



into basic human needs for survival, nurturance, growth, education, safety, security,

happiness, health, hope, and justice. None of us can meet these important needs

without significant help from others. We certainly hope – and strongly suspect –

that as long as humans have these needs, we’ll have extraordinary people whom

we call heroes willing to step up to help us. We’ll end this article with a question:

With so many people in the world, and in your neighborhood, unable to meet

many of their essential needs, can you be someone’s hero today?

1. Role models show children guiding behaviors and adults the generally

acknowledged qualities.1) B

2. We need and treasure heroes due to the vulnerable nature of life.1) F

3. It is a good wish and desire that remarkable people will come and help meet

our needs.1) J

4. Heroes can most effectively help us rise to the great challenge of adversity.1)


5. Children regard those who make sacrifices for them as heroes.1) A

6. According to research findings, we need to believe that good is rewarded

with good and evil with evil.1) I

7. Heroes not only guide people in morality but also help solve the toughest


social problems.1) H

8. Human drama feature famous heroes and are very popular with people.1) G

9. We are touched by supermen in stories who magically head off the disaster

and people in reality who safeguard our health and safety.1) C

10. Heroes convince us that there are always people who will do the right

thing despite the problems in the world.1) E

Heroism in the Fire and Rescue Service

A) HSE (卫生安全管理局) fully endorses (签署) the recommendation in

“Common Sense, Common Safety” that individual firefighters should not be at

risk of investigation or prosecution (起诉), under health and safety law, if they have

put themselves at risk as a result of a heroic act. The following outlines how HSE

defines heroism and explains how HSE will deal with such matters. Striking the

balance between operational duties and health and safety in the fire and rescue

service recognizes the particularly challenging nature of fire and rescue activity

and the extremely dangerous environments in which firefighters have to work. It

explains how fire and rescue services can comply with health and safety while

delivering an effective operational service.

B) The statement makes it clear that fire and rescue services need to manage

all foreseeable risk effectively and to review their operational procedures in the


light of experience. It also sets out the duties of individual firefighters,

cooperating with their employer, taking reasonable care of themselves, and not

endangering others. This means that firefighters should act sensibly and

responsibly within the command and control of their employer; they should not

act recklessly. It is also important to recognize that firefighters should not be

expected to put themselves at unreasonable risk, even in the face of sometimes

unrealistic public expectations.

C) HSE views the actions of firefighters as truly heroic when it is clear that they

have decided to act entirely of their own volition (意愿) in putting themselves at

risk to protect the public or colleagues and there have been no orders or other

directions from senior officers to do so and their actions have not put other

firefighters at similar high risk.

D) Firefighting is a complex activity requiring clear definition of roles and

responsibilities on the incident ground and is normally undertaken by teams of

firefighters. It is important that command and control discipline is maintained to

ensure the safety of firefighters and others. But there are some circumstances

when firefighters work together. In a fast-moving dangerous situation, they may

decide to put themselves at risk when they have not received specific orders or

there is no relevant safe working procedure for them to follow.

E) In those rare cases when a firefighter does perform an act of heroism, the

Fire and Rescue Service may recognize and commend them for their bravery. HSE

will view the actions of individual firefighters as heroic when it is clear that they


have decided to act entirely of their own volition, they have put themselves at risk

to protect the public or colleagues and the individuals' actions were not likely to

have put other officers or members of the public at serious risk.

F) In the event of HSE being notified of a serious incident, inspectors may need

to make initial enquiries about the nature of the incident and may need to conduct

an investigation of the Service's operational arrangements and management of

health and safety. If, during this investigation, it becomes clear, however, that the

incident involved an act of heroism by individual firefighters, then HSE will not

investigate the actions of the individuals.

G) During a fire at a large factory, a Breathing Apparatus team of four

firefighters were deployed into the building in search of two people reported as

still inside the building. The firefighters went to the location where the people had

last been seen and found both of them there. These people told the firefighters

that one of their colleagues was still in an adjacent room. The BA team attempted

to inform the Entry Control Officer by radio but found that radio communications

had been lost, probably because of the size and type of building. The BA team

withdrew from the immediate high risk area to a safer part of the building and

agreed to split into two teams of two. One team was able to help the casualties

safely out of the building and inform colleagues outside of the proposed course of

action to be taken by the BA team still in the building. The remaining BA team

realized that conditions in the building were deteriorating rapidly due to increase

in heat intensity and objects falling around them. Because of this, even though

the adjacent room presented a greater risk and there was a real possibility that


they would not be able to escape safely, they decided to go on into the fire in

order to rescue the other member of the public. They made this decision knowing

that had radio communications remained live, they would have been instructed in

accordance with their standard procedure to wait for additional support and

resource. This team managed to rescue an unconscious casualty and withdraw to

an agreed position to meet an oncoming emergency team to help them safely out

of the factory.

