


全国在职教育硕士英语 学生用书 第二版Unit 3

Unit 3 Travel

Prepare Yourself

Do you know ?

tourist resort旅游胜地 landscape scenery 山水风光

virgin forest 原始森林 hitchhiking 沿途免费搭乘他人便车旅行

outdoor adventures户外冒险活动 a camper 野营者

How do you say it ?

远足hike 兜风go for a ride 观光sight-seeing

探险explore, exploration 交游go outing 滑雪 skiing

冲浪surfing 睡袋sleeping bag 导游图 tourist map 夏令营summer camp

Make up a sentence

Once in the wilderness, your chief worry will be, not how to avoid other hikers, but how not to get



Happiness takes no account of time.

Text1 Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Few countries have such a varied and tempting outdoors as the USA. There is every kind of

climate except tropical; Arctic in Alaska, Mediterranean in southern California, temperate in

the northwest and northeast, subtropical in Florida, desert in Arizona and New Mexico. Death

Valley, California, has the most consistently high summer temperature in the world It

sometimes persists at 132°F.


As for the landscape, it is enormously varied and spectacular. In the west there are the

Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada, with their snow-capped peaks, and in the east the

wild, forest-covered Appalachians, whose highest summit is nearly 7000 feet. There is an

abundance of waterfall, gentle rivers, lakes that are small and intimate or vast like the Great

Lakes, Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world and the waves which break

on its shores are like the waves of the sea. In winter and in spring, campers, are tempted by

the clear skies and dazzling multi-colored rocks of Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico. Even

the bleak splendor of Death Valley attracts many winter visitors.


雪皑皑;在东部,有森林覆盖的阿拉巴契山脉,它的最高峰近7000英尺。这儿有丰富的瀑布群和涓涓小河,既有祥和宁静的小湖泊,也有像GREAT LAKES那样的大湖,这里有世界上最大的淡水湖—--苏必利尔湖。那里的波浪像大海波涛一样汹涌澎湃。冬春季节,亚里桑那、科罗拉多、和新墨西哥州和洁静滑雪和眼花缭乱的多彩岩石吸引了大批宿营人。

Everything worth seeing in the USA is accessible to campers, picnickers and vacationers.

Freeways, highways, unpaved secondary roads lead you to places from where you can push off

into the wilderness. Once in the wilderness, your chief worry will be, not how to avoid other

hikers, but how not to get lost!


The unique contributions of the United States to those who love the great outdoors are the

National Parks and State Parks. They are beautifully organized and give particular thought to

campers. There are also campsites by the sea, which are hidden from the beach by a line of

sand dunes, or a thick belt of trees .Wherever you go ,you can nearly always find picnic places

complete with wooden tables and benches, garbage cans and restrooms.


Many Americans, young and old, prefer camping in vehicles, called campers. There are

many different kinds, from the extremely luxurious to the convertible pick-up truck. There

are monster campers with every imaginable luxury, from deep freezes and microwave ovens,

to plush carpets and color television sets. They can accommodate four people comfortably,

and they do not necessarily belong to rich people.


Some retired couples put a large part of their savings into these “homes on wheels” and

spend half the year roaming the country. It satisfies a craving for the great open spaces that

some of them still have in their advanced years, and it is at the same time a cheap way to live.

If the price of gas goes up any further, they will simply roam less far.


Even the smallest camper cannot negotiate the steeper and more tortuous roads which lead

far into the wilderness. So the adventurous often strap bicycles or motorbikes to the front of

their campers. Then they are free to follow the smallest tracks up the mountains, across the

deserts or into the forests.


Others travel the country in four-wheel-drive vehicles. They may carry with them canoes or

rafts, in which they travel down rivers controlled by the National Park Service. These rivers

flow through wildernesses. The adventures can camp on the riverbanks, but they are

forbidden to go inland. They cannot hunt, but they are allowed to fish. Some of these rivers

twist and rush down narrow canyons, or deep rocky valleys thick with forests. Rangers patrol

the waters from time to time. But you travel the rivers at your own risk.


