制动支管三通 branch pipe tee
808 制动主管 brake pipe
809 制动柱塞 spool
810 制冷加温装置 refrigeration and heating equipment
811 中间试验 intermediate test
812 中间体 pipe bracket
813 中梁 center sill
814 中梁悬臂部 overhang
815 中磷闸瓦 medium phosphor cast iron brake shoe
816 中心排油阀 central oil outlet valve
817 中央缓冲器 central draft gear
818 中央楔块 center wedge
819 终夜灯 whole night lamp
820 重车 loaded car
821 轴承端盖 roller bearing end cap
822 轴颈 journal
823 轴颈后肩 journal back fillet
824 轴颈中心距 distance between journal centers
825 轴领 end collar
826 轴身 axle body
827 轴瓦垫 journal bearing wedge
828 轴温 journal temperature
829 轴箱承台 side frame pedestal bearing boss
830 轴箱弹簧 journal box spring
831 轴箱弹簧支柱 journal box spring guide post
832 轴箱挡 axle box guide
833 轴箱导框 side frame pedestal
834 轴箱导框间隙 axle box play
835 轴箱盖 journal box lid
836 轴箱后盖 journal box rear cover
837 轴箱前盖 journal box front cover
838 轴箱体 journal box body
839 轴载荷 load on axle journals
840 轴中央部 axle center
841 轴装盘形制动 axle-mounted disc brake
842 注水口 filling pipe end
843 贮液桶 liquid receiver
844 柱插 stake pocket
845 转臂式轴箱定位装置 rocker type journal box positioning device
846 转动车钩煤车 rotary dumping coal car
847 转动式车钩 rotary dump coupler
848 转动座椅 rotating seat
849 转换塞门 cut-out cock
850 转向架侧架 truck side frame
851 转向架对角线 truck frame diagonal
852 转向架构架 truck frame
853 转向架换装所 truck changing point
854 转向架基础制动 truck brake rigging
855 转向架扭曲刚度 truck rigidity against distorsion
856 转向架式车 bogie car
857 转向架摇枕 truck bolster
858 转向架制动组件 truck-mounted brake assembly
859 转向架组全轴距 wheelbase of combination truck
860 转向线 turn-around wye
861 装货口 hatch
862 装卸检修所 inspection and service point for car before loadin
863 子车 car without axle generator
864 自导向径向转向架 self-steering radial truck
865 自动高度调整装置 automatic leveling device
866 自动空气制动装置 automatic air brake equipment
867 自然通风装置 natural ventilation equipment
868 自由车轮 independent wheel
869 自重系数 ratio of light weight to loading capacity
870 总容积 total volume
871 总重 gross weight
872 走板 running board
873 走廊 corridor
874 走行装置 running gear
875 阻尼系数 damping coefficient
876 组合式转向架 combination truck
877 最大倾斜位置 maximum inclining position
878 最大外移位置 maximum outward position
879 作用部 service portion
880 作用阀 application valve
881 坐式便器 western type toilet
882 纵向加速度 longitudinal acceleration
机车车辆 locomotive and car;rolling stock
2 机车 locomotive
3 蒸汽机车 steam locomotive
4 锅炉 boiler
5 火箱 fire box;firebox
6 炉撑 boiler brace;stay
7 烟管 smoke tube
8 烟筒 ;烟囱 chimney
9 烟箱 smoke box;smokebox
10 锅炉附属装置 boiler affiliated equipment
11 汽室 steam chest;valve chest
12 汽机 steam engine
13 阀动装置 valve gear
14 安全阀 safety valve;relief valve
15 十字头 crosshead
16 摇连杆 main rod
17 回动机 reverser
18 煤水车 tender
19 软水设备 water softening equipment
20 离子交换 ion exchanging
21 软水 soft water
22 水质 water quality
23 热管 heat pipe
24 汽密 steam tight
25 耗水量 water consumption
26 洗炉 boiler washout
27 除垢 descale
28 蒸汽机车部件 steam locomotive component
29 蒸汽机车煤水设备 steam locomotive coal water equipment
30 内燃机车 diesel locomotive
31 电传动内燃机车 diesel-electric locomotive
32 液力传动内燃机车 diesel hydraulic locomotive;diesel-hydraulic locomotive