H) In the absence of instruction from senior officers, the team of four

firefighters made their decisions based on their comprehensive training. All were

fully aware of the risks and agreed on their actions without instruction or pressure

from officers. The actions of the four firefighters did not place colleagues or

members of the public at greater risk. The Incident Commander effectively

applied the FRS procedures which were in line with incident command and control


1. Firefighters should refuse people’s unrealistic requests and avoid taking

unnecessary risks.1) B

2. When something serious takes place, investigators need to learn the actual

happenings and the ways of coping with health and safety issues.1) F

3. A balance should be struck between duty fulfillment and self-protection, for

firefighters have to face the great challenge in the very dangerous situations.1) A


4. With the knowledge of the risks and the lack of instruction from senior

officers, firefighters agreed upon the actions to be taken according to the training

they received.1) H

5. The building structure obstructed the communications between the

firefighters and their commander.1) G

6. Firefighting demands teamwork which includes clear division of work and

duties at the time of an incident.1) D

7. Firefighters should handle the predictable risks well and use experience to

assess the operational procedures.1) B

8. Although firefighters knew they might be in danger, they still plunged into

the sea of flames to rescue the trapped person.1) G

9. Even without specific orders or safe working procedure, firefighters may risk

taking actions at critical moments.1) D

10. HSE supports the suggestion that firefighters should not be charged for

violating the relevant law if their actions come of heroism.1) A

unit 6

Is America Becoming the Land of Part-Time Jobs?


A) Do you need a good job? If so, there are millions of other Americans that

are just like you. Unfortunately, most of the jobs that are available in America

today are either part-time jobs, temp jobs or are “independent contractor” jobs.

The “full-time job with benefits” is a dying breed. There are so many desperate

unemployed workers in America today that the companies don’t have to roll out

the red carpet anymore. Instead, they can just hire a horde of inexpensive

part-timers and temps that they don’t have to give any benefits to. But isn’t the

employment situation supposed to be getting better? No, it really is not. Yes, the

US economy added 216,000 jobs in March. However, the truth is that

approximately 290,000 part-time jobs were created and about 80,000 full-time

jobs were actually lost. This is all part of a long-term trend in America. Good jobs

are rapidly disappearing and they are being replaced by low paying service jobs

that do not pay a living wage. In many American households today, both parents

have multiple jobs. Yet a large percentage of those same households can’t even

pay the mortgage and are drowning in debt.

B) Whenever a new government jobs report comes out from now on, try to

find out how many of the jobs that were created were actually part-time jobs. Most

Americans that only have part-time jobs are living around or below the poverty

line. The truth is that it is really hard to get by if you are only making a couple

hundred bucks a week.

C) As mentioned above, the US economy added 216,000 jobs last month. The

Obama administration and the mainstream media announced that the US

economy is recovering nicely. But is that really accurate? Rebel Cole, a professor at


DePaul University’s Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, says that when you

take the time to do a closer examination of the employment numbers, they don’t

look so good. “If you look deeper in the report, there were 290,000 new part-time

workers, which means that there were 80,000 fewer full-time workers; that’s not a

good sign. Things are getting worse, not getting better.”

D) Unless you are a teen or a college student or a retired person, most likely

you would prefer to be working a full-time job. Most people do not actually have

the goal of working part-time. Most part-time jobs pay very poorly and offer very

few benefits. Unfortunately, that is why so many big companies like part-time

workers and temp workers. There are so many more rules, regulations and laws

that pertain (与··相关) to full-time workers. Hiring a bunch of part-time workers is so

much easier and so much cheaper. Without a doubt it is definitely more profitable

in most situations.

E) Today, there are millions of Americans that have part-time jobs and that

would love to have full-time jobs. In fact, the government says that there are about

8 million Americans that are currently working part-time jobs for “economic

reasons”. One such worker named “John” recently left a comment on another

article I wrote, entitled “How to Find a Job: Just Be Willing to Flip Burgers and

Work for Minimum Wage”. John says that the restaurant chain that he works for

has implemented a “part-time only policy”...

F) “Could your family survive on $505 a week?” “If only I could make HALF

that much!” The dirty secret is McDonalds needs to add 50,000 workers to


increase the headcount in every store. The goal is to have no full-time employees

who qualify for health benefits. So these 50,000 jobs will pay $174 a week BEFORE

taxes, and have no benefits, no vacation days, no holidays off, call in sick and get

fired, but they will have 52 mandatory (强制的) weekends each year. “And how do

I know this? I work for a national restaurant chain that already has gone to a

part-time only policy. I am scheduled for 23 hours next week. The threshold (门槛)

for benefits is 26 hrs.”

