Lesson 22 By heart 熟记台词
New words and expression 生词和短语
run (ran, run) vi(戏剧, 电影等)连演,连映 (持续的意思,==last)
-- The film is so successful that it runs for several weeks.
补充:vt 经营 he runs a successful furniture business.
Lines n.(剧本中的)台词
线条,可以抽象,a face covered with deep lines of care. 满面愁容 a face lined with age 起了皱纹的脸
hold the line please. 电话
Part n.剧中的角色, 台词
party 合同或者正式场合中不同的一方。甲方乙方。
Falter [‘fɔ:ltə(r)] v.支吾, 结巴说
-- He has practised the poem several times, so he has no cause to falter.
Stammer [‘stæmə(r)] v.口吃, 结巴着说出, 结结巴巴地说
Falter vi.蹒跚而行蹒跚踉跄, 摇摆
= Stagger [‘stægə(r)] v.摇晃, 蹒跚, 交错, 摇摇摆摆
-- He faltered home.
cast (cast, cast) v.选派…扮演角色(挑选(演员);使…出演(某角色)) N 卡司 (戏剧、电影的)全体演员
-- The actor was cast in the role of hero. 这个演员在剧中扮演英雄的角色。
vt 1、投射(光、视线) The moon cast a bright light over the yard 2、扔;抛;投;丢 3、投(票)
4、浇铸,铸造(加热熔化后倒入模型里,冷却后凝固成器物) n 铸件;模子
cast your mind back (to sth) ==look back 回顾;回想
be cast away (船遇难后幸存者)流落某处 cast sb/sth↔aside (formal) 抛弃;丢弃
cast off 抛弃,丢弃 cast out 赶出,驱逐
Role n.角色
Aristocrat [‘ærɪstəkræt] n.贵族 (或有贵族派头的人) 可数 近义词 nobleman the noble 尊贵的人
Imprison v.关押(= put sb in prison 关押某人)-- He was imprisoned for 10 years.
imprisonment n.关押 -- sentence sb to life imprisonment 判名人终生监禁
prison, jail = gaol [dʒel] n.监狱 -- send sb to prison / put sb in prison / throw sb into prison
in prison 坐牢(不加the) -- He is in prison/jail/gaol. = He is behind bars. 他在铁窗之后。
Bastille n.巴士底狱
Gaoler n.监狱长,看守 ==jailer
Colleague n.同事 associate 合伙人,同事 companion 同伴
Curtain n.(舞台上的)幕布
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Reveal [rɪ’vi:l] v.使显露, 揭露, 揭穿 同样意思还有名词词性
1、显出;露出;展示(示)(show sth that previously could not be seen) He laughed, revealing a line of white
teeth 露出白牙
2、揭示;显示;透露(揭)(make sth known to sb)It was revealed that
-- The secret hasn't been revealed. 天启死时:All is revealed
Reveal vt.把什么露出来 -- A curtain was up and revealed the beautiful scenery.(n.风景, 景色)
Disclose vt.揭露,使公开(~ the truth)(If you disclose new or secret information, you tell people about it.)
Discover vt.发现
Uncover vt. 1、揭开..的盖子 2、发现;揭露;揭发(to discover sth that was previously hidden or secret)
Revealable adj.可展现的 [rɪ'vi:ləbl]
Revealer n.探测器
cell n.单人监房, 监号 (细胞;电池;基层组织,小组)
blank adj.空白的
squint v.眯着(眼)看, 瞄
squint one's eyes眯着眼睛 -- He squinted his eyes and looked at the letter.
pear at 眯着眼睛看
gaze 凝视,注视 (常指长时间无意识地或因好奇、惊讶等而盯着看。)
gape 目瞪口呆地凝视 (指因惊讶或震惊而张着嘴、瞪大眼睛呆看。)
glare 怒目而视 (指长时间用愤怒的目光凝视着某人或某物。)
stare 凝视,瞪视 (指因生气、惊讶、思考等而瞪大眼睛长时间地注视某人或某物。)
peep 窥视,偷看 (尤指通过孔眼、缝隙等迅速地偷窥。)
glance 瞟,瞥 (指粗略地匆匆一瞥。)(动作)She glanced about the room before she left
glimpse瞥见 (指一瞥之下看见某人或某物,但未看清全貌。)(结果)He glimpsed a figure at the window
dim adj.昏暗 take a dim view of…对…持悲观看法;对…持怀疑态度
-- The room is too dim so I can't read the letter.
Gloomy adj.(天气,心情)抑郁的 -- The weather is gloomy today. / He is in gloomy mood.
Dusky [‘dʌski] adj.(天色)漆黑的, 黑暗的 -- Towards evening it’s getting dusky.
Misty adj.多雾的, 迷蒙的 -- The building is out of sight on such a misty day.
Sire n.(古用法)陛下
Proceed v.继续进行 (停顿之后的继续)
proceed to/with 进行继续某事
-- Let's proceed to business.
-- You must proceed with your work.
Proceed from… 从…着手开始继续
-- They proceed from lesson one.
proceed against sb 起诉某人
-- He decided to proceed against his neighbour.
Expect vt. <口>(料)想, 认为, 指望
Expect vt.要求
Alone adj.单独的, 独一无二的 adv.独自地
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