33 动力室 engine compartment;power room
34 动力装置 power unit
35 增压系统 supercharging system
36 燃料系统 ;燃油系统 fuel system
37 油箱 fuel tank
38 管路 pipeline
39 冷却 cooling
40 空冷 ;空气冷却 air cooling
水冷 water cooling
42 冷却水 cooling water
43 冷却系统 cooling system
44 冷却器 cooler
45 缓蚀剂 corrosion inhibitor
46 散热器 radiator
47 热交换器 ;换热器 heat exchanger;heat exchanger
48 冷却风扇 cooling fan
49 润滑系统 lubricating system
50 润滑 lubrication
51 机油 ;润滑油 lubricating oil;lubricating oil
52 滤清器 cleaner;filter
53 油水分离器 oil-water separator
54 起动系统 starting system
55 起动 starting
56 预热装置 preheater
57 控制系统 control system
58 调速 speed governing
59 电路 circuit
60 主电路 main circuit;power circuit
61 控制电路 control circuit
62 辅助电路 auxiliary circuit
63 电气设备 electrical apparatus
64 牵引发电机 traction generator
65 牵引电动机 traction motor
66 辅助装置 auxiliary device
67 燃气轮机车 gas turbine locomotive;gasturbine locomotive
68 燃气轮机 gas turbine
69 涡轮 turbine
70 压气机 compressor
71 叶轮 impeller
72 叶片 blade
73 燃烧室 combustion chamber
74 燃气发生器 fuel gas generator
75 煤气发生器 gas generator
76 电力机车 electric locomotive
77 直流电力机车 dc electric locomotive
78 交流电力机车 ic locomotive
79 双流制电力机车 dual current system electric locomotive
80 多流制电力机车 multiple-system electric locomotive
81 机械室 mechanical compartment
82 电器室 electric appatrtus cabin;electric apparatus room
83 受电弓 pantograph
84 滑板 pad;guide;slide bar;slip sheet
85 牵引电器 traction electrical apparatus
86 主变压器 main transformer
87 反向器 reverser
88 劈相机 split-phase motor;arno converter;phase splitter
89 接地 earthing
90 通风 ventilation
91 整流电路 rectifying circuit
92 起动电路 start circuit;starting circuit
93 调压 voltage regulation
94 励磁 excitation
95 机械部分 mechanical part
96 机车类型 classification of locomotives
97 高速机车 high speed locomotive
98 客运机车 locomotive for passenger traffic;passenger locomotive
99 货运机车 freight locomotive;goods locomotive
100 干线机车 main-line locomotive
101 调车机车 shunting locomotive;switcher
102 工矿机车 industrial and mining locomotive
103 窄轨机车 narrow gauge locomotive
104 齿轨机车 rack rail locomotive
105 燃煤机车 coal-fired locomotive;coal fired locomotive
106 蓄电池机车 battery-driven locomotive
107 小型牵引车 light duty locomotive;mover
108 双动力机车 dual powered locomotive
109 远景机车 perspective locomotive
110 动车 motor car;rail motor car
111 电动车 electric rail car
112 电动车组 electric multiple unit;motor coach set;electric motor train unit
113 电车 tram
114 轻轨车 light rail vehicle
115 内燃动车 diesel railcar
116 内燃动车组 diesel multiple units;diesel coach set
117 燃气轮动车 gas turbine railcar
118 高速动车 high-speed motor car
119 高速列车 high-speed train;high speed train
120 磁浮列车 magnetic suspension train
121 气垫列车 pneumatic cushion train
122 机车车辆构造 rolling stock constitution
123 车体 car body
124 摆式车体 tilting body;pendulum type car body
125 车体结构 car body structure
126 夹层结构 sandwich structure
127 车底架 car underframe
128 车梁 car beam
129 车墙板 car wall panel
130 车立柱 car vertical brace
131 车顶 car roof
132 车门 car door
133 车窗 car window
134 地板 floor
135 底门 bottom drop door;bottom door
136 通过台 platform;vestibule
137 折棚 vestibule diaphragm