G) Of course there are perhaps a couple of full-time workers at the restaurant

that John works at (such as the manager). But the reality is that we are seeing this

kind of thing more and more around the nation. Companies are being careful to

keep hours low enough so that the majority of their employees do not qualify for

expensive “full-time benefits”.

H) Right now America is rapidly losing high paying jobs and they are being

replaced by low paying jobs. According to a recent report from the National

Employment Law Project, higher wage industries accounted for 40 percent of the

job losses over the past 12 months but only 14 percent of the job growth. Lower

wage industries accounted for just 23 percent of the job losses over the past 12

months and a whopping 49 percent of the job growth. So yes, jobs are being

created, but most of them are jobs that none of us would really want under normal

circumstances. Unfortunately, times are not normal and millions of desperate

people have to take whatever they can get.

I) What makes things even worse is that really bad inflation (通货膨胀) is


coming. There are fewer good jobs for American families and at the same time the

cost of basic necessities is going up.

1. Many big companies prefer part-time workers to full-time ones, because

they needn’t pay them much and there are fewer relevant laws to observe.1) D

2. With the large number of unemployed workers, American companies no

longer need to take pains to find employees.1) A

3. A university professor points out that careful study of employment numbers

can make one know the actual situation of the economy.1) C

4. The employees are forced to work fewer hours so that they cannot enjoy the

“full-time” benefits.1) G

5. Low-paid jobs which are taking the place of well-paid ones can not support

daily life.1) A

6. It is said some restaurants only take on part-time workers.1) E

7. As inflation is adding to the burden of economy, American families have to

face the tough reality of fewer good jobs, but more expensive basic necessities.1) I

8. The increase in part-time jobs and the decrease in full-time ones are by no

means good indicators of the economy.1) C


9. Statistics show most of the newly-created jobs are from lower wage

industries which, generally speaking, will not be welcome.1) H

10. Most Americans who have only part-time jobs find it difficult to make ends

meet with their low wages.1) B

International Students and Part-Time Jobs

A) As an international student in Holland, you might want to take a part-time

job, just as Dutch students do. Besides helping to cover your costs, a job can also

give you useful work experience, allow you to participate in Dutch society and

make it easier for you to learn the language. Your position as a job applicant is

somewhat different from that of Dutch students, however.

B) The easiest way to find a job is through an employment agency. Some

agencies specialize in jobs for students. The student affairs office at the Dutch

institution where you are enrolled can provide addresses or may even have their

own job agency. Of course you can also respond to advertisements or search for a

job on the Internet.

C) Your position is different from that of Dutch students and you will have to

take several practical restrictions into account, such as your probable lack of

fluency in the Dutch language. It goes without saying that if you are enrolled in an

English-taught program and have not had to learn any Dutch, certain jobs will be

out of your reach. But even if you do speak Dutch, some jobs simply require the


fluency of a native speaker. Always make sure you know about the relevant

formalities and rules before you begin to look for a job.

D) Dutch public healthcare insurance is called “basic care insurance”. Dutch

law requires everyone in Holland with resident or employee status to take out

public healthcare insurance. Students under the age of 30 who are in Holland

solely for study purposes are exempt (被豁免的) from this general requirement and

are allowed to have other insurance, such as private healthcare insurance. If you

start a part-time job, however, you will immediately have to take out Dutch public

healthcare insurance, since now you are no longer just a student, but also an

employee. This applies no matter how many hours you work per week. You are

advised to take this into consideration before starting a job, because Dutch public

healthcare insurance may be more expensive than the insurance you otherwise

use. This rule also applies to EU citizens who are covered by an EU Health

Insurance Card. From the moment you start working, you need to take out Dutch

public healthcare insurance. If you intend to work part-time on and off, make sure

you choose an insurance company that allows you to switch between private and

public healthcare insurance.

E) As the costs of Dutch public healthcare insurance can weigh heavily on a

small budget, the Dutch government provides a healthcare allowance to people

with low incomes. If you are insured through a Dutch public healthcare insurance,

you are eligible to apply for this healthcare allowance. Since the online application

tool requires an electronic signature, it is generally easier to order an application

form through your local tax office.


F) Social security contributions will be deducted (扣除) from your gross pay.

These deductions support the systems that provide disability pay and

unemployment benefits – meaning that, as an employee, you will be insured

against the consequences of any work-related accident. Your employer is obliged

to deduct these social security contributions from your pay before you get it.

These deductions can easily take up a third of your gross pay. Your employer’s

human resources department can provide a detailed explanation of this and other

elements of your pay slip.

