中考英语 · 这70篇文章,帮你掌握中考必备1600词(41-50)
四十一. A Cockroach in Our Classroom (1)
What would you do if you found a cockroach in your
classroom? Would you cry? Would you laugh? Or would you
just sit there and do nothing? In my class we did all those.
Suddenly I heard a terrible cry from one of the girls. My
heart missed a beat. I heard another cry. I am now thinking
to myself “what is going on”! Then there it was! It was at
least an inch and a half long, just a little cockroach! Now this
was the first time I had seen in real life, but from all the
pictures and the movies I had seen in the past, I could tell it
was a cockroach.
My teacher quickly ran to fetch some paper towels. To be
honest, I didn’t think that window cleaner could help. I was
wrong. The little cockroach got a big drop of “The Window
Cleaner”, and lying on the floor, did not move.
突然间我听到一个女孩的可怕的叫声。我的心跳(beat)停了一下。我又听到一声喊叫。我心想(think to oneself)“发生什么事了(what is going on)”,接着我看到了!是一只至少(at
least) 一英寸(inch)半长的小蟑螂!这是我第一次在真实的生活中看到。以前在图片里和电影(movie)里看到过,因此我知道那是一只蟑螂。
我们的老师快速跑去拿来(fetch) 一些纸巾(paper towel)。说实话(to be honest),我本以为窗户(window)清洁剂不会起什么作用,但我错了。这只小蟑螂被淋了一大滴“窗户清洁剂”,躺在地板上(lie on the floor),不动(move)了。
四十一. A Cockroach in Our Classroom (2)
Well that was just the beginning. Ok, here is the whole story.
My teacher walked over to the, now not moving, cockroach.
If you have a weak stomach, I am warning she
stepped on it.
I don't know if you have seen the movies where someone
steps on the cockroach and you hear a loud “CRUNCH”(嘎扎嘎扎的压碎), but I can tell you right now that those
movies are one-hundred percent true.
I was laughing so hard that I was crying. I looked around the
classroom. Some of my friends were laughing too. Of course
the girly girls were crying and some of the other kids
thought it was no big deal and just sat there reading their
My teacher was not very happy to find out that she was the
one who had to clean up the dirty place.
Most people will not realize that when you step on a
cockroach it will make a terrible sound you may not want to
hear. So when you ever go to kill a cockroach, watch out for
我不知道你是否看过这样的电影,某人踩到蟑螂上,然后你听到响亮的“嘎扎嘎扎”声,但现在我告诉你那些电影是百分之百(one-hundred percent)的真实。
我笑的眼泪都要出来了。我环顾教室,我的一些朋友也在笑。当然,一些娇弱的女孩正在大喊大叫,其他一些孩子认为不是什么大事(no big deal)。只管坐在那里看书。
大部分人没有意识到(realize)当你踩蟑螂时会发出一种可怕的你不想听到的声音(sound)。因此,你要杀死一只蟑螂时,当心(watch out)那“嘎扎嘎扎”的声音。?
四十二. This Is My Supper
Miss Green ate a lot for every meal, and she liked eating
meat, especially pork and beef. So she was very fat. She
weighed 100 kilos and she got heavier every month.
One day she went to see a doctor. The doctor said, “You
have to go on a diet(节食), Miss Green “. He gave her a
small book and said, “This is a book on how to lose your
weight. Please eat the things on page 11 every day. Then
come back and see me in two weeks.”
Miss Green came again two weeks later, but she wasn't
thinner. She was much doctor was surprised and
said, “Are you eating the things on page 11 0f the small
book?' 'Yes, doctor “She answered. The next day, the doctor
visited Miss Green when she was having her meals. “Miss
Green,”he said, “Why are you eating potatoes and
dumplings? They are not on the list of your diet.”“But
doctor,”Miss Green answered, “I ate my diet at lunch time.
This is my supper.”
