


考研英语二2007 年真题Section 1I Cloze (10 points)Directions:For each numbered blank in the following passage.there arefour choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark youranswer on the ANSWER SHEET with a pencil.Advancing age means losing your hair, your waistline and your memory,right ? Dana Denis is just 40 years old,but 2 1 she's worried about what shecalls' my rolling mental blackouts." "I try to remember something and I justblank out,"she saysYou may 22 about these lapses,calling them " senior moments "or blaming"early Alzheimer's (老年痴呆症)."Is it an inescapable fact that the olderyou get,the 23 you remember Well, sort of.But as time goes by, we tendto blame age 24 problems that are not necessarily age-related."When a teenager can't find her keys,she thinks it's because she'sdistracted or disorganized, "says Paul Gold."A 70-year-old blames her 25."In fact,the 70-year-old may have been 26 things for decades.In healthy people,memory doesn't worsen as 27 as many of us think."Aswe 28,the memory mechanism isn't 29 ,"says psychologist FergusCraik."It's just inefficient."The brain's processing 30 slows down over the years,though no one knowsexactly 31. Recent research suggests that nerve cells lose efficiency and 32there's less activity in the brain.But, cautions Barry Gordon,"It's notclear that less activity is 33 .A beginning athlete is winded (气喘吁吁)more easily than a 34 athlete.In the same way, 35 the brain gets moreskilled at a task,it expends less energy on it."There are 36 you can take to compensate for normal slippage in yourmemory gears,though it 37 effort.Margaret Sewell says:"We're a quick-fix culture, but you have to 38 to keep your brain 39 shape.It's like having agood body.You Can't go to the gym once a year 40 expect to stay in topform."21.A. almost B. seldom C. already D. never

22.A. joke B. laugh C. blame D. criticize

23.A. much B. little C. more D. less

24.A. since B. for C. by D. because

25.A. memory B. mind C. trouble D. health

26.A. disorganizing B. misplacing C. putting D. finding27.A. swiftly B. frequently C. timely D. quickly

28.A.mature B. advance C. age D. grow

29.A. broken B. poor C. perfect D. working

30.A. pattern B. time C. space D. information

31.A . why B. how C. what D. when

32.A. since B. hence C. that D. although

33.A. irregular B. better C. normal D. worse

34.A. famous B. senior C. popular D. trained

35.A. as B. till C. though D. yet

36.A. stages B. steps C. advantages D. purposes

37.A. makes B. takes C. does D. spends

38.A. rest B. come C. work D. study

39.A. to B. for C. on D. in

40.A. so B. or C. and D. if

Section Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part, Each passage is followed bysome questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fourchoices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice andblacken the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a ons 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:Prior to the 20th century, many languages with small numbers of speakerssurvived for centuries. The increasingly interconnected modern world makesit much more difficult for small language communities to live in relativeisolation, a key factor in language maintenance and remains to be seen whether the world can maintain its linguistic andcultural diversity in the centuries ahead. Many powerful forces appear towork against it :population growth, which pushes migrant populations intothe world's last isolated locations; mass tourism; global telecommunicationsand mass media; and the spread of gigantic global corporations. All of theseforces appear to signify a future in which the language of advertising,popular culture, and consumer products become similar. Already English anda few other major tongues have emerged as global languages of commerceand communication. For many of the world's peoples, learning one of theselanguages is viewed as the key to education, economic opportunity, and a

better way of about 3,000 languages now in use are expected to survive the comingcentury. Are most of the rest doomed in the century after that Whethermost of these languages survive will probably depend on how stronglycultural groups wish to keep their identity alive through a native do so will require an emphasis on bilingualism(mastery of twolanguages). Bilingual speakers could use their own language in smallerspheres---at home, among friends, in community settings---and a globallanguage at work, in dealings with government, and in commercial this way, many small languages could sustain their cultural and linguisticintegrity alongside global languages, rather than yield to the homogenizing(同化的)forces of ally, the trend of technological innovation that has threatenedminority languages could also help save them. For example, some expertspredict that computer software translation tools will one day permitminority language speakers to browse the Internet using their sts are currently using computer-aided learning tools to teach a varietyof threatened many endangered languages, the line between revival and death isextremely thin. Language is remarkably resilient (有活力的),however. Itis not just a tool for communicating, but also a powerful way of separatingdifferent groups, or of demonstrating group identity. Many indigenous( 原生的,土著的)communities have shown that it is possible to live in themodern world while reclaiming their unique identities through ty languages can be best preserved in __________.A.an increasingly interconnected worldB.maintaining small numbers of speakersC.relatively isolated language communitiesD.following the tradition of the 20th ing to Paragraph 2, that the world can maintain its linguisticdiversity in the future is _______.A.uncertain B.unrealistic C.foreseeable D.ing to the author, bilingualism can help_________.A.small languages become acceptable in work placesB.homogenize the world's languages and cultures