G) You are required to pay tax over your total Dutch income for the year.

Scholarships may also be counted as income and added to the total. If you have

both a scholarship that is taxed and a part-time job, you might receive less money

than with only a scholarship. If you have a foreign scholarship and your country

has signed a tax treaty (协议) with the Netherlands, it is possible that your

scholarship will not be taxed in Holland (since according to Dutch law a person is

only obliged to pay income tax in one country). Holland has tax treaties with many

countries, including all EU member states.

H) Before you start a job, it is wise to settle all the formalities with your

employer, such as the number of holiday days you are entitled to, your insurance

coverage and your tax situation. Also make sure you know the organization’s

own rules and regulations regarding the terms of employment.

I) Some students take jobs in, for example, cafes and restaurants through

unofficial channels, where the employer does not pay any social security


contributions for them. The pay for such jobs is usually higher than for regular jobs,

but it is important to realize that this practice (called “working in the black”) is

illegal, and means that you cannot claim any rights as an employee. Moreover, you

will not be insured in the event of a work-related accident. You should also be

aware that if you need a work permit and your employer lets you work without one,

he risks a high fine in the event of discovery. In the worst case you might even lose

your residence permit.

1. The Dutch government helps pay for public healthcare insurance to relieve

low-income people of their financial burdens.1) E

2. The international students looking for a job in Holland should know that if

the act of hiring someone without a work permit is found out, the employer will be

heavily fined.1) I

3. International students who are under 30 and with the only purpose of study

in Holland can take private healthcare insurance.1) D

4. You can find a job in Holland by consulting employment agencies,

answering advertisements or searching the Internet.1) B

5. All the details about the job should be agreed between you and the

employer prior to your starting the job.1) H

6. You may not land some jobs because of your lack of fluency in Dutch.1) C


7. Since public health care insurance may cost more than private one, the extra

fee should be taken into consideration.1) D

8. People who have taken public health insurance can apply for the

corresponding subsidy.1) E

9. Because of taxation, a scholarship may bring you more than the

combination of a grant and a part-time job.1) G

10. The amount of money given to the social security will be used to pay for

disability or unemployment resulted from work-related accidents.1) F


Botany, the study of plants, has a highly valued position in the history of

human knowledge. From what we have 1) observed of preindustrial (工业化以前的)

societies, a detailed study of plants must have been pretty ancient. Plants are the 2)

basis of food for all living things, even for some other plants. They have always

been 3) enormously important to human beings, not only for food, but also for

clothing, weapons, tools, medicines, shelter, and many other 4) purposes. People

who lived in the jungle of the Amazon can recognize a wide 5) range of plants and

know their properties. To them, botany has no name and is probably not even

recognized as a special branch of “knowledge” at all.

However, 6) unfortunately, the more industrialized we become, the farther


away we move from direct contact with plants. Now not many people have a

reasonable 7) amount of botanical knowledge. About10,000 years ago, when our

ancestors 8) discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds

could be planted the next season, the 9) bond between plants and humans was

formed. As a result crops were 10) cultivated. From then on, humans live on the

production of plants.

A) uncovered B) discovered C) cultivated D) explored

E) observed F) range G) chain H) bond

I) amount J) number K) resources L) basis

M) purposes N) enormously O) unfortunately


1) observed 2) basis 3) enormously 4) purposes 5)

range 6) unfortunately 7) amount 8) discovered 9) bond

10) cultivated

Some people argue loudly that putting the bright and the not-so-bright

children in the same class can have a bad effect on their development. According

to them, it can also be quite 1) discouraging for those at the bottom of the class,

but we think 2) otherwise.


We believe it is definitely unfair to 3) classify our children just according to

their 4) intellectual abilities. There are quite a lot of 5) disadvantages in doing so.

Besides, it is against our educational purposes to develop the abilities of all our

children to the full.

However, in a mixed-ability class, there are various ways to help all children

develop. Children often work in groups, which gives them the 6) opportunity to

learn to share, to work together, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn

how to make 7) decisions, to solve personal relationship problems as well as how

to think and to communicate 8) effectively. Our children learn to do their best and

we can give them extra encouragement to 9) attain the goal. Therefore, both their

personal experiences and social skills are 10) enriched since they can learn from

the teacher as well as from each other in a mixed-ability class.

A) injuries B) disadvantages C) opportunity D) decisions

E) projects F) enriched G) classify H) intellectual

I) acquire J) attain K) discouraging L) frightening

M) opposite N) otherwise O) effectively


1) discouraging 2) otherwise 3) classify 4) intellectual 5)


disadvantages 6) opportunity 7) decisions 8) effectively 9)

attain 10) enriched

Melting sea ice and the earlier-than-normal movement of walruses (海象) have

made scientists worried. Researchers 1) anticipate that this year might bring

another mass migration of animals to shore.

