




Clusters and the New Economics of Competition

Michael E. Porter

(Harvard university)

Why Clusters Are Critical to Competition

Modern competition depends on productivity, not on access to inputs or the scale of

individual tivity rests on how companies compete,not on the particular fields

they compete ies can be highly productive in any industry– shoes, agriculture, or

semiconductors – if they employ sophisticated methods, use advanced technology,and offer unique

products and services. All industries can employ advanced technology; all industries can be

knowledge intensive.

The sophistication with which companies compete in a particular location, however, is

strongly influenced by the quality of the local business environment.1 Companies cannot employ

advanced logistical techniques, for example, without a high quality transportation infrastructure.

Nor can companies effectively compete on sophisticated service without well-educated employees.

Businesses cannot operate efficiently under onerous regulatory red tape or under a court system

that fails to resolve disputes quickly and fairly. Some aspects of the business environment, such as

the legal system, for example, or corporate tax rates, affect all industries. In advanced economies,

however, the more decisive aspects of the business environment are often cluster specific; these

constitute some of the most important microeconomic foundations for competition.

Clusters affect competition in three broad ways:first, by increasing the productivity of

companies based in the area; second, by driving the direction and pace of innovation, which

underpins future productivity growth; and third, by stimulating the formation of new businesses,

which expands and strengthens the cluster itself. A cluster allows each member to benefit as if it

had greater scale or as if it had joined with others formally – without requiring it to sacrifice its


Clusters and Productivity. Being part of a cluster allows companies to operate more productively

in sourcing inputs; accessing information, technology,and needed institutions; coordinating with

related companies; and measuring and motivating improvement.

Better Access to Employees and Suppliers. Companies in vibrant clusters can tap into an

existing pool of specialized and experienced employees, thereby lowering their search and

transaction costs in recruiting. Because a cluster signals opportunity and reduces the risk of

relocation for employees, it can also be easier to attract talented people from other locations, a

decisive advantage in some industries.

A well-developed cluster also provides an efficient means of obtaining other important

a cluster offers a deep and specialized supplier base. Sourcing locally instead of from

distant suppliers lowers transaction costs. It minimizes the need for inventory, eliminates

importing costs and delays, and – because local reputation is important – lowers the risk that

suppliers will overprice or renege on commitments. Proximity improves communications and

makes it easier for suppliers to provide ancillary or support services such as installation and

debugging. Other things being equal, then, local outsourcing is a better solution than distant

outsourcing, especially for advanced and specialized inputs involving embedded technology,

information, and service content.

Formal alliances with distant suppliers can mitigate some of the disadvantages of distant

outsourcing. But all formal alliances involve their own complex bargaining and governance

problems and can inhibit a company’s flexibility. The close, informal relationships possible among

companies in a cluster are often a superior Arrangement.

In many cases, clusters are also a better alternative to vertical ed with

in-house units, outside specialists are often more cost effective and responsive, not only in

component production but also in services such as training. Although extensive vertical integration

may have once been the norm, a fast-changing environment can render vertical integration

inefficient, ineffective, and inflexible.

Even when some inputs are best sourced from a distance, clusters offer advantages. Suppliers

trying to penetrate a large, concentrated market will price more aggressively, knowing that as they

do so they can realize efficiencies in marketing and in service.

Working against a cluster’s advantages in assembling resources is the possibility that

competition will render them more expensive and scarce. But companies do have the alternative of

outsourcing many inputs from other locations, which tends to limit potential cost penalties. More

important, clusters increase not only the demand for specialized inputs but also their supply.

Access to Specialized Information. Extensive market, technical, and competitive information

accumulates within a cluster, and members have preferred access to it. In addition, personal

relationships and community ties foster trust and facilitate the flow of information. These

conditions make information more transferable.

Complementarities. A host of linkages among cluster members results in a whole greater than

the sum of its parts. In a typical tourism cluster, for example, the quality of a visitor’s experience

depends not only on the appeal of the primary attraction but also on the quality and efficiency of

complementary businesses such as hotels, restaurants, shopping outlets, and transportation

facilities. Because members of the cluster are mutually dependent, good performance by one can

boost the success of the others.

Complementarities come in many forms. The most obvious is when products complement one

another in meeting customers’ needs, as the tourism example illustrates. Another form is the

coordination of activities across companies to optimize their collective productivity. In wood

products, for instance, the efficiency of sawmills depends on a reliable supply of high-quality

timber and the ability to put all the timber to use – in furniture (highest quality), pallets and boxes

(lower quality), or wood chips (lowest quality). In the early 1990s, Portuguese sawmills suffered

from poor timber quality because local landowners did not invest in timber management. Hence

most timber was processed for use in pallets and boxes, a lower-value use that limited the price

paid to landowners. Substantial improvement in productivity was possible, but only if several

parts of the cluster changed simultaneously.

Logging operations, for example, had to modify cutting and sorting procedures, while

sawmills had to develop the capacity to process wood in more sophisticated ways. Coordination to

develop standard wood classifications and measures was an important enabling step.