Funny enough! That's why Miss Green is getting fat. But
since then, Miss Green has made up her mind to lose
weight, and she has made an effort to follow the doctor’s
一天,她去看医生。医生说:“你必须要节食,格林小姐”,他递给她一本小书,然后说:“这是一本关于如何减轻体重(lose weight)的书。你每天只吃第11页(page)中所列出的食物。两周后再来医院。”
up one's mind)要减肥,还努力(make an effort to do)遵循医生的建议。
四十三. Two Travelers
Two men were going along a lonely road and talking of
what they would do if a bear or wolves attack(进攻)them?.
“Never fear,”said the larger one, “I can protect myself and
you too, so there will be no danger. There is nothing in the
forest for any man to fear, except a hungry bear, and I'd like
to meet the bear that could be amatch for me.”
Just at that time, a huge bear appeared in the road and
moved towards the two men.
The two men ran for a tree. The one who had spoken so
bravely reached it first and climbed to safety. The smaller
man,being left to face the bear alone, threw himself on the
ground and lay as if dead. When the bear came up, he smelt
the man on the ground and went away. Then the larger man
came down from the tree and said, “What did the bear say
in your ear? You seemed like old friends.”
“Oh,”the other answered, “he told me never to trust a
俩,不会有危险(danger)。在那片森林里没有什么好怕的,除了(except) 一头饥饿的熊之外。我倒是想碰到一只能成为我对手(match)的熊”。
这两个人向一棵树跑去。之前讲话很勇敢(bravely)的那个人先跑到树下,然后爬到一个安全(safety)位置。个头较小的人现在要独自面对那只熊,于是他就躺在地上,仿佛(as if)死了(dead) 一样。当那只熊走近时,它闻了闻地上的那人,然后离开了.接着个头较大的人从树上下来,问,“那只熊在你耳朵(ear)边说什么呢?你们看起来像是老朋友一样。”“哦,”另一位回答道,“它告诉我决不要信任(trust)吹牛者”。? 四十四. People Around the World Communicating
in English
In only fifty years, English has developed into the language
most widely spoken and used in the world. English is the
working language of most international organizations(组织),
international trade and tourism (旅游业).
Businessmen and tourists often come to China without
being able to speak e businessmen, taxi
drivers and students talk with them using English. English is
also the language of world culture, such as pop music and
the Internet. You can listen to English songs on the radio or
use English to communicate with people around the world
through the Internet. With so many people communicating
in English every day, it will become more and more
important to have a good knowledge of English.
【汉语翻译】 世界各地的人用英语交流
在短短五十年间,英语已发展成为(develop into)世界上说的最多、使用最广泛(most widely)的语言(language)。英语是大部分国际组织、国际贸易(international trade)与旅游业的工作语言。
生意人与游客(tourist)经常来到中国却不会讲汉语。中国商人、计程车(taxi)司机以及学生就用英语和他们交谈。英语也是世界文化的语言,如流行音乐(pop music)以及互联网(the Internet)。你可以通过无线广播(on the radio)听英文歌曲(song)或用英语通过互联网与世界各地的人交流(communicate)。每天都有很多的人用英语交流,精通(have
a good knowledge of)英语将变得越来越重要。?
四十五. Travel Diary
Saturday, March 24th
We have arrived in the hot, wet city of Bangkok, the capital
of Thailand. This is our first trip to Thailand. All the different
smells make us want to try the food. We are going to eat
something special for dinner tonight. The hotel room we
booked is cheap, but very clean and tidy. We plan to stay
here for a few days, visit some places like the Palace in the
city and then travel to Chiang Mai in the y,
March 27thBangkok is wonderful and surprising! The places
are interesting. We visited the famous market which was on
water, and saw a lot of fruits and vegetables. Everything is
so colorful, and we have already taken hundreds of photos
with our new cameral. Later we will leave for Chiang Mai.
We will take the train north, stay in Chiang Mai for two days,
and then catch a bus to Chiang , March 30thOur
trip to Chiang Rai was long and boring. We visited a small
village in the village people here love the
quiet life——no computers or phones. They arethe kindest
people I have ever met. I feel good here and hope to be
able to come back next year.