Walruses 2) live on shellfish (贝类动物) and other animals they find by diving to

the seafloor. Normally, the walruses, 3) particularly females with baby walruses,

rest on the floating sea ice during the summer. However, because of the global

warming sea ice melts away and 4) vanishes over the relatively shallower waters

where the walruses can feed. The 5) remaining ice stays only over water that is so

deep that the walruses cannot dive down to the bottom for food. When this

happens, the animals 6) stream back onto the land near shallower water.

In recent years, researchers have found unusual 7) surges of mass migration

have happened at an 8) incredible level, with walruses gathering in a(n) 9)

immense number of more than 40,000. This can 10) strain the local ecosystem (生

态系统) as the animals feed in a limited space, and many, generally the little

walruses, get killed because it is too crowded. A recent study proved that the loss

of sea ice was forcing more animals to swim longer distance, bringing danger to

the life of their little ones.

A) flow B) anticipate C) live D) vanishes


E) rushes F) immenseG) incredible H) particularly

I) stream J) await K) strain L) finishes

M) surges N) remaining O) believable


1) anticipate 2) live 3) particularly 4) vanishes 5)

remaining 6) stream 7) surges 8) incredible 9) immense

10) strain

If you feel a shortage of energy, join our Health Club. Fatigue is common for

people to 1) complain of to their doctors. In such cases, you should take a look at

the causes for your tiredness and learn how you can get rid of it.

Firstly, if you have to work hard 24 hours a day, seven days a week with high 2)

efficiency, you will feel tired and bored. The 24/7 push to be productive can wear

you out both physically and 3) emotionally. Your brain needs a break. You can have

mini-breaks that will cheer you up and make your routine a little less routine.

Secondly, if you sit staring at a screen for long periods of time you tend to

blink (眨眼) less frequently and 4) strain your eyes. Your eyes need a break. Stand

up once in a while to 5) stretch your legs and arms. Frequent breaks with long 6)

strides to your nearby parks will keep your body active and reduce eyestrain.


Finally, gaining as little as five pounds of weight can cause 7) fatigue. Extra

weight also puts extra burden on your heart, which makes you tired. You can 8)

dump the habit of eating junk food and 9) reverse yourself to the basics of healthy

eating. Try to eat smaller 10) portions of food. With each pound of weight you lose,

you’ll feel a rise in energy.

A) reverse B) strip C) strain D) empty

E) portions F) fatigue G) rides H) emotionally

I) reserve J) stretch K) dump L) complain

M) collections N) efficiency O) strides


1) complain 2) efficiency 3) emotionally 4) strain 5)

stretch 6) strides 7) fatigue 8) dump 9) reverse 10)


Science is a complex social activity. Scientific activity is one of the main

features of the modern world and, perhaps more than any other, makes our times

1) distinct from earlier centuries. Scientific research 2) involves different people

doing different kinds of work. Men and women of all national backgrounds 3)

participate in science and its applications. These people may focus on their efforts


on 4) commitment to scientific knowledge either for theoretical development or

for a particular practical purpose.

As a social activity, science 5) reflects social values and viewpoints. For

example, before the 20th century, women and people of color were not allowed in

most of science by limiting their education and employment 6) opportunities. The

7) remarkable few who overcame (克服) those difficulties were unlikely to receive 8)

due respect in the field of science.

Meanwhile, the direction of scientific research is affected by influences within

the culture of science itself, such as the opinion on what questions are most

interesting or what methods are most likely to 9) yield good results. Scientists

present their findings and theories at meetings or in scientific magazines. This 10)

enables scientists to inform others about their work, to expose their ideas to

criticism by other scientists, and to keep updated with scientific developments

around the world.

A) participate B) return C) enables D) involves

E) due F) applicable G) opportunities H) commitment

I) yield J) reflects K) enrich L) evolve

M) remarkable N) distinct O) assignment



1) distinct 2) involves 3) participate 4) commitment 5)

reflects 6) opportunities 7) remarkable 8) due 9) yield

10) enables

Normally we instinctively enter a state of disagreement whenever we come

across undesirable things, and the unpleasant feeling of disagreement is often 1)

overwhelming. This is our reaction (反应). Why not try non-reaction to 2) shield us

from it? For instance, next time you feel too hot, instead of fanning yourself or

turning on the air-conditioner, see if you can just sit and arouse the feeling of

being warm in a positive way for a few minutes. With a bit of practice, you can put

up with or even 3) ignore almost anything disagreeable to you that you might run

into physically. Once you’re used to the non-reaction method with physical

feelings, then you can 4) apply the same technique to less concrete things:

emotions or situations. Instead of bringing any reaction against them, you can take

and accept it with 5) grace and cool-headedness. Then, you will be free from the 6)

awful emotional strain of needing to escape. When we have learned to 7) embrace

undesirable feelings as if we had chosen them, the 8) negative circumstances will

lose their effect over us. So remember, life becomes much more 9) agreeable when

you stop disagreeing with it. Keep doing this and you’ll recognize the incredible

10) potential in non-reaction and feel comfortable with it.