138 车内装饰 car interior furnishing
139 车体涂装 car body coating
140 车钩 coupler
141 自动车钩 automatic car coupler
142 旋转式车钩 rotary coupler
143 车钩缓冲装置 coupler buffer device;coupler and draft gear
144 缓冲器 buffer gear
145 排障器 cowcatcher;pilot;life guard
146 增重机构 traction increasing device
147 走行部 running gear
148 转向架 ;台车 bogie;truck
149 高速转向架 high speed bogie
150 径向转向架 radial bogie
151 自导向转向架 self-steering bogie
152 迫导向转向架 forced-steering bogie
153 独立车轮转向架 ;独立轮转向架 independent-wheel bogie
154 机车转向架 locomotive bogie
155 动车转向架 motor car bogie
156 客车转向架 passenger car bogie
157 货车转向架 freight car bogie
158 构架 frame
159 摇枕 bolster
160 均衡梁 equalizing beam;equalizer
161 复原装置 resetting device;centering device
162 心盘 center plate
163 中心销 center pin;king pin;pivot pin
164 旁承 side bearing
165 牵引装置 draw gear
166 牵引杆 draw bar
167 悬挂装置 suspension device
168 弹簧 spring
169 板簧 leaf spring
170 螺旋弹簧 coil spring;helical spring
171 空气弹簧 air spring
172 橡胶弹簧 rubber spring
173 橡胶金属弹簧 rubber-metal spring
174 减振器 shock absorber;damper
175 橡胶减振器 rubber absorber
176 液压减振器 hydraulic absorber;hydraulic damper;oil damper
177 轴箱 axle box;journal box
178 轴箱油润 ;轴箱润滑 axle box lubrication
179 油卷油垫 oil pad
180 车轴油 car axle oil
181 润滑脂 grease
182 轴瓦 bearing liner;bearing shoe;plain journal bearing
183 轴瓦端磨 bush head wearing
184 轴承 bearing
185 滚动轴承 rolling bearing
186 滚柱轴承 roller bearing
187 滑动轴承 slide bearing;plain bearing
188 抱轴承 ;抱轴瓦 axle suspension bearing
189 牵引电动机悬挂 traction motor suspension
190 轮对 wheel set;wheelset;wheel pair
191 车轴 car axle
192 空心车轴 hollow axle;tubular axle
193 车轮 vehicle wheel
194 整体车轮 solid wheel;mono-bloc wheel
195 弹性车轮 elastic wheel
196 小轮径车轮 small diameter wheel
197 铸钢车轮 ;铸钢轮 cast steel wheel
198 辗钢车轮 ;辗钢轮 rolled steel wheel;wrought steel wheel
199 轮箍 wheel tyre;tire
200 轮缘 wheel flange
201 踏面 tread;wheel tread
202 磨耗形踏面 worn profiled wheel tread
203 轮胎 tire
204 车轮磨耗 wheel wear
205 轮缘磨耗 wheel flange wear
206 动轮 driving wheel
207 从轮 driven wheel
208 导轮 guide wheel
209 轴距 wheel base;wheelbase
210 轴式 axle arrangement
211 轮缘润滑 wheel flange lubrication
212 涂油器 lubricator
213 轮缘涂油器 wheel flange lubricator
214 柴油机 diesel engine
215 二冲程柴油机 two-stroke diesel engine;two stroke diesel engine
216 燃气柴油机 gas diesel engine
217 柴油机强化 diesel engine strengthening
218 柴油机零部件 parts and components of diesel engine
219 机座 frame
220 机体 body;engine block;main frame
221 预燃室 precombustion-chamber;precombustion chamber
222 气缸 ;汽缸 cylinder
223 气缸盖 ;汽缸盖 cylinder head
224 气缸套 ;汽缸套 cylinder liner
225 活塞 piston
226 活塞环 piston ring
227 活塞销 piston pin
228 连杆 connecting rod
229 曲轴 crankshaft
230 曲轴箱 crankcase
231 配气机构 valve actuating mechanism
232 气门 valve
233 气阀 air valve
234 凸轮 cam
235 凸轮轴 camshaft
236 进气 intake
237 燃料喷射 fuel spray
238 燃烧 burning
239 隔热 heat insulation
240 喷油装置 ;喷射系统 fuel injection device
241 喷油器 fuel injector
242 喷油嘴偶件 injector nozzle matching part;injector nozzle matching parts
243 油嘴 choke
244 针阀 needle valve
245 油泵 oil pump
246 增压器 supercharger
247 涡轮增压器 turbosupercharger;turbocharger
248 脉冲转换增压器 pulse converted supercharger
