



Parameter setting

"Alt-speed-down": 50, the maximum download time limit, KB/s,

transmission, remote (TR) can be set.

"Alt-speed-enabled": false, whether to start speed limit,

start to true. TR can be set up.

"Alt-speed-time-begin": 540, the time limit start time, the

unit is minutes, and 540 means nine in the morning. TR can be

set up.

"Alt-speed-time-day": 127, the time limit for the day (week),

and 127 for each day. Here is more complicated. It is expressed

in 7 binary digits, and then converted into decimal numbers.

For example, 0000001 represents Sunday, 1000000 for Saturday,

0000010 for Monday, and 0000100 for Tuesday. If you want the

number at the weekend speed should be 1000001, converted to

decimal is 65; if you only limit on working days, the number

should be 0111110, is converted to decimal 62, do not know if

I have to say that. TR cannot be set.

"Alt-speed-time-enabled": false, enable time limit, date limit,

default not open, start to true. If it is changed to true, then

alt-speed-enabled should be changed to false, that is, the two

item can only start one item, and if it is true at the same time,

the alt-speed-enabled is valid. TR cannot be set.

"Alt-speed-time-end": 1020, the end of the speed limit within

the time limit, the minutes, minutes, and 1020, which means 5

p.m.. TR cannot be set.

"Alt-speed-up": 50, the maximum upload speed limit, KB/s. TR

can be set.

"Bind-address-ipv4": "", IPv4 address binding,

generally do not change. TR cannot be set.

"Bind-address-ipv6":: "IPv6 address binding, do not change in

general.". TR cannot be set.

"Blocklist-enabled": false, start the white list, default does

not start, need to start, change to true. TR can be set.

"Dht-enabled": true, enable the DHT network, start by default,

and do not need to change to false. TR can be set.



download the saved default directory. Notice that this

directory is already available. TR cannot be set.

"Encryption": 1, encrypt. Specifies the cryptographic mode of

the node, default 1. 0 means closing (TR means permission), 1

means priority, and 2 means forced opening. TR can be set.

"Lazy-bitfield-enabled": true, bit field delay? The default is

true, set to true, you can avoid certain ISP by querying the

full bit segment to shield BT, and thus crack part of the ISP

BT ban, of course not necessarily fully effective. TR cannot

be set.





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