A) apply B) embrace C) cover D) accessible


E) overwhelming F) negative G) capacity H) potential

I) adopt J) shield K) ignore L) agreeable

M) opposing N) awful O) grace


1) overwhelming 2) shield 3) ignore 4) apply 5) grace

6) awful 7) embrace 8) negative 9) agreeable 10) potential

A variety of conditions can affect the success or failure of negotiations (谈判).

The following conditions make success in negotiations more likely.

First, both parties must be willing to participate. If one party is unwilling for

the negotiation, the 1) potential for reaching any agreement will certainly 2)


Second, people must get ready to discuss. When there is not enough

information 3) available, or a negotiation strategy unprepared, people may be 4)

reluctant to begin the discussion.

Third, both parties must have enough interests in common to 5) commit

themselves to a shared decision-making discussion. For people to settle

disagreement, they must have some means to 6) influence the attitudes and

behavior from the other party. To 7) effect a change, they may provide needed


information and seek the advice of experts for help.

Finally, participants must have the 8) authority to make a decision. If not,

negotiations will be limited to an information exchange between the parties. 9)

Furthermore, both parties must have a willingness to 10) compromise. In other

words, sometimes, to reach a satisfactory conclusion, it is necessary for the parties

prepared to have less than 100 percent of needs or interests satisfied.

A) effect B) affect C) commit D) decrease

E) decline F) influence G) compromise H) concede

I) available J) applicable K) reluctant L) furthermore

M) necessity N) authority O) potential


1) potential 2) decrease 3) available 4) reluctant 5)

commit 6) influence 7) effect 8) authority 9) Furthermore

10) compromise

Stress sets off an alarm in the brain and the nervous system is aroused to

sharpen the senses, quicken the pulse, deepen breathing and tense the muscles.

Infrequent periods of stress pose little risk. But when stressful situations


continue without being 1) resolved, the body is kept in a constantly active state,

which increases the harm to biological systems. Finally, the body becomes 2)

exhausted and its ability to repair and defend itself can be seriously 3)

compromised. As the body’s self-defense power 4) erodes away, the risk of injury

or disease increases.

In the past 20 years, many studies have 5) indicated the relationship between

job stress and a variety of illnesses. Mood and sleep 6) disturbances, upset

stomach, and headache are examples of stress-related problems that are quick to

develop and are commonly seen in these studies. These early 7) indications of job

stress are usually easy to recognize. But the effects of job stress on chronic (慢性的)

diseases are more difficult to 8) identify because chronic diseases take a long time

to develop and can be influenced by many factors other than stress. Nevertheless,

9) evidence is rapidly increasing to suggest that stress plays a(n) 10) significant

role in several types of chronic health problems – especially cardiovascular (心血管

的) disease, and psychological disorders.

A) indications B) expressions C) disturbances D) evidence

E) conflicted F) compromised G) resolved H) ensured

I) indicated J) erodes K) identify L) justify

M) involved N) exhausted O) significant



1) resolved 2) exhausted 3) compromised 4) erodes 5)

indicated 6) disturbances 7) indications 8) identify 9)

evidence 10) significant

Computer use by college students is strongly encouraged, and is required in

some courses. Some courses are now Internet-dependent; that is, the Internet has

become a(n) 1) indispensable part of the course, from syllabuses (教学大纲) to

homework. So, the use of the Internet on college campuses is 2) growing rapidly.

There are so many 3) positive aspects of using this technology, for example,

helping students feel more comfortable with their reading and learning.

Although the Internet is an excellent tool for 4) gathering information and

communicating with people, it has 5) disadvantages and puts those who make it

the center of their lives at 6) risk. This can be bad for those who are unable to 7)

balance their activities on the Internet with other parts of their lives. College

students are particularly easy to be influenced in a(n) 8) negative way by the

Internet. Students have their own psychological and developmental features (特点)

and they have special expectations of the Internet, which may account for their 9)

addiction to the Internet. It only takes a few clicks to move away from their 10)

assignments to computer games or chatting with friends.

Research in this area has just started, but more is needed to understand this

problem fully and to find the most effective treatments.


