Abuse of monopoly power 滥用垄断支配力
Abuse theory 滥用理论
Abusive conduct 滥用行为
Acquired firm 被收购的企业,被收购方
Acquiring firm 收购企业,收购方
Acquisition of asset 资产的收购
Act of state doctrine 国家行为理论
Actual damage 实际损失
Additional suit 附加诉讼
Administrative adjudication 行政裁决
Administrative process 行政诉讼程序
Adverse competitive effect 反竞争影响,反竞争效果
Affirmative duty 积极的义务
Aftermarket 下游市场
Aggravating circumstance 从重处罚情节
Aggressive pricing 超高定价
Agreement to divide market 分割市场的协议
Agreement with mixed competitive consequence 带有混合竞争后果的协议
Allocate market geographically 从地域方面分割市场
Allocative efficiency 资源配置效率
Amicus brief 为协助法庭而对案情所提出的意见书,法庭之友意见概要
Ancillary restraint/ partial restraint 附属的/部分的限制
Annual sale 年销售额
Anti-competitive effect 反竞争效果
Anticompetitive stock acquisition 反竞争性的股份收购
Anticompetitive 限制竞争的,反竞争的
Anti-merger 合并控制
Antitrust 反垄断,反托拉斯
Antitrust Enforcement Guidelines for International Operations 国际经营的反垄断执法指南
Antitrust felony 反垄断重罪
Antitrust immunity 反垄断法的除外
Antitrust litigation 反垄断诉讼
Antitrust procedures and penalties act of 1974 反垄断程序和处罚法
Antitrust scrutiny 反垄断审查
Assign customer 划分客户
Assistant Attorney General 美国联邦司法部长助理
Assured source of supply 稳定的供货渠道
Attempt to monopolize 企图独占
Attempted monopolization 企图独占
Attenuating circumstance 从轻处罚情节
Attorney General 司法部部长
Automatic adjustment mechanism 自动调节机制