3月27日,星期二曼谷美妙而令人惊异!这些地方很有趣。我们参观了著名的水上市场,看到很多水果和蔬菜。一切都很鲜艳(colorful),我们已经用我们的新相机(camera)拍了好几百张照片(hundreds of photos)。之后我们将出发前往(leave for)清迈。我们将乘北去的列车,在清迈呆两天,然后赶公交车(catch a bus)去清莱。
3月30日,星期五我们去清莱的旅程长而枯燥(boring)。我们游览了山里的一个小村庄(small village)。这里的村民喜欢安静的生活一没有电脑和电话。他们是我所见过的最友好的(the kindest)人。在这里我感觉很好,希望明年还能再来这里。? 四十六. The Blue Pig with a Black Tail
Once upon a time(从前) a certain king sent a message to
another king, saying, “Send me a blue pig with a black tail,
or else——”
The other replied, “I haven't one; if I had——”
Both kings were so angry that they went to war with each
other. They collected all their soldiers and fought with each
other. Brave men were killed, and women and children died
because they could get nothing to eat.
When it seemed that neither side could win the war, the
kings began to talk aboutpeace. First of all, it was necessary
to explain the two messages. Each king was angry at what
the other had said.
“What did you mean,”Asked the second king, “by saying,
‘sending a blue pig with a black tail, or else——’?”
“Why,”said the first king, “I could mean only one thing. I
meant that I wanted you to send me a blue pig with a black
tail, or else a pig of some other color.”
“Oh, that was all, was it? I did not get the whole of your
message,”answered the second king. “What a pity! “He
“Ah, but I must know what you meant by your reply to my
message,”asked the first king. “You said, 'I haven't one; if I
“Why, my answer is very clear. I meant that I hadn't one; if I
had, I should have sent it to you.”
“Well, well! “said the first king, “We have been fighting
about nothing. If we had only explained these things before
the war started, then this bitter war must have
So the great war of the blue pig with the black tail was
recorded in the histories of the two countries in order to
prevent such a war happening again.
两位国王如此生气以致于(so angry that)发动了战争。他们调集所有士兵去打仗。勇敢的士兵死在战场上,女人和孩子因为没有食物而死去。
看来好像(it seemed that.)双方都不能(neither side could)打赢这场战争,于是两位国王开始谈论和平(talk about
peace)。首先(first of all),有必要去解释(explain)那两条信息。两位国王都因对方所说的话而生气。
“怎么,”第一位国王回答道,“我只能表示一个意思啊,我是说我希望你给我送一只黑尾巴的蓝猪,或者其他颜色的猪。”(注:or else可有两种解释,一是作为短语,译为“否则”,二是作为两个单独的单词,放在一起译为“或者其他”)
第二位国王回答,“哎呀!就是这个意思啊?我没有理解你信息的全部。”他补充说(add)。“真可惜(what a pity)!”
“哎呀!”第一位国王说,“我们之间的战争毫无理由。如果我们能在战争开始之前解释清楚这些事情,这场痛苦的战争(bitter war)就一定能避免(avoid)。”
于是这场关于黑尾巴的蓝猪的战争被载入(was recorded)两国史册以防止(prevent)此类现象再次发生。?
四十七. A Girl's Smile
About ten years ago when I was a student in college, life
was hard for me then. Both my parents had lost their jobs,
so I worked at my University's Museum in my spare time.
One day while working in the gift shop, I saw an old couple
come in with a little girl in a wheelchair.
As I looked closer at this girl, I found that she had no arms
or legs, just ahead, neck and torso(躯干). She was wearing a
pretty white dress, also a little redcap.
When they came closer to me, I turned my head toward the
girl and gave her a wink(眨眼). As I took the money from
hergrandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving
me the prettiest, largest smile I had ever seen.
All of a sudden her handicap(残疾)was gone and all I saw
was this perfect girl. I wasdeeply moved by her smile, and
almost immediately she gave me a completely newsense of
what life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy
college student and brought me into her world: a world of
smiles, love and warmth.