A) protective B) positive C) disadvantages D) arrangements

E) addiction F) risk G) advancing H) gathering

I) negative J) effective K) indispensable L) assignments

M) addition N) balance O) growing


1) indispensable 2) growing 3) positive 4) gathering 5)

disadvantages 6) risk 7) balance 8) negative 9) addiction

10) assignments

The Internet has changed the way of doing things. It has a stronger 1) impact

than other electronic media on people and is the modern engine of progress; it

presents a fresh 2) approach to online education.

Personal computers and the Internet are rapidly 3) transforming the world

into the Information Age. Already, the Internet is making large amounts of

information 4) available to people at rapid speed. Teachers and students at college

will have virtually immediate 5) access to vast amounts of educational information

and a wide range of learning tools.

The new technology provides students with skills that are 6) essential to

success in modern society. Computer technologies in school will 7) enable


students to become familiar with the necessary tools at an early age. By using the

technology well, they will also 8) acquire better learning skills and become

informed citizens and active community members.

The Internet is a(n) 9) amazing information resource and a powerful

communication tool. It will take the 10) focus of education from the university to

the student. The Internet has come to befriend, live with and beyond both the

teacher and the student.

A) potential B) access C) focus D) impression

E) qualify F) enable G) accountable H) transforming

I) essential J) target K) approach L) impact

M) acquire N) available O) amazing


1) impact 2) approach 3) transforming 4) available 5)

access 6) essential 7) enable 8) acquire 9) amazing 10)


Living in a family is never easy. Choosing between self-interest and caring for

the family life is one of the most 1) fundamental problems facing all of us. To 2)

overcome the problems, modern societies in general and American society in 3)


particular, have tried to give women and men different moral responsibilities.

Since the rise of industrialization (工业化), women have been expected to 4)

seek personal development in addition to caring for the family. In the 21st Century,

changes in family life have 5) weakened the traditional family responsibilities

between men and women, but the changes are still ongoing.

Women and men today are still facing problems over how to 6) balance

between “independent self” and obligation to the family. Women as wives or

mothers must now obtain economic independence even though they continue to

7) bear the responsibility for the family. Men as husbands or fathers are no longer

the only ones to support the family as before, but they face new 8) pressures to

become more involved fathers and partners. The young women and men have to 9)

adapt to this changing social environment. Nevertheless, they also have a brilliant

chance to develop new 10) strategies to reshape family life.

A) adopt B) adapt C) bear D) seek

E) weigh F) balance G) overcome H) overwhelm

I) weakened J) strategies K) systems L) pressures

M) fundamental N) introductory O) particular



1) fundamental 2) overcome 3) particular 4) seek 5)

weakened 6) balance 7) bear 8) pressures 9) adapt 10)


What is altruism (利他主义,无私行为)? Altruism is 1) defined as “putting the

needs of all others ahead of oneself.” Basically, it means being 2) extremely

generous. The term was created in the 19th Century by sociologist Auguste Comte,

who believed that individuals had a moral 3) obligation to serve the interest of

others. The term now has become an important topic in the field of psychology

and it 4) emphasizes being unselfish (无私的).

Altruism is also the idea of caring about the 5) welfare of others. It is a virtue in

many cultures although the 6) concept of “others” toward whom such care

should be given can be different from culture to culture. For humans, altruism is

the desire to provide something of 7) value to a person who could be anyone but

the self. But something that 8) benefits other people is not necessarily altruistic.

For example, if one helps out another person with the intention to 9) improve one’

s own reputation (声望), this action would not be 10) regarded as altruistic, but

rather as an expression of self-interest. In short, altruism means helping others

without any personal reasons or purposes.

A) concept B) image C) value D) obligation

E) challenge F) welfare G) extremely H) infrequently


I) defined J) described K) regarded L) emphasizes

M) comforts N) benefits O) improve


1) defined 2) extremely 3) obligation 4) emphasizes 5)

welfare 6) concept 7) value 8) benefits 9) improve 10)


In some society it is the custom for parents to arrange marriages for their

children. The parents of a young man will 1) inquire about their son’s girlfriend.

They will even meet with the parents of the girl, and if both families are pleased

with each other, a marriage 2) agreement will be made. It doesn’t 3) exaggerate

to say that sometimes the two young people meet for the first time at their


Most Americans don’t 4) applaud the idea of arranged marriages. However,

American parents also put some 5) pressure on their children to influence their

choices of marriage. Since parents often help their children 6) financially, they feel

that they have the right to help the young couple to select where they will live, or

what kind of furniture they will 7) purchase .

