] [u]
] []
[ ∫ ]
[ ]
[i:] [] [] [u:] [a:]
[i:] ee ea e ie --- three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat
leave lead teacher team mean speak clean piece
[i] i ,y, e ,ui --- sit picture it list six pig build myth many twenty
[æ] a --- bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad
flag shall man
[e] ea e a --- head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell
lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any
[] ir ur ear er or---- girl shirt skirt thirty turn burn murder nurse Thursday
burger learn work world
[ε] er or ou ar o a e u ---teacher remember player farmer doctor actor delicious
gracious pleasure dollar tomorrow today lesson ago elephant banana
[a:] ar a ---car farm card arm garden fast class glass plant aunt calm
[] u o ou oo ---up supper lunch fun gun come mother dose brother love
rough blood flood
[] al or au our ar ---small wall talk short more horse forty sport autumn
four warm
[] o a---hot lost fox not want wash watch
[u:] oo o u ---food moon room tooth shoe true blue full
[u] oo ou u o ---look good foot book wood should could put bull woman
[ei] a ay ea ai ey ---name cake late gate plane April play say may way
great break rain paint they grey
[ai] i y eye uy---bike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye
[au] ou ow ---house out flour ground mouse lower down now cow how
[] o ow oa ---home cold go no phone host ghost know low grow blow
show flow boat coat goal
[i] eer ear ere---beer deer ear near here
[] ear air ere are---pear bear chair air fair there where care
[u] our , ure, oor --- tour sure poor
1. Today is cold. Rose is in the boat. She wants to have a coat.
Put on your coat. You know you have a cold.
2. Tomorrow is my birthday. But I have a stomachache. My parents always say:
Don’t eat too much cake. Don’t forget. Kate! Ok. Ok. Ok.
Kate, hello May。 They are playing by the lake. David, David. You are late.
Come on, David. Let’s make a birthday cake.
is a little bee. Coming from the apple tree.
Flying in the flowers. And can’t see me.
. Bark. Bark. The dog is barking after the car.
. This is little John. Goes to bed with his trousers on.
One shoe off and one shoe on. Look. This is little John.
[t] t -- tree two ten ton town twenty city
[d] d --door dull desk dose do dog dictionary
[k] k –king kite key look cook book kitchen sky
[g] g—girl good goal goat grade language
[m] m—man make moon morning move come comb
[n] n --pen ten nine fine night noon moon clean
[] nc nk ng ----uncle bank English think thank junk sing king morning
[l] l -- long land lend fly flag black world cold could goal soul
[r] r wr—read red right run room write
[f] f fe gh ph --- five fly fine flag roof knife life wife cough laugh
rough photo
[v] v f--- very evening even every voice vest of
[s] s---six sit student same seat kiss miss case scarf
[z] z se--- zoo zebra zero zap close nose suppose those
[] th ---that this those these though
[∫] sh--- sheep shoulder ship shoe she brush wash nation attention
[h] h wh ---hot hop home house horse how who
[w] w wh--- when what where window wind wood
[j] y--- yes year yell you your yellow
[] ch tch ---child chicken china chair lunch ouch catch teach
[] ge j --- age language cabbage vegetable stage bridge joy enjoy join July
June junk
[tr] tr ---tree country try treat track trunk
[dr] dr---dry dream drop drive drink
[ts] ts---students boots boats goats nuts
[dz] ds---goods woods moods hoods
/θ/ I thought a thought but the thought I thought I thought was not the thought I thought .If the thought I
thought had been the thought I thought I thought ,I would not have thought so much .
/f/ Fifty-five fire fighters fried fifty-five French fries .
/ʃ/ Should Shawn shave a short man with short hair or a shy man whose short legs are shaking?
She sells seashells by the sea shore.
/m/ I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
/n/ Nina never knew her new neighbor Nero knew her.
/w/ If two witches watched two watches ,which witch would watch which watch ? Which wristwatch is a
Swiss wristwatch ?
[b] Bill's big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks.
[w ] I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the
wish you wish to wish.
[S] She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.