Proceed is a word that carries multiple meanings and can be used in various contexts.
In this article, we will explore the different ways in which "proceed" can be used as a
verb, along with its common collocations and examples.
I. Definition and Basic Usage of "Proceed"
II. "Proceed" as a Transitive Verb
A. Proceed with a Plan/Project
B. Proceed to a Destination
III. "Proceed" as an Intransitive Verb
A. Proceed with Caution
B. Proceeds from Sales
IV. Collocations with "Proceed"
A. Proceed with Something
B. Proceed from Something
V. Examples of "Proceed"
I. Definition and Basic Usage of "Proceed"
The word "proceed" is primarily used as a verb and can have both transitive (taking
an object) and intransitive (not taking an object) forms, depending on the context.
At its most basic level, "proceed" means to continue or move forward with
something, either physically or metaphorically.
II. "Proceed" as a Transitive Verb
A. Proceed with a Plan/Project
One common way to use "proceed" is when referring to moving forward with a plan
or project:
Example 1: After much discussion, the team decided to proceed with the
implementation of the new marketing strategy.
Example 2: The company board unanimously voted to proceed with the construction
of their new headquarters.
In these examples, "proceed" indicates that there has been consideration or decision-
making involved before continuing with a particular plan or project.
B. Proceed to a Destination
Another frequently encountered usage of "proceed" is when discussing movement
towards a destination:
Example 1: Please proceed to Gate 4 for boarding your flight.
Example 2: The tour guide instructed us to proceed up the stairs to reach the
observation deck.
In these instances, "proceed" is used to indicate that someone should move or
continue towards a specific location.
III. "Proceed" as an Intransitive Verb
A. Proceed with Caution
Sometimes, "proceed" is used on its own without an object, but it carries the
connotation of moving forward carefully or with caution:
Example 1: The driver proceeded slowly along the icy road to avoid any accidents.
Example 2: Despite the difficulties, Helen decided to proceed cautiously with her
plan for starting her own business.
In these cases, "proceed" suggests that one needs to exercise care and prudence when
moving forward in a particular situation.
B. Proceeds from Sales
Another context where "proceed" can be used intransitively is related to financial
Example 1: Fifty percent of the proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to charity.
Example 2: The proceeds from the auction will go toward funding scholarships for
underprivileged students.
In these examples, "proceeds" refers to the money generated from sales or
transactions, which will then be used for a specific purpose.
IV. Collocations with "Proceed"
A. Proceed with Something
The preposition "with" is often collocated with "proceed" when indicating movement
forward or continuation with a particular action:
Example 1: We can't proceed with the experiment until we receive approval from the
ethics committee.
Example 2: The meeting cannot proceed with only half of the attendees present; we
need everyone's participation.
B. Proceed from Something
When describing an origin or source, especially in financial or legal contexts, "from"
is frequently paired with "proceed":
Example 1: A portion of every purchase proceeds from this product will go towards
environmental conservation efforts.
Example 2: The funds will be distributed proportionally among all shareholders
based on their proportionate proceeds from the company.
V. Examples of "Proceed"
To further illustrate the different uses of "proceed," here are a few additional
Example 1: The judge stated that the trial would proceed as scheduled, despite the
defendant's attorney requesting a delay.
Example 2: In order to solve the difficult puzzle, we must proceed step by step,
carefully analyzing each clue.
Example 3: The funds raised from the charity event will be used to proceed with
renovations for the local community center.
Example 4: The professor asked the students to proceed with their presentations in
alphabetical order.
In conclusion, "proceed" is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts.
Whether it is moving forward with plans or projects, continuing towards a destination,
exercising caution, or referring to financial matters, understanding how "proceed" is used
in different collocations enables effective communication and enhances language