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the Poem Comparison
As an outstanding politician and litterateur of the Northern
Song Dynasty, the works of the author Fan Zhongyan are of
uniqueness with exquisite insight from the politician’s point of
view. We can feel it by reading his poems and learning the
history at his age. The poem actually represents patriotism of
the general and soldiers for their country and determination that
sacrificed themselves at any time in order to protect their
motherland. Meanwhile, it also represents the emotion of
soldiers’ miss to their families when they were in the army far
away from the country. The first part of the poem depicted a
gloomy picture by the descriptions of views they camped
where land was wild and dreary. However, soldiers within deep
love for the country and their families defensed enemies at any
time. It also implied emotion of soldiers’ love for the home.
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The second part depicted the different life in the army and
resolution to protect the country. Meanwhile, it reflected
soldiers’ wish to come home earlier after the defense war.
Viewing from the whole poem, bleak prospects and vivid
images reflected the situation what the author saw and heard,
even experienced, and expressed inner emotion in soldiers and
Keats’ famous poem To Autumn is often considered to be one
of the greatest in the English language. As with all great poems,
its greatness can only really be justified by one’s experience of
the poem; but by looking at details of the way the poem is
composed and structured, and the important themes the poem
addresses, one can come to understand why one has, or ought
to have, certain experiences in reading it. "To Autumn" is one
of the last poems written by Keats. His method of developing
the poem is to heap up imagery typical of autumn. His autumn
is early autumn, when all the products of nature have reached a
state of perfect maturity.
Keats opens his first stanza by addressing autumn, descriping
its abundance and its intimacy with the sun, with whom
autumn ripens fruits and causes the late flowers to bloom. In
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the second stanza, the speaker describes the figure of autumn as
a female goddess, often seen sitting on the granary floor, her
hair “soft-lifted” by the wind, and often seen sleeping in the
fields or watching a cider-press squeezing the juice from apples.
In the third stanza, the speaker tells autumn not to wonder
where the songs of spring have gone, but instead to listen to her
own music. At twilight, the “small gnats” hum among the "the
river sallows," or willow trees, lifted and dropped by the wind,
and “full-grown lambs” bleat from the hills, crickets sing,
robins whistle from the garden, and swallows, gathering for
their coming migration, sing from the skies.
Firstly, they are different in theme. The poem politely reflected
the contradictory emotion between soldiers’ patriotism and
strong wish to come home by depicting the bleak views of the
battlefield, thus it gave expression to the author’s taciturn
patriotism. n both its form and descriptive surface, To Autumn s
one of the simplest of Keats’s odes. There is nothing confusing
or complex in Keats’s paean to the season of autumn, with its
fruitfulness, its flowers, and the song of its swallows gathering
for migration. The extraordinary achievement of this poem lies
in its ability to suggest, explore, and develop a rich abundance
of themes without ever ruffling its calm, gentle, and lovely
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description of autumn. “To Autumn” is concerned with the
much quieter activity of daily observation and appreciation. In
this quietude, the gathered themes of the preceding odes find
their fullest and most beautiful expression.
Secondly, they express different feeling about autumn. The
Chinese poem created a scene which was stagnant and stagnant.
Wild goose flied away, sunset came, frost covered the ground,
solders’ eyes full of tears. All of the articles here are lifeless.
Autumn in Keats’s ode is a time of warmth and plenty, but it is
perched on the brink of winter’s desolation, as the bees enjoy
“later flowers,” the harvest is gathered from the fields, the
lambs of spring are now “full grown,” and, in the final line of
the poem, the swallows gather for their winter migration. The
understated sense of inevitable loss in that final line makes it
one of the most moving moments in all of poetry; it can be read
as a simple, uncomplaining summation of the entire human
condition. Despite the coming chill of winter, the late warmth
of autumn provides us with ample beauty to celebrate: the
cottage and its surroundings in the first stanza, the agrarian
haunts of the goddess in the second, and the locales of natural
creatures in the third. We are able to experience these beauties
in a sincere and meaningful way.
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Thirdly, they have different structure. The Chinese poem
include two parts in which the exact number of words is the
same according to the position of the exact sentence in the
poem. The first part emphsised on depicting the scene while the
second part payed attention to express emotion. The whole
poem touches by its realness. To Autumn is written in a
three-stanza structure with a variable rhyme scheme. Each
stanza is eleven lines long and each is metered in a relatively
precise iambic pentameter. In terms of both thematic
organization and rhyme scheme, each stanza is divided roughly
into two parts. In each stanza, the first part is made up of the
first four lines of the stanza, and the second part is made up of
the last seven lines. The first part of each stanza follows an
ABAB rhyme scheme, the first line rhyming with the third, and
the second line rhyming with the fourth. The second part of
each stanza is longer and varies in rhyme scheme: The first
stanza is arranged CDEDCCE, and the second and third
stanzas are arranged CDECDDE.
Lastly, they used different rhetoric. The Chinese poem mainly
used two kinds of rhetoric. “Wild goose flied away and didn’t
want to come back”. This sentence used personification to
reflect depressing scene surrounded the camp and implied
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soldiers’ eagerness to come home after battle. The second
sentence “We can not come home before we complete our
assignment” used a story to express their inner patriotism for
the country and that they had no choice but to fight with the
enemy. In to Autumn, autumn is personified and is perceived in
a state of activity. In the first stanza, autumn is a friendly
conspirator working with the sun to bring fruits to a state of
perfect fullness and ripeness. In the second stanza, autumn is a
thresher sitting on a granary floor, a reaper asleep in a grain
field, a gleaner crossing a brook, and, lastly, a cider maker. In
the final stanza, autumn is seen as a musician, and the music
which autumn produces is as pleasant as the music of spring —
the sounds of gnats, lambs, crickets, robins and swallows. In to
Autumn, the metaphor is developed; the sense of coming loss
that permeates the poem confronts the sorrow underlying the
season’s creativity. When autumn’s harvest is over, the fields
will be bare, the swaths with their “twined flowers” cut down,
the cider-press dry, the skies empty. But the connection of this
harvesting to the seasonal cycle softens the edge of the tragedy.
In time, spring will come again, the fields will grow again, and
the birdsong will return.