249 喘振 surge
250 扫气 scavenging
251 排气 exhaust
252 排气系统 exhaust system
253 消声器 noise silencer;muffler
254 废气净化 exhaust gas purification;exhaust purification
255 空气滤清器 ;空滤器 air filter
256 燃油滤清器 ;油滤器 fuel filter
257 机油滤清器 ;润滑油滤清器 lubricating oil filter
258 调节系统 regulating system
259 调速器 speed governor
260 燃烧理论 combustion theory
261 热工计算 thermotechnical calculation
262 热工性能 thermal property
263 热力学 thermodynamics
264 热效率 heating efficiency
265 热交换 heat exchange
266 热负荷 heating load;thermal load
267 热疲劳 thermal fatigue
268 积炭 carbon deposit
269 穴蚀 cavitation
270 热工测量 ;热工量测 thermotechnical measurement
271 传热 heat transfer
272 示功图 indicator diagram
273 燃料 fuel
274 传动装置 transmission mechanism
275 传动 transmission of motion;drive
276 机械传动 mechanical transmission
277 齿轮 gear;toothed gear
278 齿轮箱 gear box
279 变速箱 speed changing box;gear box
280 离合器 clutch
281 联轴器 coupling
282 万向轴 universal coupling
283 液力传动 hydraulic power transmission;hydraulic transmission
284 液力传动箱 hydraulic power transmission box;hydraulic transmission gear box
285 液力耦合器 hydraulic coupler
286 液力变扭器 hydraulic torque converter
287 液压传动 hydrostatic drive
288 液压元件 hydraulic component
289 液压油 hydraulic oil
290 电传动 electric drive
291 交流电传动 ac electric drive
292 交直交电传动 ac/dc/ac transmission
293 驱动 drive
294 制动装置 braking system;brake equipment;brake gear
295 制动阀 brake valve
296 分配阀 distributing valve
297 三通阀 triple valve
298 控制阀 control valve
299 风缸 reservoir
300 制动缸 brake cylinder
301 制动机 brake
302 制动器 brake
303 折角塞门 angle cock
304 制动管 brake pipe
305 连接器 connector
306 制动梁 brake beam
307 制动拉杆 brake connection;lever connection
308 空气压缩机 air compressor
309 风泵 ;空气压缩机;空压机 air compressor;air compressor
310 空气干燥装置 air drying equipment
311 制动盘 brake disc
312 闸瓦 brake shoe
313 塑料闸瓦 ;合成闸瓦 plastic brake;composite brake shoe
314 铸铁闸瓦 cast iron brake shoe
315 高磷闸瓦 high-phosphorous brake shoe;high phosphor cast iron brake shoe
316 高摩闸瓦 high abrasion brake block
317 闸瓦间隙调整器 ;闸调器 brake slack adjuster
318 空重车调整装置 empty and load brake equipment
319 列车尾部监测器 end-of-train monitor
320 防滑装置 ;防滑器 anti-skid device
321 制动 braking
322 空气制动 air braking;air brake
323 电空制动 electropneumatic brake
324 真空制动 vacuum braking;vacuum brake
325 动力制动 dynamic braking;dynamic brake
326 电力制动 electrical braking
327 电阻制动 rheostatic braking;rheostatic brake
328 再生制动 regenerative brake
329 液力制动 hydraulic braking;hydraulic brake
330 蓄能制动 energy-storing braking;energy-storing brake
331 电磁制动 electro-magnetic braking
332 磁轨制动 magnetic rail brake;electromagnetic rail brake
333 涡流制动 eddy current braking;eddy current brake
334 踏面制动 tread braking;tread brake
335 盘形制动 disk braking
336 坡道制动 gradient braking
337 紧急制动 emergency braking;emergency application
338 自动制动 automatic braking
339 手制动 hand brake
340 列车制动 train braking
341 机车制动 locomotive braking
342 制动力 braking force
343 制动波速 braking propagation rate
344 制动距离 braking distance;stopping distance
345 制动试验 brake test
346 缓解 release
347 制动故障 braking trouble
348 司机室 drivers cab
349 司机室设备 driving cab equipment