That was ten years ago. I'm a successful business person
now and whenever I am in low spirits and think about the
troubles of the world, I'll think about that little girl and the
lesson about life that she taught me, so I will never lose
【汉语翻译】 一个女孩的微笑
大约十年前,我还在大学(college)里学习,那时的生活很艰难。我的父母都失业了,因此,我在业余时间去大学博物馆工作,有一天,当我正在礼品店工作时(while working in
the gift shop),我看到一对老年夫妇推着一个坐在轮椅(wheelchair)里的小女孩进来了。
女孩。她的笑容深深地(deeply)打动了我,几乎立刻让我对人生有了全新的(completely new)感觉(sense)。她把我从一个贫穷不幸大学生带入了她的世界:一个微笑、爱和温暖的世界。
那是十年前的事了。现在我已是一名成功的商人。无论何时(whenever)我情绪低?落(in low spirits)、因烦恼而忧虑时,我就会想起那个小女孩和她教给我的关于生活的教训,因此,我从未丧失勇气(lose courage)。?
四十八. Take Our Daughters to Work Day
On April 27 is Take Our Daughters to Work Day in Brkain.
Started in America and brought to Britain in 1994, Take Our
Daughters to Work Day has become a special day for girls
between 11 and 15. On that day thousands of girl stake a
day off school and go together with one of their parents to
their work places. The purpose of this day is to open up
girls' eyes and get them to believe in themselves.
For many years people have thought that boys can do
better than girls in society. But in fact girls can be whatever
they want to be just like boys, whether it is a pilot, anurse or
a manager. On this special day, girls can have a close look at
what their parents are doing and this may help girls to
believe in themselves when they need to choose their work.
Schools and many companies also think this activity useful.
Green Middle School for Girls, in north London has made
the day a necessary part of education.
Zarina, 15, studying in Green Middle school, went to her
mother's law office. She found it interesting to see her
mother at work. She has always liked this idea of going into
law and thinks maybe she will does the same work as her
mother later.
If parents believe in their daughters and show examples
both at work and at home for them, this will give a lot of
help to girls. Take Our Daughters to Work Day is certainly a
step in the right direction.
【汉语翻译】 带着女儿上班节
4月(April) 27日在英国是“带着女儿去上班节”。这个节日起源于美国。1994年传入英国,它已成为11至15岁之间女孩的特殊节日。那一天,成千上万的女孩休假一天(take a
day off),与父亲或母亲一起(together)去他们的工作场所。这个节日的目的(purpose)是让女孩开阔眼界,让她们相信自己(believe in themselves)。
很多年来,人们认为男孩在社会中(in society)可以比女孩做得更好,但实际上,女孩可以像男孩一样做她们想做的任何工作,无论是飞行员(pilot)、护士还是经理(manager)都可
以。在这个特殊的日子(on this special day),女孩可以近距离地观察她们的父母在做什么,这可能会有助于女孩在选择工作时增加自信。
15岁的加莱纳就读于格林中学,她去了她妈妈的律师事务所(law office).她发现看她妈妈工作很有意思。她一直有步入法律界的想法,她想可能以后她会像妈妈一样工作。如果家长相信他们的女儿,在工作中、在家里都为她们树立榜样会对她们有很大帮助。 “带女儿去上班节”无疑是朝正确的方向(in the right direction)迈进了一步。
四十九.Aunt Frankie Aunt Frankie is a fun, busy and caring
lady!She is always ready to have a long day at
work, she usually comes in the door singing some songs
from the mes she has a new dance step to
Frankie and her husband own
shop has brought in some money for them, but they don't
buy much Frankie enjoys having more
spacein her Aunt Frankie stays at home, she
likes to be comfortable,and she almost always wears a big
white T-shirt,old pink shorts,and no socksor shoes.I love to
visit Aunt I can always please my stomach.