Horseback riding is a favorite but more expensive sport, and there are dude ranches in

Texas and other border states where you can stay-at a price-and live the life of a cowboy or

cowgirl. Other outdoor adventures can be snowshoeing through the flat forests of Michigan,

snow-mobiling anywhere, skiing in the Rockies and in Alasks, surfing, water-skiing and

hunting. And there are many other things besides, that you can do in the American “great




II Vocabulary study 第3单元第37页

A)Translate the following compounds into Chinese.将下列合成词翻译成汉语。

Chicken-hearted 胆怯的 air-conditioning 空调

Honey-mouthed 甜言蜜语的 sun-bathing 日光浴

Paper-backed 平装书 handwriting 书写

Needle-shaped 针状的 daydreaming 做白日梦

Oak-forested 橡树林覆盖的 ocean-mining 海洋开采

Translate the following into English.将下列词组翻译成英文

头脑清醒的 clear-minded 骑马 horse-riding

市场驱动的 market-driven 走钢丝 rope-walking

计算机辅助的 computer-aided 梦游 sleep-walking

费时的 time-consuming 侧身躲闪 side-stepping

国有的 state-owned 上教堂 churchgoing

B)Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the right word or expression fron the box and

make changes where necessary.完成下列句子从方框中选择正确的单词或短语并进行必要的变形。

accessible to push off at a price a craving for

能接近的 启程 昂贵的 渴望

negotiate accommodate unique consistently

谈判 留宿 独特的 一贯

1、Housing could be obtained at a price .


2、Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.


3、Patrick is not sure whether he can ( negotiate the turn)at the bottom.


4、The hungry beggar had a craving for food, any food left by the guests.


5、Let's push off early so that we'll get there before nightfall.


6、John and Armstrong maintain consistently a high standard.


7、Those foreign students are accommodated in Canadian homes near the campus for a three-week

orientation program.


8、Each person's signature is unique and that will help us to find out if this document is a forgery.


C) Choose the appropriate word for each sentence,using the proper form. 第7页


Accessible/available 可到达、可接近的/提供的、可用的

1. Since 1978, the amount of money available to buy books has fallen by 17% .


2. The building has been made accessible to disabled people .


Consistently/constantly 始终、一贯地/不断地

3. She is constantly changing her mind .


4. He has consistently stood firm on the side of the oppressed people .


Convert/reverse 转变、变换/颠倒

5. They convert an old stable into a little comfortable house .


6. Because the normal word order is reversed in passive voice sentences, they are sometimes hard to



Outdoor/outdoors 户外的/在户外

7. If you enjoy outdoor activities, this is the trip for you .


8. I reckon it’s warm enough to eat outdoors this evening .


Sky/skies 天空/天空的状态

9. The Tibetan highland is a land of blue skies and warm sunshine. 形容天空的状态。


10. She looked out over the rooftops and the open sky . 死记下来。


※- - - - - -句子改错题- - - - - -※

B) Identify the one underlined part that is incorrect in each sentence and correct it.


1�The police says ---(say) that they have arrested twenty people following the disturbance .


2�Business managers focused on increasing their personal wealth by any available mean ---( means).

Means 复数形式表示手段

3�The taste of vitamins is not so nice ,so the flavour sometimes need ---- (needs )to be disguised .

flavour 是口味表单数,动词加s 表示单数和主语一致。

4�In Wai Wen Bookshop is ----(are)to be found books in various languages .

倒装句,主语是books,所以is 改成are,在 书店,很多各种语言写的书将被找到。

5�An expert together with some assistants were ---(was)sent to help resolve the problem .

主语是an expert 是单数,所以were 改成was.

6�They’ve got two hundred books ,one hundred and twenty are in Chinese and the rest

is ---( are ) in English. The rest是指其余的书,复数,所以用are。

7�Lake Superior is such a large freshwater lake that the waves that breaks ---(that break) on its

shores are like the waves of the sea .

主语是waves 是复数,所以动词要用原形

8�Here are things ----(The things) you can do in the European “good outdoors ”include camping, snow

–mobiling, skiing, hunting and horseback riding .

Here are 去掉,因为有两个谓语,直接改成the things

II preposition and adverbs

1. He said that they should examine all the costs involved in the project first .


2. That is the usual way the telecommunications company deals with complaints.


3. Despite a thorough investigation, no trace of the escaped prisoner has been found.

尽管进行了彻底调查,但是没有发现逃犯的任何踪迹。 副词,尽管

4. About 1000 local workers were employed in the tourism industry last year.


5. At the heart of Dr. Piaget’s theories was an orderly schedule of stages, of children’s perceptions by age.

固定词组 ,在…的中心


※- - - - - -英译汉- - - - - -※

3、The unique contribution of the United States to those who love the great outdoors are the National Parks

and State Parks. They are beautifully organized and give particular thought to campers. There are also

campsites by the sea, which are hidden from the beach by a lion of sand dunes, or a thick belt of trees.

Wherever you go, you can nearly always find picnic places complete with wooden tables, benches, garbage

cans and restrooms.


