Connecter 连接器
Cable 导线
Wire-to-wire 线至线
Wire-to-board 线至板
Mini-universal 小型通用
Circular plastic connectors 塑料密封环连接器
DL (dual-leaf) contact sockets 双叶式触点插座
Drawn spring DIP contact socket 弹簧触点插座
Zig-zag package sockets 锯齿形封装插座
Positive lock connectors 确立锁定连接器
Coax mix 同轴混合
Shielded circular DIN connectors 屏蔽式圆型DIN连接器
Memory card connectors 记忆装置插结连接器
SIMM sockets 单列记忆模件插座
Low profile 低高度
CIS (commercial interconnection system) 商用连接系统
Hinge connectors 铰连连接器
Card-edge connectors 边缘插接连接器
Euro card connectors 欧式插接连接器
Modular interconnection system 组合连接系统
interconnection system 互连系统
RF connectors 射频连接器
Twin-Ax connectors 双轴互连系统
Low profile coaxial tap 低高度型有源同轴电缆线器
4 position data connectors 4位数据连接器
Insulation and wire support 绝缘体及导线套
Ring-Tongue terminals 环形舌端子
Wire size range 线径范围
Slotted-Tongue terminals 叉式舌片端子
Butt splices 对头接头
Dentented Ring-Tongue terminals 卡爪环舌型端子
Fits tab thickness 配合接片厚度
Accepts terminals 配合端子
Crimp-type tabs 压接式接片
Free-Hanging and Panel-Mount Applications 自由悬挂及面板装嵌适
Cable clamp 电缆钳位夹
PC Board vertical pin headers 垂直接插式接插头组件
PC Board Right-Angle pin and socket headers 水平接插式接插头组件
Panel-Mount connectors 面板装嵌连接器
Insulation Displacement plugs 绝缘位移连接插头
Dielectric withstanding voltage 介质承受电压
Free-Hanging type cap housings 自由悬挂式套座壳体
Semiautomatic crimping machine 半自动压接机
Power supply 供给功率
Air pir pressure 气压
Panel mount type cap housings 面板装嵌套座壳体
Post header for printed circuit board 印刷底板用柱头
Mass termination assemblies 集体端接组件
Post header assemblies 接插柱头组件
Polarized right angle post header assembly 有极向性水平接插柱头组
Friction lock 锁尖装置
Sigle leaf connectors 单叶片连接器
CPC (circular plastic connectors) 塑料密封环型连接器
Crimp Snap-In contacts 压接式套入触点
Socket with straight solder tails 直立焊脚插座
Retention feature solder tails 弯曲焊脚
Sockets with retention feature solder tails 面板附定曲脚插座
High Pressure Tin (HPT) sockets 镀锡高压芯片
Positive lock retention feature 彻底锁定装置
Plug-Grounding Indents 插头外罩接地凹位
Solder Cup connector 焊杯触点连接器
Straight Exit RFI/EMI shield for Jacketed cable 直线引出RFI/EMI屏
Backshell assembly 后部外壳组件
Board-Mount connectors with threaded inserts and board locks 底板安
Board-Mount Receptacles 底板安装插座
Non-Polarized Receptacles 无定位型插座
Handset plug assembly 电话线插头组件
Line cord plug assembly 听筒插头组件
射频同轴连接器RF coaxial connector
1. 按尺寸分类 Connector types by size
标准连接器standard connector
小型连接器miniature connector
微型连接器sub-miniature connector
超小型连接器micro-miniature connector
2. 结构和安装类型 Connector configurations & mounting styles
2.1接电缆的连接器 Cabled connector
直式 straight
弯式 right angle (直角)
穿墙式 bulkhead n. 隔壁,防水壁,分壁
2.2不接电缆的连接器 Uncabled connector
PC板安装 PC mount
表面贴装 surface mount
边缘安装(偏腿)end launch
法兰安装 flange mount
3. 联接机构 Coupling mechanism
螺纹联接 threaded connection(e.g. SMA)
卡口式联接 bayonet coupling(e.g. BNC)
推入式联接 snap-on coupling(e.g. MMCX)
