mop the floor
1. "Mop" - [mɑp],意思是“拖把,用拖把擦洗(地面)”。
2. "The" - [ðə],意思是“定冠词”。
3. "Floor" - [flɔr],意思是“地板,地面”。
"Mop the floor" is an English phrase that means to clean
the floor using a mop. To mop means to wipe the floor with
a mop that is dipped in water or a cleaning solution to
remove dirt, dust, and other contaminants, leaving the floor
clean and tidy. This phrase can be used to describe
household chores, commercial cleaning, and other
situations where the floor needs to be cleaned.
"Mop the floor" 是一个英语短语,意思是“拖地”,即用拖把
和清洁液清洁地面。在日常生活中,这个短语通常用于描述清洁工作或者家庭清洁。例如,"I need to mop the floor before
guests arrive."(客人到来之前我需要拖地)。
以下是关于“mop the floor”的例句及释义:
1. I had to mop the floor after my dog tracked mud all over
the house.(我得拖地,因为我的狗把泥巴带进了房间)
2. She mopped the floor with a bucket of soapy water and
a mop.(她用一桶肥皂水和拖把拖了地)
3. He accidentally spilled paint on the floor and had to mop
it up quickly.(他不小心把油漆溅到地上,得赶紧把地面擦干净)
4. After the dance party, the crew had to mop the floor to
clean up the spilled drinks and confetti.(舞会结束后,工作人员得拖地,清理掉洒在地上的饮料和五彩纸屑)
5. Can you mop the floor in the bathroom? It's getting
pretty dirty.(你能不能把浴室的地面拖一下?它变得相当脏了)
6. The housekeeper mopped the floor every day to keep it
clean and shiny.(管家每天都拖地,保持地面干净明亮)
7. The store owner always made sure to mop the floor
before opening for the day.(店主总是确保在一天的营业前拖地)