350 控制台 console;control desk
351 机车仪表 locomotive instrumentation
352 速度仪表 speed measuring instrument
353 转速表 tachometer
354 压力表 pressure gauge
355 油位表 fuel oil level gauge;fuel level gage
356 安全设备 safety equipment
357 警惕装置 vigilance device
358 空调 air conditioning
359 采暖 ;取暖;供暖 heating
360 车灯 car light
361 车笛 vehicle horn
362 刮雨器 window wiper;windshield wiper;windscreen wiper
363 撒砂器 sand spreader;sanding sprayer
364 机车电器 locomotive electric apparatus
365 直线电动机 linear motor
366 辅助电机 auxiliary generator
367 测速发电机 tachogenerator
368 受电器 current collector
369 变换器 converter
370 变流器 converter
371 变频器 frequency converter
372 逆变器 inverter
373 整流器 rectifier
374 斩波器 chopper
375 继电器 electric relay
376 接触器 contactor
377 电阻器 resistor
378 电抗器 reactor
379 电容器 capacitor
380 晶闸管 thyristor
381 可关断晶闸管 gto thyristor
382 调节器 regulator
383 调压器 voltage regulator;pressure regulator
384 熔断器 fuse
385 转换开关 changeover switch
386 调压开关 tap changer
387 电磁阀 electromagnetic valve
388 电空阀 electropneumatic valve
389 电力电子器件 power electronic device
390 电器柜 electric apparatus cabinet
391 短路 short-circuit
392 环火 ring fire
393 温升 temperature rise
394 击穿 breakdown
395 烧损 burning
396 绝缘 insulation
397 绝缘破损 insulation breakdown
398 电弧 electrical arc
399 电蚀 electrolytic corrosion
400 变流技术 converting technique
401 油冷 oil cooling
402 车辆设备 vehicle equipment
403 客车设备 passenger car installation
404 座椅 seat
405 卧铺 sleeper
406 欣罴? luggage rack;baggage rack
407 卫生设备 sanitary facility
408 集污装置 waste retention system
409 粪便处理 feces treatment
410 厕所 water closet;lavatory;toilet
411 供电 feeding
412 车轴发电机 axle generator
413 照明 illumination;lighting
414 日光灯 ;荧光灯 fluorescent lamp;fluorescent lamp
415 空调设备 air conditioning equipment
416 供水 water supply
417 茶炉 boiler;drinking water boiler
418 炉灶 stove;range
419 货车设备 freight cars equipment
420 加固设备 consolidation equipment
421 货物保护装置 goods protective device
422 卸货装置 goods unloading equipment
423 篷布 sheet;tarpaulin
424 绳索 cordage
425 机车车辆理论 rolling stock theory
426 牵引动力 tractive power
427 机车牵引 locomotive traction
428 蒸汽牵引 vapor traction
429 内燃牵引 diesel traction
430 双机牵引 dual-locomotive traction;double locomotive traction
431 多机牵引 multi-locomotives traction;multi-locomotive traction
432 牵引特性 traction characteristic
433 特性曲线 characteristic curve
434 牵引力 tractive force;tractive effort
435 起动力 starting force
436 粘着力 adhesion force
437 摩擦力 frictional force
438 摩擦系数 friction coefficient
439 阻力 resistance
440 轮重 wheel load
441 轴重 axle load
442 粘着重量 ;粘着质量 adhesive weight
443 轴重转移 axle load transfer
444 功率 power
445 机车效率 total locomotive effectiveness;total locomotive efficiency
446 速度 speed
447 加速度 acceleration
448 换向 commutation
449 工况 working condition
450 列车动力学 train dynamics
451 动力学 dynamics
452 空气动力学 aerodynamics
453 机车动力学 locomotive dynamics
454 车辆动力学 car dynamics
455 冲击力 impulsive force
456 横向力 lateral force
457 车钩力 coupler force
458 舒适性 comfort
459 曲线通过 curve negotiating
460 通过曲线 ;曲线通过 negotiation curve;curve negotiation
461 通过桥梁 passing bridge
462 动平衡 dynamic balancing
463 垂向振动 ;竖向振动 vertical vibration
