• Constitutional monarchy: The United Kingdom remains a monarchy, but
one with limited power
• Parliamentary sovereignty: Parliamentary authority in the UK is unlimited.
It can make or unmake law on any subject.
• Representative democracy: People are entitled to voting rights.
• The rule of law: As a fundamental principle, people are subject to law, but
not to the arbitrary will of governors.
2.下议院(The House of Commons)的三个作用:
• Draft new laws. The House of Commons has primacy over the House of
Lords, especially in the ratification of “money bills” which dictate taxation and
public expenditure.
• Scrutinize, criticize and restrain the actions of the government. Can force a
government to resign by passing a Motion of No Confidence
• Supervise finance. Checks the government Estimates and Budget. The
government cannot legally spend any money without permission from the House
of Commons.
• Influence future government policy.
• When legislation is initiated by the cabinet in the form of a public bill, it is
given three separate
• If passed on the third reading, the bill is sent to the House of Lords, where it
goes through the same procedure.
• If passed by the second house, the bill is sent to the monarch for the
ceremonial formality of royal assent before becoming law.
直接原因:The war was directly caused by the dispute over succession to the
French throne.
正式爆发:In 1337, Edward III landed in Normandy with an English army. The
war broke out.
经过:• During the initial stage of the war, the English were on the offensive
and won great 1377,the English had lost the territory again,the war
1415 Henry V renewed the war and won crushingVictories ,The war was