Aunt Frankie has the abilityto bake(烤)different kinds of pies
and , milk,butter,and
salt all become wonderful in her kitchen. Shepromises to
teach me I've come to eat some
bananasand pears,she will sit next to me at the table. She
puts her hands on mine and asks me how my day was, how
my classes are going, what new friends I've made, and
whether I've made progress in
Frankie also has many
tales and funny jokesto tell me.【汉语翻译】姑妈弗兰奇姑妈(aunt)弗兰奇是一位有趣、忙碌、有爱心的女士(lady)!她总是喜欢逗乐。工作一整天后,她通常会唱(sing)着80年代的歌进入家门。有时她还会和你分享(share)新的舞步。姑妈弗兰奇和他的丈夫拥有一家糖果店(candy shop)。那家店铺给他们赚了一些钱,但他们没买很多的家具(furniture)。姑妈弗兰奇喜欢房间里有更多的空间(space)。姑妈弗兰奇在家时,她喜欢让自己感觉舒服(comfortable),她几乎总是穿着一件很宽松的白色T恤(T-shirt),粉色旧短裤(shorts),不穿袜子(socks)和鞋。
力(ability)。她做的那些尝起来(taste)非常好吃(delicious)。鸡蛋、牛奶、黄油(butter)和盐在她的厨房里(in her kitchen)都会变得美妙无比。她答应以后会教我的。当我开始吃香蕉(banana)和梨(pear)的时候,她会挨着我坐在桌旁。用她的双手按住我的手,问我过的怎么样,功课如何,我又交了哪些新朋友,还有我的语法(grammar)和作文(composition)是否取得进步(make progress)。姑妈弗兰奇还会给我讲许多神话故事(tale)和有趣的笑话(joke)。五十.A
Flying SailThat summer was a hot one in Boston. Almost
every afternoon, I went swimming in a nearby swimming
pool with my best friend, Ben Franklin. We loved those long,
hot one pleasant afternoon, Ben was late. I went to
his house and climbedupstairstohis small bedroom. He was
sitting there making a kite.“What's with the kite?”I said, “I
thought we were going swimming.”Ben smiled at me and
said, “We need the kite for swimming.”“Who goes swimming
with a kite?”I asked.“I do,”Ben blue eyes were
such a clever friend, I gotusedtohearing
crazyideas.I just shook my head, “I'd like to see how you do
it.”Half an hour later, we were standing on the bank of the
held his crazy kite in one hand and a log(圆木) in
the sat on the bank, took off his shoes, and tied
the end of the kite threadto his he flew the kite
into the air and let the wind catch kite roseover the
swimming pool.“This is fantastic!“I smiled at me
andjumpedintothe threw one arm over his log,leaned(倚靠)back, and let the kite pullhim acrossthe
pool.“Oh, I get it ! “I cried,“It's a flying sail!”【汉语翻译】飞航在波士顿那个炎热的夏季,几乎每天下午,我都和最好的朋友本·富兰克林去附近的一个泳池(swimming pool)游泳。我们热爱那些漫长炎热的夏日。在一个宜人的午后,本来迟了。我就去了他家,爬上楼(climb upstairs)来到他的小卧室(bedroom)。他正坐在那儿做一个风筝(kite)。“用这个风筝干什么?”我说,“我本以为我们要去游泳的。”本对我笑了笑说,“我们需要这个风筝去游泳。”“谁会带着个风筝去游泳呢?”我问道。“我会,”本说,他蓝色的眼睛闪闪发亮(shine)。有这么一个聪明的朋友,我习惯于(get used
to)听到疯狂的(crazy)想法。我只是摇摇头(shake),说,“我倒想看看你怎么做。”半个小时后,我们来到了泳池的岸边(bank)。本一只手抓着他那荒唐的风筝,另一只手拿着根圆木。他坐在岸边,脱掉衣服,然后把风筝线(thread)的一端系在一只脚上。然后他把风筝放飞,让风带动它。风筝在泳池上空升起(rise)。“这太棒了(fantastic)!”我大喊道。本对我笑着,然后跳进(jump into)泳池。他一只胳膊抱着他的圆
001. a bottle/glass/cup… of 一瓶/玻璃杯/茶杯......002. a
few 一些 003. a kind of 一种;一类 004. a little 一点;少量 005. a lot of…=(lots of…) 许多的...... 006. a
moment later 片刻之后 007. a number of 若干的;许多的 008. a pair of 一双;一副 009. a piece of 一块(张;片;只) 010. all day(long) 整天;一天到晚 011.