C.global languages reach home and community settingsD.speakers maintain their linguistic and cultural er technology is helpful for preserving minority languages in thatit_________.A.makes learning a global language unnecessaryB.facilitates the learning and using of those languagesC.raises public awareness of saving those languagesD.makes it easier for linguists to study those the author's view, many endangered languages are________.A.remarkably well-kept in this modern worldB.exceptionally powerful tools of communicationC.quite possible to be revived instead of dying outD.a unique way of bringing different groups togetherQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage:Everyone,it seems,has a health problem 。After pouring billions into theNational Health Service,British people moan about dirty hospitals,longwaits and wasted money. In Germany the new chancellor, Angela Merkel, isunder fire for suggesting changing the financing of its health 's new Conservative Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, made a big fussduring the election about reducing the country's lengthy medical the rich world, affluence, ageing and advancing technology aredriving up health spending faster than nowhere has a bigger health problem than America. Soaring medicalbills are squeezing wages, swelling the ranks of the uninsured and pushinghuge firms and perhaps even the government towards bankruptcy. Ford'sannouncement this week that it would cut up to 30.000 jobs by 2012 was asmuch a sign of it's"legacy " health -care costs as of the ills of the car by polls that show health care is one of his main domestic problemsand by forecasts showing that the retiring baby-boomers ( 生育高峰期出生的人) will crush the government's finances, George Bush is tounveil a reform ;plan in next week's state-of -the -union a's health system is unlike any other. The Unite States spends 16% ofits GDP on health, around twice the rich-country average, equivalent to$6,280 for every American each year. Yet it is the only rich country that doesnot guarantee universal health coverage. Thanks to an accident of history,most Americans receive health insurance through their employer, with the

government picking up the bill for the poor and the curious hybrid (混合物)certainly has its strengths. Americans havemore choice than anybody else, and their health-care system is much moreinnovative. Europeans' bills could be much higher if American medicine werenot doing much of their Research and Development(R&D)for them. Butthere are also huge weaknesses. The one most often cited-especially byforeigners-is the army of uninsured. Some 46 million Americans do not havecover. In many cases that is out of choice and ,if they fall seriously ill,hospitals have to treat them. But it is still deeply unequal. And there are alsoshocking inefficiencies: by some measures,30% of American health spendingis there is the question of state support. Many Americans disapprove ofthe "socialized medicine" of Canada and Europe. In fact, even if much of theadministration is done privately, around 60% of America's heath-care billends up being met by the government. Proportionately, the American statealready spends as much on health as the OECD(Organization of EconomicCooperation and Development)average, and that share is set to grow asthe baby-boomers run up their Medicare bills and ever more employersavoid providing health-care coverage. America is , in effect, heading towardsa version of socialized medicine by problems mentioned in the passage include all the followingEXCEPT_________.A. poor hospital conditions in U.K.B. Angela Merkel under attackC. health financing in GermanyD. long waiting lines in 's announcement of cutting up to 30,000 jobs by 2012 indicates thatFord_________.A. has the biggest health problem of the car industryB. has made profits from its health-care legacyC. has accumulated too heavy a health-care burdenD. owes a great deal of debt to its the author's opinion, America's health system is _________.A. inefficient B. feasible C. unpopular D. successful

is implied in the passage that_________.A. America's health system has its strengths and weaknesses

B. the US government pays medical bills for the poor and the elderlyC. some 46 million Americans do not have medical insuranceD. Europeans benefit a lot from America's medical the last paragraph we may learn that the "socialized medicine"is____________.A. a practice of Canada and EuropeB. a policy adopted by the US governmentC. intended for the retiring baby-boomersD. administered by private enterprisesQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage:When Thomas Keller, one of America's foremost chefs, announced that onSept. I he would abolish the practice of tipping at Per Se. his luxuryrestaurant in New York City, and replace it with European-style servicecharge, I knew three groups would be opposed: customers, servers andrestaurant owners. These three groups are all committed to tipping--as theyquickly made clear on Web sites. To oppose tipping , it seems, is to beanticapitalist , and maybe even a little French..But Mr. Keller is right to move away from tipping-and it's worth exploringwhy just about everyone else in the restaurant world is wrong to stick withthe ers believe in tipping because they think it makes economicsense."Waiters know that they won't get paid if they don't do a good job"ishow most advocates of the system would put it. To be sure, this is atempting, apparently rational statement about economic theory, but itappears to have little applicability to the real world of l Lynn, an associate professor of consumer behavior and marketingat Cornell's School of Hotel Administration, has conducted dozens ofstudents of tipping and has concluded that consumers assessments of thequality of service correlate weakly to the amount they , customers are likely to tip more in response to servers touchingthem lightly and leaning forward next to the table to make conversationthan to how often their water glass is refilled--in other words, customers tipmore when they like the server, not when the service is good. Mr. Lynn'sstudies also indicate that male customers increase their tips for femaleservers while female customers increase their tips for male servers,.What's more,. consumers seem to forget that the tip increases as the bill