In many cases in the US, social class will 8) determine the choice of marriage

partner. Marriages are usually arranged between people of 9) similar religious,


educational and financial backgrounds. Despite what we see in the movies, in real

life, the son of a bank president 10) rarely marries or even meets a coal miner’s (矿

工) daughter. Americans may not understand arranged marriages, but marriages in

the United States are arranged to some degree.

A) usually B) financially C) commitment D) similar

E) purchase F) chase G) frustrate H) inquire

I) rarely J) pressure K) agreement L) same

M) applaud N) exaggerate O) determine


1) inquire 2) agreement 3) exaggerate 4) applaud 5)

pressure 6) financially 7) purchase 8) determine 9) similar

10) rarely

For many centuries there was no safety system against poverty and illness. The

Industrial Age saw 1) extensive poverty amongst a rapidly expanding urban


In 1941, William Beveridge, one of Britain’s 2) leading economists and social

reformers, was asked to look at the problems of building a post-war Britain. His

report, known as the “Beveridge Report”, was published in 1942, and it was


based on two simple 3) elements : universality (普遍性) and comprehensiveness. In

other words, the plan would be applied to everybody because Beveridge wanted

to 4) ensure that people had the basic rights in life.

The report covered the problems that were 5) threatening the society, for

example, education and disease. Churchill’s government took the opportunity to

deal with education first to reduce the number of 6) ignorant people. The 1944

Education Act (法案) 7) raised the school-leaving age to 16 years old, and also

helped make university 8) entrance easier to new students.

The second act, the 1948 National Assistance Act, 9) introduced a national

health service free to all. Finally, the 1948 Children Act looked not only to child

protection but development of each child’s 10) character and abilities.

As the proposals in the “Beveridge Report” were carried out by the

government, the basis of the modern welfare state was being built.

A) threatening B) ignorant C) excessive D) ensure

E) revealed F) introduced G) elements H) entrance

I) leading J) innocent K) extensive L) insure

M) raised N) character O) sections



1) extensive 2) leading 3) elements 4) ensure 5)

threatening 6) ignorant 7) raised 8) entrance 9) introduced

10) character

What is meditation(冥想)? Meditation can be traced to the time when the

Buddha (佛), monks (僧侣) 1) retreated into forests and mountains to think quietly

about the truth of the Buddha’s Teaching. Meditation seems not only to help

monks in 2) worshiping the Buddha, but can also benefit ordinary people.

Meditation is a skill – a skill of conscious, continuous attention. You already

have part of this skill – what keeps you stressed is your ability to pay 3) sustained

attention to whatever is troubling you. Regular meditation practice can 4) relieve

everyday stresses. You begin by learning to pay 5) deliberate attention to

something pleasant and relaxing, and interrupt and 6) restrain stress-producing

thoughts. This will turn around the effects of stress. Eventually, meditation can

improve your health, 7) enhance your creativity, and even slow down the aging 8)


Many people who meditate regularly feel that its benefits go well beyond the

9) relief of stress. They feel that meditation has enabled them to connect with a(n)

10) inner source of wisdom and meaning. This connection has greatly enriched

their lives.

A) relieve B) process C) strain D) sustained


E) retreated F) moderate G) enrich H) enhance

I) relief J) access K) restrain L) reversed

M) deliberate N) inner O) worshiping


1) retreated 2) worshiping 3) sustained 4) relieve 5)

deliberate 6) restrain 7) enhance 8) process 9) relief

10) inner

There was a time when real men couldn’t show much interest in how a home

looked inside except the garage or basement workshop. Interior (内部的) design

was once supposed to be the 1) exclusive task for wives. However, if you visit

decoration showrooms today, you will find that it is 2) evident that something has


Men’s interest began to shift indoors when modern technology became 3)

prevailing in media rooms with all that computer stuff. Hot tubs also 4) stimulated

men’s imaginations, and got them into the bathroom. New kitchen 5) devices

were as difficult to handle as cars, and guys began to find them fascinating, too. As

for the bedroom, that 6) tended to be the last preserve (专利) of the wife. However,

7) elaborate beds that promised a better night’s sleep soon became a popular

topic across the country, and 8) inevitably attracted a great deal of attention from



The roles of men and women have changed and there’s a less 9) rigid

division between who’s on top at work and who rules the home, so that, today,

the home is often a gender-equal space. Both men and women work, both 10)

devote their attention and enthusiasm to home interior and both see home as a

peaceful place.

A) elaborate B) rigid C) confined D) prevailing

E) evident F) tended G) scarcely H) processes

I) deliberate J) exclusive K) stimulated L) confident

M) devote N) inevitably O) devices


1) exclusive 2) evident 3) prevailing 4) stimulated 5)

devices 6) tended 7) elaborate 8) inevitably 9) rigid 10)






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