464 横向振动 transverse vibration;lateral vibration
465 纵向振动 ;竖向振动 longitudinal vibration
466 侧滚振动 side rolling vibration
467 蛇行运动 snake movement;hunting;nosing
468 车辆冲击 car impact
469 摆动 swing
470 阻尼 damping
471 运动学 kinematics
472 动能 kinetic energy
473 滚动力 rolling force
474 滑动力 slide force
475 冲角 angle of attack
476 粘着 adhesion
477 粘着系数 adhesion coeffcient;adhesion coefficient
478 接触疲劳 contact fatigue
479 蠕滑 creep
480 轮轨润滑 wheel-rail lubrication
481 轮轨噪声 ;轮轨噪音 wheel-rail noise
482 机车车辆制造 rolling stock manufacturing
483 机车车辆设计 rolling stock design
484 机车设计 locomotive design
485 车辆设计 car design
486 自重 weight;light weight;tare weight
487 载重量 ;载质量 dead-weight tonnage
488 总体布置 ;总体布局 general arrangement;layout
489 车型 model of car
490 样车 prototype car
491 机车车辆限界 rolling stock clearance limit
492 机车制造 locomotive manufacture
493 机车零部件 locomotive element
494 组装 assembling
495 检验 inspect
496 机车厂 locomotive plant
497 机械设备 mechanical equipement
498 工艺装备 technological equipment
499 车辆制造 vehicle manufacture
500 车辆零部件 car component
501 非金属加工 non-metal processing
502 木材加工 wood processing
503 防火材料 fire-proof material
504 车辆厂 car manufacturing factory
505 制造厂 manufactory
506 机车车辆试验 ;机车车辆实验 rolling stock test
507 牵引试验 ;牵引实验 traction test
508 机车试验 ;机车实验 locomotive test
509 动车试验 motor car test
510 车辆试验 car test
511 运行试验 ;运行实验 running test
512 定置试验 locating test;stationary test;test at standstill
513 台架试验 bench test;stand test
514 高速试验 ;高速实验 high-speed test
515 重载试验 ;重载实验 heavy haul test
516 动力学试验 ;动力学实验 dynamic test;dynamics test
517 发动机试验 engine test
518 装车试验 ;装车实验 loading test
519 水阻试验 ;水阻实验 water rheostat test
520 试验设备 ;实验设备 testing equipment
521 滚动试验台 ;滚动实验台 rolling test rack;rolling rig
522 称重 weighting
523 调试 debugging;adjusting
524 验收 acceptance
525 机车车辆运用 rolling stock operation
526 整备作业 servicing work
527 机车整备 locomotive servicing;locomotive running preparation
528 车辆整备 car servicing
529 上煤设备 coaling equipment
530 煤场 coal yard
531 加油设备 fuel-servicing equipment
532 油库 oil storage
533 油罐 oil tank
534 给水设备 feed water equipment
535 水塔 water tower
536 水泵 water pump
537 水鹤 water crane
538 水箱 water tank
539 给水处理 feed water treatment;water supply treatment
540 上砂 sand feeding
541 转向设备 steering equipment;turning facilities
542 清灰设备 ash removing equipment
543 清扫 cleaning
544 清洗 cleaning
545 加热装置 heating equipment
546 机车操纵 locomotive operation
547 驾驶技术 pilot technique
548 技术培训 technical training
549 优化操纵 optimum handling;optimum operation
550 操纵模拟 operation simulation
551 模拟装置 simulation equipment;simulator
552 惰行 towing operation;coasting
553 机车重联 double-headed locomotives
554 操纵装置 operating device
555 机车无线电操纵 locomotive telemotion
556 计算机辅助驾驶 computer-aided pilot
557 无人驾驶 driverless
558 自动停车 automatic stopping;automatic train stop
559 应急处理 emergency treatment
560 运行监控 running supervision
561 机车车辆运行 rolling stock running
562 高速行车 high speed train running
563 行车速度 running speed
564 行车安全 driving safety
565 监控记录装置 control and recording apparatus
566 监测 monitoring
