1. 原料 (Ingredients)
- 面粉 (Flour)
- 鸡蛋 (Eggs)
- 橄榄油 (Olive oil)
- 温水 (Warm water)
- 盐 (Salt)
2. 准备 (Preparation)
1. 把面粉倒入大碗中 (Pour the flour into a large bowl)
2. 在面粉中打一个鸡蛋 (Crack an egg into the flour)
3. 加入橄榄油 (Add olive oil)
4. 慢慢加温水,边加边搅拌 (Gradually add warm water while
3. 搅拌和揉面 (Mixing and Kneading)
2. 把面团放在台面上,揉搓10分钟 (Place the dough on a
countertop and knead for 10 minutes)
4. 面团休息 (Resting the Dough)
1. 把揉好的面团放回碗中 (Place the kneaded dough back into the
2. 用湿布盖住碗,让面团休息30分钟 (Cover the bowl with a
damp cloth and let the dough rest for 30 minutes)
5. 制作面食 (Making the Pasta)
1. 把面团切成小块 (Cut the dough into small pieces)
2. 把每个面团块擀成薄片 (Roll each dough piece into thin sheets)
3. 用刀把薄片切成面条 (Cut the sheets into noodles)
6. 水煮面食 (Boiling the Pasta)
1. 把一锅水煮沸 (Bring a pot of water to a boil)
2. 加入盐 (Add salt to the water)
3. 把面条放入沸水中,煮熟 (Cook the noodles in boiling water
until done)
4. 煮熟的面条捞出,放在漏网中沥水 (Drain the cooked noodles
and let them drain in a colander)
7. 配酱和调味 (Sauce and Seasoning)
1. 准备您喜欢的酱料和调味品 (Prepare your preferred sauce and
2. 把面条和酱料混合 (Mix the noodles with the sauce)
3. 可以根据个人口味加入其他配料 (You can add other
ingredients according to personal taste)
8. 上桌享用 (Serve and Enjoy)
1. 把面食盛在盘子中 (Serve the pasta on plates)
2. 可以撒上一些新鲜香草或奶酪作为装饰 (Garnish with fresh
herbs or cheese if desired)
3. 完成!现在可以享用美味的意大利面食了 (Done! Now you
can enjoy your delicious pasta)