焊接 Welding
10.1 焊接种类 Varieties of Welding
电弧焊 arc welding
电熔焊 electric fusion welding (EFW)
气熔焊 fusion gas welding (FGW)
电阻焊 electric resistance welding (ERW)
有保护的金属电弧焊 shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
手工或自动隋性气体保护钨极电弧焊 manual and automatic inert gas tungsten
arc welding (GTAW)
自动埋弧焊 automatic submerged arc welding
金属极隋性气体保护电弧焊 gas metal arc weiding (GMAW)
氩弧焊 argon-arc welding,
气体保护电弧焊 gas-shielded arc welding
气焊 gas welding; flame welding
等离子焊 plasma welding
硬钎焊 braze welding
电渣焊 electroslag welding
爆炸焊 explosive welding
10.2 焊接形式 Type of Welding
角焊 fillet welding
间断焊 intermittent welding
点焊 spot welding
对焊 butt welding
搭焊 lap welding
塞焊 plug welding
珠焊 bead welding