Boston Legal
Head Cases
Season 1,Episode 1
Denny Crane: Pull a rabbit out of your hat.
Denny Crane: 从帽子里变出只兔子来(寓意另辟蹊径,出其不意,无中生有)
Reverend Al Sharpton: Could I be heard, your Honor? I heard about this matter.
I would like to address this court on what I consider . . .
Judge Rita Sharpley: I’m sorry, Reverend, but you have no standing here.
Reverend Al Sharpton: I have standing as an American citizen speaking up on a
civil rights violation.
Judge Rita Sharpley: Reverend Sharpton, I will ask you to step down . . .
Reverend Al Sharpton: I have standing as Bobby Kennedy had standing, . . .
Judge Rita Sharpley: You have no standing in this meeting.
Reverend Al Sharpton: . . . on the steps of the courthouse in Alabama!
Judge Rita Sharpley: No one is denying this little girl an education, sir. She just
can’t play Annie.
Reverend Al Sharpton: You may think this is a small matter. But this is no small
matter. This child is being denied the right to play an American icon because she
doesn’t match the description. Those descriptions were crafted 50 years ago!
We’re supposed to be in a different day!
Judge Rita Sharpley: Reverend . . .
Reverend Al Sharpton: You talk about racial equality, how we’re making
progress. The problem with that progress is it’s always a day away. Tomorrow,
tomorrow—you love that!—because it’s always a day away. I’m here to stick out
my chin today! Today! Give us an African-American Spider Man! Give us a black that
can run faster than a speeding bullet and leap over tall buildings in a single bound!
Not tomorrow—today! Today! The sun needs to come out today! Not tomorrow,
your Honor! God Almighty! Give the American people a black Orphan Annie. It’s
just not good enough to say she doesn’t look the part.