Medical Common Symptoms: Chinese-English Comparison and
In the field of medicine, effective communication between healthcare
professionals and patients is of utmost importance. When a patient describes
their symptoms, the accurate translation and understanding of these
symptoms become vital for diagnosis and treatment. This article aims to
provide a comprehensive list of commonly used medical symptoms, their
counterparts in Chinese and English, along with their translations.
1. Respiratory Symptoms:
- Cough (咳嗽): A sudden expulsion of air from the lungs, often
accompanied by a distinctive sound. It can be productive (with phlegm) or
non-productive (dry).
- Shortness of breath (呼吸困难): Difficulty in breathing or feeling
breathless, often caused by respiratory or cardiac conditions.
- Wheezing (喘鸣): A high-pitched whistling sound during breathing,
typically caused by narrowed airways.
- Chest congestion (胸闷): A sensation of tightness or heaviness in the
chest, often due to excessive mucus or inflammation in the airways.
2. Gastrointestinal Symptoms:
- Abdominal pain (腹痛): Pain or discomfort felt in the abdomen, which
can range from mild to severe.
- Nausea (恶心): A feeling of queasiness or the urge to vomit.
- Vomiting (呕吐): The forceful expulsion of stomach contents through
the mouth.
- Diarrhea (腹泻): Frequent, loose or watery stools, often accompanied
by an increased urgency to defecate.
3. Neurological Symptoms:
- Headache (头痛): A pain or discomfort in the head or neck region,
varying in intensity and location.
- Dizziness (头晕): A sensation of lightheadedness or imbalance, often
described as feeling faint or unsteady.
- Numbness (麻木感): A loss of sensation or reduced feeling in a
particular part of the body.
- Seizure (癫痫发作): A sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in
the brain, leading to abnormal behavior or movements.
4. Musculoskeletal Symptoms:
- Joint pain (关节痛): Pain, stiffness, or inflammation in one or more
- Muscle cramps (肌肉痉挛): Involuntary contraction or spasm of
- Back pain (背痛): Pain or discomfort in the back, which can be
localized or radiate to other areas.
- Limited range of motion (活动受限): Difficulty or inability to move a
joint or body part through its full range of motion.
5. Dermatological Symptoms:
- Rash (皮疹): A change in the skin's color, appearance, or texture, often
accompanied by itching or discomfort.
- Itching (瘙痒): An unpleasant sensation that triggers the desire to
scratch the skin.
- Hives (荨麻疹): Itchy, raised, and often reddened areas on the skin that
appear as an allergic reaction.
- Dry skin (干燥皮肤): A lack of moisture in the skin, resulting in
roughness or flaking.
Clear and accurate communication between healthcare professionals and
patients is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.
By providing a list of commonly used medical symptoms, their Chinese and
English counterparts, and translations, this article aims to facilitate effective
communication in the field of medicine. Understanding and being able to
convey symptoms precisely will ultimately lead to improved patient care and