快速锁紧联接 quick-lock coupling(e.g. QMA)
滑入式联接 slide-on coupling (e.g. BMA)
4. 组成部件 Parts
壳体 body/shell/housing
绝缘子 insulator
夹头绝缘子 clamp top insulator
中心接触件 center contact
a.插针 male/pin
b.插孔 female/jack
中心导体 center conductor
内导体 inner conductor
外导体 outer conductor
插座/插口 jack
-panel jack 面板插口/插座
-bulkhead jack 穿墙插座
插头 receptacle
5. 材料 Material
黄铜 copper
铍青铜 beryllium copper
锡磷青铜 phosphor bronze
聚四氟乙烯 PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene 特氟纶teflon
不锈钢 stainless steel
合金 alloy
实心聚乙烯 solid PE
泡沫聚乙烯 foam PE / cellular polyethylene
白铜 white bronze
硅橡胶 silicon rubber
裸铜 BC=bare copper
易切削黄铜 free cutting brass
稀土磁铁 rare earth magnet
铝箔 aluminium foil
基材 base material
FR-4板材 FR-4 plate
硅脂 silicon grease
润滑硅脂 lubricating silicone grease
6. 电镀 Plating/finishing
镀金 gold plated
镀镍 nickel plated
钝化 passivated
镀三元合金 SUCO plating
镍磷合金(无磁镍)镀层 SUCOPRO
铜,锡,锌镀层 copper-tin-zinc plating
7. 电气特性 Electrical characteristics
滚镀 barrel plating
合金电镀 alloy plating
阻抗(欧姆) impedance (ohms)
频率范围 frequency range
工作频率 operating frequency
工作电压 working volt
额定电压 voltage rating
介质耐压 DWV=dielectric withstanding voltage (如:最大/
小有效值为a伏 e.g. aVrms.max/min)
海平面耐电压:proof voltage at sea level
射频泄露 RF leakage
绝缘电阻 insulation resistance
插入损耗 insertion loss
电压驻波比 VSWR
a.特性阻抗 characteristic impedance
b.标称阻抗 nominal impedance
额定热电流 rated thermal current
介电常数 dielectric constant
击穿电压 breakdown voltage
额定电流 current rating
电容 capacitance
电感 inductance
电晕损耗 corona loss
熄灭电压 extinction voltage
屏蔽效应 shielding efficiency
低损耗 low loss
8. 机械特性Mechanical characteristics
耐久性(次数)durability/mating life(cycles)
电缆保持力 cable retention force
啮合力 engagement force
分离力 separation force/ disengagement
轴向力 axial force ( insertion & withdrawal 插入&抽出力)
扭矩 torque
径向扭矩力 radial torque
弯曲力矩 bending moment
弯曲半径 bending radius
抗张强度 tensile strength
机械应力 mechanical stress
机械互换性:mechanical compatibility
中心接触件固定性 center contact captivation
制动 cathers mit
9. 环境性能及试验Environmental characteristics & test
工作温度范围 operating temperature range
贮存温度 storage temperature
密封,透气/不透气 sealing,hermetic/non-hermetic
防潮 moistureproof/ dampproof
耐湿 humidity resistance
防水 waterproof
耐高温 high temperature resistance
耐热性 heat resistance
抗腐蚀性 corrrosion resistance
阻燃 flame resistant
抗风化,耐风雨,不受气候影响的 weather proof
热冲击 thermal shock
冲击 shock
振动 vibration
稳态湿热 damp heat, steady state
恒温 costant temperature
大气压(力),气压 barometric pressure
热处理,低温退火 annealing
盐雾试验 salt mist/spray test
高压绝缘试验,闪点试验,火花试验 flash test
破坏性试验 destructive test
气密性试验 air tightness test
放电试验 discharge test
10. 附件 Accessory
线夹 crimp ferrule
垫片 gasket
热缩管 heat shrink tubing/ heat-shrinkable tubing
护线套 barrel crimp
衬套 bushing/braid clamp
卡环 lock ring/ snap ring
卡圈/弹簧卡环/压紧圈/挡圈 retainer ring
卡圈 collar
限位环 spacing ring/ stop collar
防晃圈 anti-rock ring