all kinds of 各种各样的...... 012. all one’s life 一生;终生
013. all over 到处;结束 014. all over the world 全世界
015. all right 行了;好吧;(病)好了 016. all the same
仍然 017. all the time ①一直;始终②老是(美国英语)
018. arrive at/in 到达某地 019. as…as… 和......一样......
020. as…as one can(=as…as possible) 尽量...... 021. as
soon as 一......就...... 022. at breakfast 早餐时 023. at first
起先;开始的时候 024. at home 在家 025. at last 最后;终于 026. at night 在夜里 027. at noon 在正午
028. at once 立刻;马上 029. at school 在学校上课
030. at the back of 在……的后面 031. at the head of
在……的前面 032. at the moment 此刻 033. at the same
time 同时 034. at this time of (the) year 在(一年中)这个时节里 035. at times 时常;有时 036. at work 在工作 037. be able to do sth. (= can+V.) 能够 038. be
angry with sb. 生某人的气 be angry at/about sth. 生某事的气 039. be born 出生 040. be different from… 和……不同 041. be full of 充满着…… 042. be good at 善于 be
bad at 拙于 043. be good for 对……有益的 be bad for
对……有害的 044. be in hospital 生病住院 be in the
hospital 在医院 045. be late for 迟到 046. be like 像......
047. be made of (be made from) ……制的;用…….制成的
048. be/get ready 准备好 049. be sure 肯定;确定
050. break down ①(机械)损坏②拆散(某物) 051.
by+交通工具 搭乘某交通工具 052. by the way 顺便一提
053. by then 到那时 054. catch (a) cold; have a cold 感冒 055. change one’s mind 改变想法(注意) 056.
come back 回来 057. come down 下来 058. come from
①出生于②来自于 059. come in 进入;进来come out
出来 060. come over 过来;顺便来访 061. come around
(走)过来(绕行而来) 062. day after day 日复一日地;天天 063. do + 做某事 064. do sport 做运动;参加(体育)运动 065. does well ①做得很好②成功③成
绩很好 066. each other 互相 067. eat up 吃完 068.
either…or… 要么……要么......069. enjoy oneself 过得愉快
070. fall behind 落后;跟不上 071. fall off ①跌落;掉下②(质或量)下降 072. far away 遥远 073. feel like
doing sth. 想要做某事 074. feel tired 感到疲劳 075.
find out 查明;发现;了解 076. from now on 从今以后;今后 077. from… to… 从……到…… 078. get back ①返回②取回 079. get down ①下来;落下②记下来 080.
get dressed 穿衣服;打扮 081. get home 到家 082.
get into ①进入②搭乘(出租车)③陷入(坏的情况)
083. get off ①下车②起飞 084. get on ①上车②生活
085. get on (with…)= get along (with…) ①生活②与(某人)相处③(活动)有进展 086. get out of ①从......出来②从出租车(轿车)下来 087. get ready to do sth. 准备做某事 088.
get up ①起床②起立 089. get warm (long) 变暖和(长)
090. a call 给……打电话 091. give back 归还;送回092. go back 回去 093. go for a walk 散步 094. go home
回家 095. go on 继续 096. go shopping 去购物 097. go
to bed 睡觉(并未入睡) 098. go to school 上学 099. go to
sleep 入睡;睡着 100. go to the cinema 去看电影 101.
grow up 成年;长大成人 102. half an hour 半小时 103.
