




1.大量:a host of

2.检测目的:a test for

3.对……进行测试:a test on

4.检测手段:a test with

5.最重要的:above all

6.根据:according to

7.取得平衡:achieve equilibrium

8.达到目的:achieve one's purpose

9.获得成功:achieve success


11.遵照┄行动,作用于:act on

12.对…有影响:act on

13.总计,合计:add up to


15.坚持,奉行:adhere to

16.毕竟:after all

17.对……取得一致意见:agree on

18.同意:agree to

19.同意某人的话:agree with sb.

20.和XXX,XXX一起:along with

21.交替:alternate (with)

22.合计,共计:amount to

23.与……相当的人/物,(地位)相同的人:an equal to

24.然而:and yet

25.一点也不:anything but

26.像……那样的东西:anything like

27.接近于:anywhere near

28.除……之外尚有:apart from

29.向……申请,适用于:apply to

30.对……的欣赏/赞赏:n of

31.反对:argue against

32.作为……的结果,由于:as a result of

33.作为结果,因此:as a result(用不用逗号隔开看情况而定)

34.作为一个整体,整个看来:as a whole

35.就……而言:as XXX

36.至于,就…方面说:as for

37.好像,仿佛:as if/as though

38.一~就~:as soon as

39.好像,仿佛:as though

40.至于,关于:as to

41.也,一样:as well

42.迄今,到目前为止:as yet

43.除┄之外:aside from

44.由……联想到……,把……联系起来:associate …


45.与……的交往:n with


91."Linked to" or "connected with" something means there is

a XXX them.

we are "proud of" something。we feel good about it

and take n in it.

93."Referred to" means that something has been XXX.

94."Related to" means that there is a n or XXX.

95."Sick of" means to be tired of or annoyed by something.

96."Subject to" means to XXX.

97."Suitable for" means that something is XXX.

we are "sure of" something。we have a strong

belief or confidence in it.

99."Thrown in" means to be given something extra or as a


100."Tied by" or "tied with" means to be bound or restricted

by something.

101."Tied to" means to be connected or linked to something

that XXX.

102."Tired of" means to be bored or fed up with something.

103."Behind time" means to be XXX.

104."Belief in" means having faith or confidence in


105."Believe (to be)" means to have a XXX that something is

true or correct.

106."Better than" means to be XXX desirable than something


107."XXX XXX.

108."Break away" XXX.

109."Break down" means to e damaged。pose。or crumble.

110."Break into" means to enter or XXX.

111."Break in" means to interrupt or disrupt something.

112."Break off" means to XXX.

113."Break out" means to XXX.

114."Break through" means to XXX.

115."Break up" means to terminate。end。or smash

something into pieces.

116."Bring about" means to cause or XXX.

117."Bring forward" XXX.

118."Bring out" means to XXX.

119."Bring up" means to raise or XXX.


121."By all means" means XXX.

122."By chance" XXX.

123."By choice" XXX.

124."By contrast" means in comparison to something else.

125."By means of" means using or XXX.

126."By virtue of" means because of or with the help of


127."By XXX" XXX.

128."By the way" means XXX.

129."By virtue of" means relying on or using something to


130."By way of" means through or by means of a particular

method or route.

131."Call forth" XXX.

132."Call for" means to request。demand。or require


133."Call off" means to XXX.

134."Call on/upon" means to visit or request XXX assistance.

135."Care for" means to take care of or show XXX.

136."Carry out" means to execute or complete a task or plan.

light on: To clarify or explain something.

XXX up to: To reach the same level or n as someone or


a glimpse of: XXX.

on: XXX.

terized by: Describing XXX.

pond with: To match or agree with something.

ate from: To come from or have its source in


d: XXX.

published/emerge: To be made public or come into


to: To equal or result in a certain total or sum.

under XXX: XXX.

under: XXX.

: XXX.

t on: To express an XXX.



m to: XXX.

se: To be made up of or include something.

tent in: XXX.

tent with: XXX.

bute to: To aid or assist in something.

out: XXX.

ate with: XXX.

on: XXX.

away: To remove or XXX.

down: To ce or decrease something.

off: XXX interrupt something.

out: To remove or XXX.

te to: XXX.

on: To rely or be dependent on something.