弹性接触件 resilient contact
锁销 lockpin
锁紧垫圈 lock washer
弹簧/性垫圈 spring washer
密封圈 seal ring
开口垫圈 slotted washer
防尘帽 dustproof cover/ dust cap
螺母 nut/screw nut
螺纹套筒 threaded sleeve
滚花螺母 knurled nut
直纹滚花 straight knurls
网纹滚花 crossed knurls
防松螺母/自锁螺母 locknut
锁紧螺母,止动螺母,压紧螺母 jam nut
紧固螺母 clamp nut
法兰盘/凸缘盘 flange plate
橡胶圈 gum ring
纯胶管,软管 gum rubber tubing
连接套 barrel splice / joint sleeve
波导管 waveguide
弹簧夹 spring finger
弹簧片 spring lamination
紧固件 fixture/fastener
紧固螺栓 fastening bolt/ binding bolt
密封塞子 sealing plug
密封盖 sealing cover
匹配针 matched pin
两芯电源插座 2-Core Socket
无源元件 passive component
11. 工装夹具 Work fixture
夹具 clamping yoke
冲压工具 stamping tool
去毛刺工具 deburr tool
螺丝刀 screwdriver
平口螺丝刀 slotted screwdrier
十字花螺丝刀 phillips screwdrier
铆合机 staker / riveting machine
翻边器/卷边器 hemmer/fold back tool
钳子/镊子 pliers
螺丝钳/夹钳 clamp
电缆钳 cable nipper
剪钳,老虎钳 cutting nipper
尖嘴钳 sharp-nose pliers
钢丝剪钳 wire nipper
锉刀 file
扳手 wrench
钢锯 hacksaw
铆钉钳 rivet clipper
铆钉机 rivet driver
整平器,剔除器 flush trimmer
修边模 flush trim die
卡接槽口 clamping Slot
卡接工具 clamping cool
卡线钳 clamping pincers
力矩扳手 torque spanner
拧上 screw on
拧下 screw off
射频同轴电缆及组件RF coaxial cable & cable assemblies
1. 电缆类型 Cable types
超柔电缆 super-flexible cable
柔软电缆 flexible cable
半柔电缆 semi-flexible cable
半刚电缆 semi-rigid cable
跳/馈线 jumper/feeder cable
波纹电缆 corrugated cable
2. 电缆组件类型 Cable assembly types
半刚电缆组件 semi-rigid cable assembly
半柔电缆组件 semi-flexible cable assembly
柔性电缆组件 flexible cable assembly
低损耗、稳相电缆组件 low loss & stable phase cable assembly
毫米波电缆组件 millimeter wave cable assembly
3.电缆设计Cable design
3.1外导体设计 Design of outer conductor
单屏蔽 single screen
双屏蔽 double screen
绕包带和屏蔽层 tape and screen
波纹 corrugated
3.2 内导体设计 Design of inner conductor
实芯线 solid wire
绞合线 stranded wire
金属管 tube
螺纹管 screwed tube
3.3 电缆结构 Cable construction
内导体 inner conductor
介质 dielectric
屏蔽层 shielding layer 编织层 braid layer/ply
护套 jacket
3.4 电缆材料
镀锡铜 TC=tinned copper
铜包钢 BCCS=bare copper clad steel
镀银铜线 SC=silver covered copper
镀锡铜线 tinned copper
铜包钢线 CCS=copper clad steel
镀银铜包钢线 SCCS=silver covered copper clad steel
铜包铝线 BCCAl=bare copper clad aluminum
镀锡铜编织层 tinned copper braid
裸导线/无镀层导体 plain conductor
裸线, 裸导线 naked wire
4. 电缆的装接方式 Cable attachment method
4.1 柔软电缆 Flexible cable
压接式 crimp
夹持式 clamp
4.2 半刚电缆 Semi-rigid cable
焊接式 solder
5. 其它 Others
电缆旋转(挠动)cable rotation (nutation)
电缆拉伸 cable pulling
电缆弯曲 cable bending
电缆扭转 cable torsion/twisting
屏蔽线 shielded wire
双绞线 twisted pair
屏蔽双绞电缆 STP=shielded twisted pair
扁形软电缆 flat flexible cable
扁形双芯软线 flat twin flexible cord
绕包带式 tape wrapping type
挤出型 extruded type
包带节距 tapping pitch
射频同轴转接器RF coaxial adapter
1. 转接器类型 Adapter types
系列间转接器:between-series adapter
系列内转接器:in-series adapter
焊接槽 solder bucket
焊接柱 solder spill
焊片 solder gasket
焊锡圈 soldering ring
焊接孔solder eye
