国庆节的英文单词:National Day
1. It was part of the National Day celebrations for the birthday
of the People's Republic of China.
2. It is a public holiday in the People's Republic of China to
celebrate its national day.
3. How do you celebrate National Day in your country?
4. Thanks, I saw the celebrations for National Day in Beijing on
TV, it was spectacular.
5. How dou you celebrate National Day in your country?
6. Collected here are images from the past several weeks of
people around China preparing to celebrate their National Day.
7. The National Day is an important festival in China.
8. The National Day, is a important festival in China.
9. The National Day is the most important holiday in my country.
10. At the end of the day, the Gaza border is a matter of
Egyptian national security.
乞巧节的英文单词:Double-Seventh Day
1. 人们从七月初一就开始办置乞巧物品,乞巧市上车水马龙、人流如潮,到了临近七夕的时日、乞巧市上简直成了人的'海洋,车马难行,观其风情,似乎不亚于最盛大的节日--春节,说明乞巧节是古人最为喜欢的节日之一。
People from the beginning of July on the first home run items
busy city, people reviews, to the time near the Tanabata, people simply
become City ocean, traveling difficult and watch his style, does not
seem to sub - the biggest festival in - the Spring Festival, that the
ancients Festival is one of the most favorite holiday.
2. 人们从七月初一就开始办置乞巧物品,乞巧市上车水马龙、人流如潮,到了临近七夕的时日、乞巧市上简直成了人的海洋,车马难行,观其风情,似乎不亚于最盛大的节日--春节,说明乞巧节是古人最为喜欢的节日之一。
From the beginning of July on the first home run Qiqiao items,
Qi Qiao busy City, the critical flow of people, by the time close to the
Tanabata, Qi Qiao City has simply become one of the ocean, traveling
difficult, and watch his life, does not seem to Asia In the biggest
holiday - the Spring Festival on the ancient Qi Qiao Festival is one of
the most favorite holiday.
3. 织女是一个美丽聪明、心灵手巧的仙女,凡间的妇女便在这一天晚上向她乞求智慧和巧艺,也少不了向她求赐美满姻缘,所以七月初七也被称为乞巧节。
The Queen Mother was eventually moved and allowed them to meet
each year on the 7th of the 7th lunar month.
4. 织女是一个美丽聪明、心灵手巧的仙女,凡间的妇女便在这一天晚上向她乞求智慧和巧艺,也少不了向她求赐美满姻缘,所以七月初七也被称为乞巧节。
The Emperor particularly appreciated her skills of weaving
clouds with rainbows to make the world more beautiful.
5. 织女是一个美丽聪明、心灵手巧的仙女,凡间的妇女便在这一天晚上向她乞求智慧和巧艺,也少不了向她求赐美满姻缘,所以七月初七也被称为乞巧节。
This is how Qixi came to be.
腊八节的英文单词:Laba Festival
1. 腊八节是在农历的十二月的第八天。
The Laba Festival falls on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar
2. 腊八节除祭祖敬神的活动外,人们还要逐疫。
Cured eight are besides offering a sacrifice to an ancestor and
offering the god activity, people will chase the epidemic disease.
3. 绝大多数汉族人长期遵循在腊八节吃蜡八粥的传统。
The majority Han Chinese have long followed the tradition of
eating Laba rice porridge on the Laba Festival.
4. 个小时后,各种稻米,豆类,及坚果等原料将被组合来制作腊八粥,这些粥将作为腊八节庆祝的一分部,免费分发给所有的来访者。
In12 hours, the assembled rice, beans and nuts would be turned
into gallons of porridge to be distributed for free to all-comers as
part of the traditional Laba Festival celebrations.
5. 腊八节这天我国大多数地区都有吃腊八粥的习俗。
The Laba Festival, the day in most parts of China have the
custom of eating Laba porridge.
6. 腊八节的由来有两个传说。
Laba Festival there are two legendary origin.
7. 腊八节的阳历日期通常在1月中旬。
The date of the Laba Festival usually falls in mid-January.
8. 腊八节喝腊八粥是中国传统习俗。腊八粥不仅好喝,对身体也十分有益。
The laba porridge is not only a yummy traditional rite in China
to mark the laba festival but also a delicacy good for health.
9. 腊八节原自古代欢庆丰收、感谢祖先和神灵(包括门神、户神、宅神、灶神、井神)的祭祀仪式,除祭祖敬神的活动外,人们还要逐疫。
Laba Festival, the original ancient harvest celebrations, thanks
to ancestors and gods (including the goalkeeper, household God, house of
God, Kitchen God, well God) rituals, in addition to worship ancestors
the activities, but also by people infected.