: To die or XXX.

e: XXX intense.

out: XXX.

ence in: XXX.

something for/to: To XXX.

about: XXX.

to: Because of or as a result of something.

ate on: XXX or explain in greater detail.

for: XXX.

into: To begin or engage in something。such as a



er an idea: XXX.

if: XXX.

though: Although or in spite of something.


ing。as for


a response to。as a XXX

exchange for



terms of。from the perspective of


for the case of。when it comes to


。in the course of


case of

the form of

ering。due to

the process of

ally。over time


t success




d of。in place of

st in。sity about

less of


used to be that

ipate in


ue to guide








a step

bute to。be conducive to


out means to understand or recognize something。or to write a check or n.

sure means to verify or confirm something.

towards means to walk or move in the n of


way means to clear a path or allow someone or

something to pass.


。than is used to compare two things。often

emphasizing the degree of difference.

than means not only。but also or greater than.


less。than means just as much as or XXX.

more。than means neither this nor that.

。but。is used to express an XXX.

that is a XXX.

to means to express XXX.

course means XXX.

a large scale refers to something that is done XXX.

a nal scale means something that is done XXX.

account of means because of.

average means typically or according to the norm.

behalf of means in support of or representing.




the average means typically or according to the norm.

the basis of means based on or according to.

the contrary means XXX.

the grounds of means for the reason of.

the n of means during or for a specific event.

the other hand XXX.


the side means as an nal or secondary job.

the side of means in support of or aligned with.

the whole means XXX.

time means XXX.

another means each other.

or other means either one.

if is used to express a n that must be met for

something to occur.

than means except for or different from.

of step means not in harmony or agreement.

of the XXX.

of use means not being used or XXX.

。to。means to credit or attribute something to

someone or something else.

out means to distribute or hand out。or to XXX


up means to increase the pace or rate of something.

400."Stand for" XXX signifies something.

step up means to increase or accelerate something。and it XXX.

402."Stick to" means to adhere to or follow something closely.

XXX it.

404."Stir up" means to provoke or incite something。often

negative XXX.

405."Such as" is a phrase used to give examples or XXX.

406."Support for" XXX.

407."XXX" is an n used to XXX.

"take away" means to remove or confiscate something.

"take a step" means to take n or make a n.

"take advantage of" means to XXX.

411."Take away" can also mean to XXX.

"take care of" means to look after or XXX.

413."Take for" means to perceive or mistake something as

something else.

"take in" means to absorb or comprehend n。or to


"take on" means to XXX.

"take over" means to XXX.

"take to" means to XXX。or to begin XXX.

"take up with" means to start a XXX.

419."Take up" can also mean to XXX.

420."Thanks to" is a phrase used to express gratitude for

something that happened or was made possible by a particular


421."The bulk of" refers to the majority or main part of


422."XXX XXX.


424."XXX against" means to warn or advise against


425."To center around" means to XXX.


427."XXX consequence.

428."XXX" XXX.

429."XXX" XXX.

430."XXX" XXX.

431."To turn something into" means to transform or convert

something into a different form or state.

432."Together with" means in n to or along with something or


433."n to" means to move or shift from one state or n to


434."Turn away" means to avert one's gaze or n from

something or XXX.

435."Turn over" means to flip or rotate something。often a

page or object.

436."Turn round" means to XXX.

437."Turn to" means to seek help or XXX.

438."XXX up" XXX.

439."What is more" is a phrase used to add nal n or XXX.

440."With regard to" XXX or issue.

441."With that" is a phrase used to signal the end of a XXX.

the n of a few。XXX.

lightning speed。XXX.

XXX。XXX the project on time.

hours of ns。we finally managed to work out a n to

the problem.

。and XXX.

n was worse than we had anticipated.


write in to request a copy of the report.

car was so damaged that it had to be written off.

sat down to write on the blank sheet of paper in front

of her.





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