have a drink of 喝一点…… 104. have a good time 玩得很
高兴;过得愉快 105. have a look (at) 看一看 106. have a
match 比赛have a test 测验 107. have a meeting 开会
108. have a rest 休息 109. have a swim 游泳 110. have a
talk 谈话 111. have a walk 散步 112. have a wash 洗(手,脸等) 113. have breakfast 吃早饭 114. have
lessons/classes 上课 115. have lunch 吃午饭 116. have
sport 进行体育活动 117. have supper 吃晚饭 118. have
to 不得不;必须 119. hear from+sb. 收到某人的来信
120. hear of 听说 121. help sb. with sth 在某事上帮某人help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 122. hold a
meeting (= have a meeting) 举行会议 123. hold on ①等一等(别挂电话) ②坚持;继续124. hour after hour 一小时又一小时地;持续地 125. how long ①(时间)多长;多长 ②(长度)多长126. how many/much 多少/多少(钱) 127. how often 多久一次 128. how old 几岁;多大(年纪) 129. hundreds of 数百 130. hurry off
匆匆离去;赶快去 131. hurry up 赶快 132. in a minute
一会儿;立刻 133. in bed 躺在床上 134. in English 用英语(说) 135. in front 在前方(面)136. in front of
在......前面 137. in time 正好;及时 138. in the middle
of 在……中间 139. jump into 跳进…… 140. just a
moment 等一会儿141. just then 正在那时 142. keep
busy (一直)忙碌 143. last year 去年 144. later on
过后;以后 145. laugh at 嘲笑 146. listen to 听……(讲话) 147. look after 照料;照顾 148. look at (注视着)看;观看 149. look for 寻找 150. look into 往……里看;调查 151. look like 看起来像 152. look over (医生)检查 153. look the same 看起来一样154. lots of=a
lot of 许多;很多;大量 155. make friends with 与……交朋友 156. make sure 确保;证实157. middle school 中学 158. move away 搬开;搬走 159. move to 搬到
160. neither… nor… 既不……也不 161. never mind 不要紧;没关系 162. next time 下次 163. no
longer=not…any longer 不再 164. not … at all 一点也不;根本不(用来加强not的语气) 165. not at all 不用谢;别客气 166. not so … as 不像;不如 167. on foot
走路;步行 168. on show 展览;被陈列着 169. on the
earth 在地球上 170. on the (one’s) way 在途中;在路上 171. on time 按时;准时 172. out of 在……之外;从……里头 173. over there 在那边;在对面 174. Party
member 共产党员 175. pass on 传递 176. pay for 付钱;支付;付出代价 177. play with 玩耍 178. post office
邮局 179. pull out of 拉出,取出 180. pull …up from
把……从……拉上来 181. put on 穿;戴上;上演 182. right
away 立刻;马上 183. right now 现在;刚刚 184.
send away 撵走;开除;解雇 185. send up 发射 186.
sit down 坐下 187. so …that 如此……以至于188. speak
to sb. 和某人说话 189. spend some time on 在……花时间 190. stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 191.
take a rest 休息 192. take a walk 散步 193. take away
拿走 194. take down 取下 195. take exercise 锻炼(身体) 196. take off 脱掉衣物 197. take one’s time
①不急;慢慢干 ②用去(某人)时间 198. take part in 参加 199. take/have some medicine 服药 200. take the
train/a boat/a bus… 坐火车/船/公共汽车…… 201. talk
about 谈论 202. talk to 与……谈话 203. teach oneself
自学 204. tell (sb.) about 告诉(某人)…… 205. the
other(s) 另一个(其他的) 206. think about 考虑207.
too …to 太……不能…… 208. try on 试穿;试试看209.
turn green 变绿 210. turn off 关掉(自来水,电灯,收音机等) 211. turn on 开;旋开(电灯,无线电等212.
up and down 上上下下;来回地 213. very much 很;非常 214. wait for 等候;等待 215. wear out 穿坏;穿旧;用尽 216. with one’s help 在(某人)帮助下 217.
work on ①从事……工作 ②继续工作 ③研究 218. worry
about 担心精彩推荐
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