567 计算机控制 ;电脑控制;微机控制 computer control
568 控制器 controller
569 防滑 ;防空转 antiskidding
570 防空转 anti-slip
571 故障检测 fault checking;fault detection
572 故障探测器 fault detector
573 数据记录 data recording
574 记录仪 recorder
575 车辆检测器 wagon detector
576 轴温探测器 hot box detector
577 热轴报警器 ;燃轴报警器 hot axle box alarm
578 运行故障 running fault
579 电气故障 electric fault
580 机械故障 mechanical failure
581 热轴 ;燃轴 hot box
582 燃轴 ;热轴 severe heated axles;severe hot box
583 断轴 ;切轴 severed axle;severed axle
584 折断 break off
585 破损 failure
586 擦伤 scoring;flat
587 磨耗 wear
588 磨损 wear and tear
589 滑行 sliding
590 空转 idling
591 漏油 oil spill
592 漏电 leakage current
593 漏雨 rain leakage
594 故障分析 fault analysis
595 故障处理 fault recovery processing
596 故障修复 fault repairing
597 事故 accident
598 机破事故 accident of locomotive defect
599 运行节能 energy saving in running
600 煤 coal
601 型煤 briquette;moulded coal
602 煤浆 slurry coal
603 煤粉 dust coal
604 煤气 gas
605 柴油 diesel oil
606 重油 heavy oil
607 乳化油 emulsified oil
608 天然气 natural gas
609 燃料添加剂 fuel additive
610 能耗 energy consumption
611 燃料消耗 fuel consumption
612 耗煤量 coal consumption
613 耗油量 oil consumption
614 耗电量 power consumption
615 燃料节约 fuel save
616 节煤 economize on coal
617 节油 economize on fuel
618 节电 economize on electricity
619 储能 stored energy
620 供油 oil supply
621 油再生 oil regeneration
622 燃料费 fuel cost
623 机车车辆管理 rolling stock management
624 机车车辆管理系统 rolling stock management system
625 机车运用指标 locomotive utilization indeces;index of locomotive operation
626 车辆运用指标 indices of utilization of car
627 机车公里 locomotive-kilometer;locomotive kilometers
628 车辆公里 wagon-kilometer;car kilometers
629 保有量 stock
630 机车保有量 locomotive stock
631 车辆保有量 vehicle stock
632 试运转 operation test
633 乘务管理 crewing management
634 司机 driver
635 机车交路 locomotive routing
636 乘务制 crew working system
637 轮乘制 crew shifting system
638 包乘制 assigned crew working system
639 劳动安全 labour safety
640 安全教育 safety education
641 机车车辆检修 rolling stock inspection and repair
642 机车车辆诊断 rolling stock diagnosis
643 技术诊断 technical diagnosis
644 诊断设备 diagnostic apparatus
645 探伤 flaw detection
646 超声波探伤 ;超探 ultrasonic flaw detection
647 磁粉探伤 magnetic particle flaw detection
648 射线探伤 radiation flaw detection
649 无损探伤 ;无损检验 non-destructive flaw detection;non-destructive test
650 润滑油分析 lubricating oil analysis
651 光谱分析 spectrographic analysis
652 铁谱分析 ferrography
653 机车车辆修理 rolling stock repair
654 机车检修 locomotive repair;locomotive inspection and repair
655 机车保养 locomotive maintenance
656 动车保养 motor car maintenance
657 车辆检修 vehile inspection;car inspection and maintenance
658 车辆保养 vehicle maintenance
659 列车技术检查 ;列检 technical inspection of train
660 厂修 workshop repair
661 段修 depot repair
662 检修周期 period of inspection and repair
663 修程 class of repairs
664 预防修 preventive maintenance and repair
665 清洗设备 washing equipment
666 洗车机 mechanical washing cars
667 洗罐器 tank washer
668 清洗剂 cleaning agent
669 金属表面清理 metal surface cleaning
670 除锈 derusting
671 喷丸除锈 ;抛丸除锈 shot blast
672 除漆 paint removal
673 除尘 dust removal
674 除油 degreasing
675 修车工艺 car repair technology
