Unit 9
1 Not long ago I was asked to join in a public symposium on the role of the American press。
Two other speakers were included on the program. The first was a distinguished TV anchorman. The
other was the editor of one of the nation’s leading papers, a newsman to the core – though ,
aggressive, and savvy in the ways and means of solid reporting。
2 The purpose of the symposium, as I understood it, was to scrutinize the obligations of the
media and to suggest the best ways to meet those obligations。
3 During the open—discussion period, a gentleman in the audience addressed a question to
my two colleagues。 Why, he asked, are the newspapers and the television news programs so
disaster-prone? Why are newsmen and women so attracted to tragedy, violence, failure?
4 The anchorman and editor reached as though they had been blamed for the existence of bad
news。 Newsmen and newswomen, they said, are only responsible for reporting the news, not for
creating it or modifying it
5 It didn’t seem to me that the newsmen had answered the question。 The gentleman who
had asked it was not blaming them for the distortions in the world。 He was just wondering why
distortions are most reported. The news media seem to operate on the philosophy that all news is
bad news. Why? Could it be that the emphasis on downside news is largely the result of
tradition – the way newsmen are accustomed to respond to daily events?
6 Perhaps it would be useful here to examine the way we define the world news, for this is
where the problem begins。 News is supposed to deal with happenings of the past 12 hours - 24
hours at most. Any sniper kills some pedestrians; a terrorist holds 250 people hostage in a plane;
OPEC announces a 25 percent increase in petroleum prices; Great Britain devalues by another 10
percent; a truck conveying radioactive wastes collides with a mobile cement mixer.
7 Focusing solely on these details, however, produces a misshapen picture. Civilization is a lot
more than the sum total of its catastrophes。 The most important ingredient in any civilization is
progress。 But progress doesn’t happen all at once. It is not eruptive。 Generally, it comes in bits
and pieces, very little of it clearly visible at any given moment, but all of involved in the making of