Sample Economics Teachers comments
Angelica is a reserved member of the group who displays a
quiet interest in the subject. She writes about basic
economic concepts in considerable detail, showing a
confident use of economic terminology. However Angelica‟s
levels of achievement may be further improved if she is
more communicative during class discussions.
Arthur is an extremely able and enthusiastic member of the
class who is performing to a high standard. He has a good
understanding of economic concepts and makes the best use
of business terminology in his answers. However Arthur‟s
levels of achievement may be further improved if he is
more committed and consistent in terms of his
Davira takes a keen interest in economic analysis and data
interpretation. Her assignment on „Developed and
underdeveloped economies‟ is a perfect example how the
subject should be handled. However she should aim to
increase her confidence by making an effort to be more
involved in class discussions.
Edrieno speaks and writes about basic economic concepts in
considerable detail. His performance in class assignments
shows a confident use of economic terminology. However
Edrieno‟s levels of achievement may be further improved if
he is more communicative during class discussions.
Fania‟s level of achievement demonstrates that she is
capable of performing to a high standard. She speaks and
writes business ideas in considerable detail and knows the
best use of economic terminology. However, the overall
grade may be improved if Fania continually updates herself
by reading newspapers and magazines.
Felicia participates in class activities & discussions with
enthusiasm. The quality of her written work has been
consistently excellent, both in terms of content and
presentation. However she should try to take a more active
part in practical investigations to improve her confidence in
this area.