Abstract: To improve the suspension performance and steering stability of light
vehicles, we built a kinematic simulation model of a whole independent
double-wishbone suspension system by using ADAMS software, created random
excitations of the test platforms of respectively the left and the right wheels according to
actual running conditions of a vehicle, and explored the changing patterns of the
kinematic characteristic parameters in the process of suspension motion. The
irrationality of the suspension guiding mechanism design was pointed out through
simulation and analysis, and the existent problems of the guiding mechanism were
optimized and calculated. The results show that all the front-wheel alignment parameters,
including the camber, the toe, the caster and the inclination, only slightly change within
corresponding allowable ranges in design before and after optimization. The
optimization reduces the variation of the wheel-center distance from 47.01 mm to a
change of 8.28 mm within the allowable range of -10 mm to 10 mm, promising an
improvement of the vehicle steering stability. The optimization also confines the
front-wheel sideways slippage to a much smaller change of 2.23 mm; this helps to
greatly reduce the wear of tires and assure the straight running stability of the vehicle.
Keywords: vehicle suspension; vehicle steering; riding qualities; independent
double-wishbone suspension; kinematic characteristic parameter; wheel-center distance;
front-wheel sideways slippage
1 Introduction
The function of a suspension system in a vehicle is to transmit all forces and moments
exerted on the wheels to the girder frame of the vehicle, smooth the impact passing from the
road surface to the vehicle body and damp the impact-caused vibration of the load carrying
system. There are many different structures of vehicle suspension, of which the independent
double-wishbone suspension is most extensively used. An independent double-wishbone
suspension system is usually a group of space RSSR (revolute joint - spherical joint -spherical
joint - revolute joint) four-bar linkage mechanisms. Its kinematic relations are complicated, its
kinematic visualization is poor, and performance analysis is very difficult. Thus, rational
settings of the position parameters of the guiding mechanism are crucial to assuring good
performance of the independent double-wishbone suspension. The kinematic characteristics
of suspension directly influence the service performance of the vehicle, especially steering
stability, ride comfort, turning ease, and tire life.
In this paper, we used ADAMS software to build a kinematic analysis model of an
independent double-wishbone suspension, and used the model to calculate and optimize the
kinematic characteristic parameters of the suspension mechanism. The optimization results are
helpful for improving the kinematic performance of suspension.
2 Modeling independent double-wishbone suspension
The performance of a suspension system is reflected by the changes of wheel alignment
parameters when the wheels jump. Those changes should be kept within rational ranges to
assure the designed vehicle running performance. Considering the symmetry of the left and
right wheels of a vehicle, it is appropriate to study only the left or the right half of the
suspension system to understand the entire mechanism, excluding the variation of WCD
(wheel center distance). We established a model of the left half of an independent
double-wishbone suspension system as shown in Figure 1.
3 Kinematic simulation analysis of suspension model
Considering the maximum jump height of the front wheel, we positioned the drives on
the translational joints between the ground and the test platform, and imposed random
displacement excitations on the wheels to simulate the operating conditions of a vehicle
running on an uneven road surface.
The measured road-roughness data of the left and right wheels were converted into the
relationship between time and road roughness at a certain vehicle speed. The spline function
CUBSPL in ADAMS was used to fit and generate displacement-time history curves of
excitation. The simulation results of the suspension system before optimization are illustrated
in Figure 2.
The camber angle, the toe angle, the caster angle and the inclination angle change only
slightly within the corresponding designed ranges with the wheel jumping distance. This
indicates an under-steering behavior together with an automatic returnability, good steering
stability and safety in a running process. However, WCD decreases from 1 849.97 mm to 1
896.98 mm and FWSS from 16.48 mm to -6.99 mm, showing remarkable variations of 47.01
mm and 23.47 mm, respectively. Changes so large in WCD and FWSS are adverse to the
steering ease and straight-running stability, and cause quick wear, thus reducing tire life.
For independent suspensions, the variation of WCD causes side deflection of tires and
then impairs steering stability through the lateral force input. Especially when the right and
the left rolling wheels deviate in the same direction, the WCD-caused lateral forces on the
right and the left sides cannot be offset and thus make steering unstable. Therefore, WCD
variation should be kept minimum, and is required in suspension design to be within the
range from -10 mm to 10 mm when wheels jump. It is obvious that the WCD of
non-optimized structure of the suspension system goes beyond this range. The structure needs
modifying to suppress FWSS and the change of WCD with the wheel jumping distance.
ADMAS software is a strong tool for parameter optimization and analysis. It creates a
parameterization model by simulating with different values of model design variables, and
then analyzes the parameterization based on the returned simulation results and the final
optimization calculation of all parameters. During optimization, the program automatically
adjusts design variables to obtain a minimum objective function [8-10]. To reduce tire wear
and improve steering stability, the Table 1 Values of camber angle α , toe angle θ , caster angle γ and
inclination angle β before and after optimization