Mr. Chen :
I’ sorry .Unfortunately I failed to open the package named
writing assignment received from you by e-mail, which to be described in
a wrong format. I’d tried my best to read it in the public e-mail address
but failed. Thus, the essay below consists of totally original expressions
of myself and is inevitably far from perfection with mistakes and
so-called Chinglish style. What’s more, I guess my definition for the
word waste in the title defers from yours as well as my classmates’. It can
be guaranteed that my computer get a physical examination after the
.I’ll do better the next time.
Liu Penghui
Waste On Campus
Various kinds of waste on campus now can be found easily if you care
about them. A popular saying goes that “To waste is to crime”. Frankly
speaking we are all “criminals” at this sense.
The first one is the waste including garbage and rubbings. Posters for
example, are thrown away everywhere by freshmen and fresh women if
careless of those clubs and organizations.
The second is the waste of energy and other sorts of natural resources.
We see lights up, water on even though they are not being used. The
temperature of some air-conditioners could be lower in summer as
evidenced by my catching cold last month.
The third one is the waste of time. Time consumed by PC games,
useless chatting and websites like BAT( Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent ),
college students can’t concentrate on their courses as well as thoughts
related to their social responsibilities, which shall be a priority.
The last one is the waste of money. Things goes worst as for fresh men
and women, the majority of whom have got no idea of how to master an
more efficient skill for financial management. Meanwhile, as a
consequence of lack of social experience, we do not always take security
measures for our property.
To sum it up, waste on campus shall never be ignored. Put it to an end
without doubts. How far the way it is for us to go!