浸锡 tin soaked
焊锡丝 tin wire
漏焊 missing welding
虚焊 incomplete weld / weld defect/cold solder joint
硬钎焊 solder brazing
焊割两用气焊枪 welding and cutting torch
焊接夹具 welding fixture
焊剂/焊料 welding fluid/ flux
焊接应力 welding stress
焊锡坑 solder cup
焊接涂料 welding paste
焊接部分 welding portion
无焊缝的 weldless
烙铁 soldering iron
烙铁架 iron stand
脱焊 loose weld
元器件表面焊接整洁,焊点圆滑 component surface is clearly
welded with smooth welding point
元器件无虚焊,漏焊,错贴 no cold solder joint, solder skips
and wrong welding of components
solder bath method 焊槽法
技术要求&其它 Techinical requirments & others
机械和电气基准面 mechanical and electrical reference
符合RoHS要求 RoHS compliant ( part complies with
括号中尺寸为参考尺寸dimensions with()denote reference
铣槽和涨口/收口 slotted & flared/closed
去除毛刺 remove burrs/ deburr
除锈 rust cleaning/removing
点铆 stamp
扩口 enlarge kerfs
编织层翻边 wrap the braid over the braid clamp(衬套)
外观,外形 appearance/outline
界面防水等级 interface waterproof level
标记内容:商标 型号 批次号 labels: trade mark,type, batch
未注明公差按… non-specified
…要求为非磁性材料 …required to have non-magnetic
导电环氧树脂回填 conductive epoxy back fill
外观检查:镀层表面无斑点和痕迹,界面无金属碎屑 Visual
inspection: plating surface must be without spot and cinch
marks; interface must be clean of metal chip
外观良好 good appearance
产品承认书 product acknowledgement
喷锡,黑油,无铅工艺 tin sprayed,black oil,lead free
无杂质 free of foreign matter
整涂覆 overall braid
现场安装field installation
两体结构two-body structure
尾部微带 rear strip
中心接触件弹性支撑center contact with elasticity support
缩写和首字母缩写词 Abbreviations & acronyms:
连接器 CONN=connector
接触件 CONT=contact
超小D型连接器 D-sub CONN=D-subminiature connector
阴连接器/外壳 HSG=housing
印制电路板 PCB=print circuit board
产品型号,零件号 P/N=part number
订购单 P/O=purchasing order
数量 QTY=quantity
图纸 DWG=drawing
组件 ASS’Y=assembly
日期代码 D/C=date code
序号,编号 S/N=serial number
不良品,不合格品 NG=no good
不适用 N/A=not applicable
不可用,无法使用 N.A.=not available
直角 R/A=right angle
检验水平 IL=inspection level
可接受的 AC=acceptable
可接受质量水平 AQL=acceptable quality level
退货,拒收 REJ=rejection
物料单,材料(零件)清单 BOM=bill of materials
无源交调 PIM=passive intermodulation
三阶交调 IM3= Intermodulation 3-tone
印制电路板PCB= printed circuit board
技术更改指令 ECO=Engineering Change Order
工程更改请求 ECR= Engineering Change Request
工艺更改通知单 PCN=Process Change Notice
制程能力/生产过程能力指数 CPK=capability of production
过程工艺持续改进 CPI=continuous process improvement
大批量生成 MP=mass production
操作指南,使用说明书 OI=operating instruction
生产制造 MFG=manufacturing
作业指导书,制作规程 MI=manufacturing instruction
生产控制 PC=production control
质量保证 QA=quality assurance
质量控制 QC=quality control
统计过程管控 SPC=statistical process control
十亿分之一 PPB=part per billion
百万分之一 PPM=part per million
尽快 ASAP=as soon as possible
供参考 FYI=for your information
美国线规 AWG=American wire AWG23,意思就是23
平均线规 AWG=Average wire gauge
部门 Dept.=department
有 W/=with
没有 W/O=without
**瓦楞纸箱 corrugated carton/slotted carton