676 干燥 dry
677 胶接 adhesive connection
678 密封 sealing
679 焊修 welding repair
680 配件互换修 repair by interchangeable component;repair with interchangeable componen
681 修车设备 car repair equipment
682 修车工具 repair outfit
683 架车机 car lifter
684 移车台 turntable
685 千斤顶 jack
686 拆装工具 assembling and disassembling tool
687 落轮机 wheel drop machine
688 升降台 lifting platform
689 旋轮机 ;车轮旋床 wheel lathe;wheel lathe
690 挂瓦设备 babbitt lining equipment
691 设备修理 repair of equipment
692 机务部门 locomotive department
693 机务段 locomotive depot
694 机务段设备 locomotive depot appliance
695 车辆段 car depot
696 车辆段设备 car depot appliance
697 检修段 inspection and repair depot
698 车库 shed;car shed
699 机车库 locomotive shed
700 列检所 train inspection and repair point
701 修理厂 repair shop
702 工厂 factory
地铁 metro/underground railway/subway
城市轨道交通 urban rail transit/mass transit
设计使用年限 designed lifetime
运营概念 operation concept
旅行速度 operation speed
限界 gauge
正线 main line
辅助线 assistant line
联络线 connecting line
试车线 testing line
轨道结构 track structure
轨距 gauge of track
无缝线路 seamless track
整体道床 monolithic track-bed
路基 subgrade
站台计算长度 computed length of platform
车站公共区 public zone of station
无缝线路纵向水平力 longitudinal horizontal force of seamless track
无缝线路断轨力 broken rail force of seamless track
名挖法 cut and cover
盖挖顺筑法 cover and cut-bottom up
盖挖逆筑法 cover and cut-top down
矿山法 mining method
盾构法 shield method
沉管法 immersed tube method
防水等级 grade of waterproof
变形缝 deformation joint
刚柔结合的密封区 rigid-flexible joint of sealed zone
开式运行 open made operation
闭式运行 close made operation
活塞通风 piston action ventilation
合流制排放 combined sewer system
集中式供电 centralized power supply mode
分散式供电 distribute power supply mode
混合式供电 combined power supply mode
主变电所 high voltage substation
牵引降压混合变电所 combined substation
杂散电流 stray current
同步数字传输系统 synchronous digital hierarchy transmission system(SDH)
全球定位系统 global position system(GPS)
列车自动控制automatic train control(ATC)
列车自动监控 automatic train supervision(ATS)
列车自动防护automatic train protection(ATP)
列车自动运行 automatic train operation(ATO)
调度集中 centralized traffic control(CTC)
自动人行道 moving pavement
自动售检票设备 automatic fare collection
火灾自动报警系统 fire alarm system
区域报警系统 local alarm system
集中报警系统 remote alarm system
环境与设备监控系统 building automatic system(BAS)
系统集成system integration(SI)
运营控制中心operation control center(OCC)
集中监控和管理 concentration supervisory control and management
车辆段 depot
停车场 stabling yard
检修修程 examine and repair program
检修周期 examine and repair period
建筑设备自动化系统 Building Automation System
供电系统管理自动化 Scan Control Alarm Database
人机接口 Man Machine Interface
不间断电源供给 Uninterrupted Power Supply
南京一卡通系统 NanJing Transportation Card System
建设部 Ministry of Corporation
南京地铁公司 NanJing Metro Corporation
清结算数据中心 Intermodality Data Center
局域网 Local Area Network
广域网 Wide Area Network
开放传输网络 Open Transport Network
拖车 Trailer Car(Tc(A))
带受电弓的动车 Motor Car With Pantograph(Mp(B))
动车 Motor Car(M(C))
空载 AW0
每位乘客都有座位 AW1
每平方米6人 AW2
每平方米9人 AW3
非接触智能卡 Contactless Smart Card(CSC)
非接触智能筹码 Contactless Smart Card(CST)
设备运行参数 Equipment Operating Data(EOD)