increases. Thus, the tipping system is an open invitation to what restaurantprofessionals call "upwelling": every bottle of imported water, everyespresso and every cocktail is extra money in the server's pocket. Aggressiveupwelling for tips is often rewarded while low-key, quality service often addition , the practice of tip pooling , which is the norm in fine-diningrestaurants and is becoming more in every kind of restaurant above thelevel of a greasy spoon , has ruined whatever effect voting with your tipmight have had on an individual waiter . In an unreasonable outcome , youare punishing the good waiters in the restaurant by not tipping the bad one .Indeed , there appear to be little connection between tipping and goodservice . may be inferred that a European-style service______.A . is tipping-free B .charges little tipC .is the author's initiative D .is offered at of the following is NOT true according to the author .A .Tipping is a common practice in the restaurant world.B .Waiters don't care about tippingC .Customers generally believe in tipping.D .Tipping has little connection with the quality of ing to Michael Lynn's studies, waiters will likely get more tips ifthey______A. have performed good serviceB. frequently refill customers' water glassC. win customers' favorD. serve customers of the same may infer from the context that "upwelling"(Line 2, Para 6) probablymeans ________A. selling something up B. selling something fancyC. selling something unnecessary D. selling something more expensive

passage is mainly about __________A. reasons to abolish the practice of tipping B. economic sense of tippingC. consumers' attitudes towards tipping D. tipping for good serviceQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage:"I promise." " I swear to you it'll never happen again." "I give you my word.""Honestly.

Believe me." Sure, I trust. Why not I teach English composition at a privatecollege. With a certain excitement and intensity. I read my students' essays,hoping to find the person behind the pen. As each semester progresses,plagiarism (剽窃)appears. Not only is my intelligence insulted as oneassumes I won't detect a polished piece of prose from an otherwise-averagewriter, but I feel a sadness that a student has resorted to buying a paperfrom a peer. Writers have styles like fingerprints and after severalassignments, I can match a student's work with his or her name even if it'smissing from the upper left-hand is learning less important than a higher grade-point average(GPA)When we're threatened or sick, we make conditional promises. "If you letme pass math I will …." "Lord, if you get me over this before the bighomecoming game I'll…." Once the situation is behind us, so are thepromises. Human nature Perhaps, but we do use that cliché( 陈词滥调)to get us out of uncomfortable bargains. Divine interference during distressis asked; gratitude is unpaid. After all, few fulfill the contract, so why shouldanyone be the exception. Why not Six years ago, I took a student before thedean. He had turned in an essay with the vocabulary and sentence structureof PhD thesis. Up until that time, both his out-of-class and in-class workwere borderline passing.I questioned the person regarding his essay and he swore it I'd understandthis copy would not have the time and attention an out-of-class paper isgiven, but he had already a finished piece so he understood what was sat one hour, then turned in part of a page of unskilled writing and faultylogic. I confronted him with both essays. "I promise…., I'm not lying. I swearto you that I wrote the essay. I'm just nervous today."The head of the English department agreed with my finding, and themeeting with the dean had the boy's parents present. After an hour ofdiscussion, touching on eight of the boy's previous essays and his grade-point average, which indicated he was already on academic probation (留校察看), the dean agreed that the student had plagiarized. His parentsprotested, "He's only a child" and we instructors are wiser and should becompassionate. College people are not really children and most times wouldresent being labeled as such…. Except in this uncomfortable ing to the author, students commit plagiarism mainly for_____.A.money B.degree C.higher GPA D.reputation

sentence " Once the situation is behind us , so are the promises'implies that_________.A.students usually keep their promisesB.some students tend to break their promisesC.the promises are always behind the situationD.we cannot judge the situation in advance, as we do to the "borderline passing"(Line 3,Para.3)probablymeans____________.A.fairly good B.extremely poor C.above average D.below boy's parents thought their son should be excused mainlybecause_______________.A.teachers should be compassionate B.he was only a childC.instructors were wiser D.he was of the following might serve as the title of this passageA.Human Nature B.Conditional PromisesC.How to Detect Cheating D.The Sadness of PlagiarismSection IV Translation (20 points)Directions: In this section there is a passage in English Translate the passageinto Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER ng the great ongoing changes of our time is the rise of humancreativity as the defining feature of economic life. Creativity has come to bevalued, because new technologies, new industries and new wealth flowfrom it. And as a result, our lives and society have begun to echo withcreative ideas. It is our commitment to creativity in its varied dimensionsthat forms the underlying spirit of our vity is essential to the way we live and work today, and in many sensesalways has big advances in standard of living --not to mention the big competitiveadvantages in the marketplace--always have come from" better recipes, notjust more cooking." One might argue that's not strictly true. One might pointout, for instance, that during the long period from the early days on theIndustrial Revolution to modern times, much of the growth in productivityand material wealth in the industrial nations came not just from creativeinventions like the steam engine, but from the widespread application of"cooking in quantity" business methods like massive division of labor,concentration of assets, vertical integration and economies of scale. But

those methods themselves were creative developments.





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