※- - - - - -汉译英- - - - - -※


Few countries have such a varied and tempting Outdoors as the USA. It has different kinds of climate and a

spectacular landscape. Freeways and highways lead you to any places where there are things worth seeing.

Many Americans, young and old, prefer camping in vehicles called “campers”. Some retired couples put a

large part of their saving into such “home on wheels” and spend half of the year roaming the country,

enjoying the great outdoors.

Text 2 Bull Fighting

Bull fighting is not a sport. It is a tragedy, and it symbolizes the struggle between man and the

beasts. There are usually six bulls to a fight. A fight is called a corrida de toros. Fighting bulls

are bred like race horses, some of the oldest breeding establishments being several hundred

years old. A good bull is worth about $2000. They are bred for speed, strength and viciousness.

In other words. A good fighting bull is an absolutely incorrigible bad bull.


But fighting is an exceedingly dangerous occupation. In the sixteen fights I saw there were

only two in which no one was badly hurt. On the other hand it is very remunerative. A

popular espada gets $5000 for his afternoon’s work. An unpopular espada, though, may not

get $500. Both run the same risks. It is a good deal like Grand Opera for the really great

matadors, except they run the chance of being killed very time, they cannot hit high C.


No one at any time in the fight can approach the bull except directly from the front. That is

where the danger comes. There are also all sorts of complicated passes that must be done with

the cape, each requiring as much technique as a champion billiard player. And underneath it

all is the necessity for playing the old tragedy in the absolutely custom bound, law-laid-down

way. It must all be done gracefully, seemingly effortless and always with dignity. The worst

criticism the Spaniards very make of a bullfighter is that his work is “vulgar.”


The tree absolute acts of the tragedy are first the entry of the bull when the picadors receive

the shock of his attacks and attempt to protect their horses with their lances. Then the horses

go out and the second act is the planting of the banderillos. This is one of the most interesting

and difficult part but among the easiest for a new bullfight fan to appreciate in technique. The

banderillos are three-foot, gaily colored darts with a small fish hook prong in the end. The

man who is going to plant them walks out into the arena alone with the bull. His lifts the

bandrillos at arm’s length and points them toward the bull. Then he calls “Toro! Toro!” The

bull charges and the banderillero rises to his toes, bends in a curve forward and just as the

bull is about to hit him drops the darts into the bull’s hump just behind his horns.

斗牛策略三部曲的第一步是斗牛的入场,这时,斗牛士助手扰动来自斗牛的进攻,并且用长矛保护好他们的所骑之马,然后,骑马斗牛士离场。第二步是短茅枪的植入,这是最刺激和最困难的一步,在这一步骤中,斗牛士粉丝们最易欣赏到斗牛技巧,植入的短茅是一个三足、尾部带有鱼钩的灰色标枪。这时斗牛人单独同斗牛在舞台中,他把短茅举起有一臂高,直指对面的斗牛。然后他高喊道:“斗牛,斗牛” ,当斗牛向他猛冲时,他抬起手把箭茅植入斗牛角后肉峰中。

They must go in evenly, one on each side. They must not be shoved, or thrown or stuck in

from the side. This is the first time the bull has been completely baffled, there is the prick of

darts that he cannot escape and there are no horses for him to charge into. But he charges the

man again and again and each time he gets a pair of the long banderillos that hang from his

hump by their tiny barbs and flop like porcupine quills.


Last is the death of the bull, which is in the hands of the matador who has had charge of the

bull since his first attack. Each matador has two bulls in the afternoon. The death of the bull

is most formal and can only be brought about in one way, directly from the front by the

matador who must receive the bull in full charge and kill him with a sword thrust between the

shoulders just back of the neck and between the horns. Before killing the bull, he must first do

a series of passes with the muleta, a piece of red cloth he carries about the size of large napkin.

With he muleta the torero must show his complete mastery of the bull, must made the bull

miss him again and again by inches, before he is allowed to kill him, It is in this phase that

most of the fatal accidents occur.


The word “toreador” is obsolete Spanish and is never used. The torero is usually called an

espada or swordsman. He must be proficient in all three acts of the fight. In the first act, he

uses the cape and does veronicas

And protects the picadors by taking the bull out and away from them when they are spilled to

the ground. In the second act, he plants the banderillos. In the third act, he masters the

muleta and kills him.


Few toreros excel in all three departments. Some, like young Chicuelo, are unapproachable

in their cape work. Others like the late Joselito are wonderful banderilleros. Only a few are

great killers. Most of the greatest killers are gypsies.






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