Geographically dispersed companies are less likely to recognize and capture such linkages.

Other complementarities arise in marketing. A cluster frequently enhances the reputation of a

location in a particular field, making it more likely that buyers will turn to a vendor based there.

Italy’s strong reputation for fashion and design, for example, benefits companies involved in

leather goods, footwear, apparel, and accessories. Beyond reputation, cluster members often profit

from a variety of joint marketing mechanisms, such as company referrals, trade fairs, trade

magazines, and marketing delegations.

Finally, complementarities can make buying from a cluster more attractive for customers.

Visiting buyers can see many vendors in a single trip. They also may perceive their buying risk to

be lower because one location provides alternative suppliers. That allows them to multisource or

to switch vendors if the need arises. Hong Kong thrives as a source of fashion apparel in part for

this reason.

Access to Institutions and Public Goods. Investments made by government or other public

institutions– such as public spending for specialized infrastructure or educational programs – can

enhance a company’s productivity. The ability to recruit employees trained at local programs, for

example, lowers the cost of internal training. Other quasi-public goods, such as the cluster’s

information and technology pools and its reputation, arise as natural by-products of competition.

It is not just governments that create public goods that enhance productivity in the private

sector. Investments by companies – in training programs, infrastructure, quality centers, testing

laboratories, and so on – also contribute to increased productivity. Such private investments are

often made collectively because cluster participants recognize the potential for collective benefits.

Better Motivation and Measurement. Local rivalry is highly motivating. Peer pressure

amplifies competitive pressure within a cluster,even among noncompeting or indirectly competing

companies. Pride and the desire to look good in the local community spur executives to attempt to

outdo one another.

Clusters also often make it easier to measure and compare performances because local rivals

share general circumstances – for example, labor costs and local market access – and they perform

similar activities. Companies within clusters typically have intimate knowledge of their suppliers’

costs. Managers are able to compare costs and employees’ performance with other local

companies. Additionally, financial institutions can accumulate knowledge about the cluster that

can be used to monitor performance.

Clusters and Innovation. In addition to enhancing productivity, clusters play a vital role in a

company’s ongoing ability to innovate. Some of the same characteristics that enhance current

productivity have an even more dramatic effect on innovation and productivity growth.

Because sophisticated buyers are often part of a cluster, companies inside clusters usually

have a better window on the market than isolated competitors do. Computer companies based in

Silicon Valley and Austin, Texas, for example, plug into customer needs and trends with a speed

difficult to match by companies located elsewhere. The ongoing relationships with other entities

within the cluster also help companies to learn early about evolving technology, component and

machinery availability, service and marketing concepts, and so on. Such learning is facilitated by

the ease of making site visits and frequent face-to-face contact.

Clusters do more than make opportunities for innovation more visible. They also provide the

capacity and the flexibility to act rapidly. A company within a cluster often can source what it

needs to implement innovations more quickly. Local suppliers and partners can and do get closely

involved in the innovation process, thus ensuring a better match with customers’ requirements.

Companies within a cluster can experiment at lower cost and can delay large commitments

until they are more assured that a given innovation will pan out. In contrast, a company relying on

distant suppliers faces greater challenges in every activity it coordinates with other organizations –

in contracting, for example, or securing delivery or obtaining associated technical and service

support. Innovation can be even harder in vertically integrated companies, especially in those that

face difficult trade-offs if the innovation erodes the value of in-house assets or if current products

or processes must be maintained while new ones are developed.

Reinforcing the other advantages for innovation is the sheer pressure – competitive pressure,

peer pressure, constant comparison – that occurs in a cluster. Executives vie with one another to

set their companies apart. For all these reasons, clusters can remain centers of innovation for


Clusters and New Business Formation.

It is not surprising, then, that many new companies grow up within an existing cluster rather

than at isolated locations. New suppliers, for example, proliferate within a cluster because a

concentrated customer base lowers their risks and makes it easier for them to spot market

opportunities. Moreover, because developed clusters comprise related industries that normally

draw on common or very similar inputs, suppliers enjoy expanded opportunities.

Clusters are conducive to new business formation for a variety of reasons. Individuals

working within a cluster can more easily perceive gaps in products or services around which they

can build businesses. Beyond that, barriers to entry are lower than elsewhere. Needed assets, skills,

inputs, and staff are often readily available at the cluster location, waiting to be assembled into a

new enterprise.

Local financial institutions and investors, already familiar with the cluster, may require a

lower risk premium on capital. In addition, the cluster often presents a significant local market,

and an entrepreneur may benefit from established relationships. All of these factors reduce the

perceived risks of entry – and of exit, should the enterprise fail.

The formation of new businesses within a cluster is part of a positive feedback loop. An

expanded cluster amplifies all the benefits I have described – it increases the collective pool of

competitive resources, which benefits all the cluster’s members. The net result is that companies

in the cluster advance relative to rivals at other locations.



来源:哈佛商业评论Vol.76第6期 1998年

作者:迈克·E. 波特



(美)迈克·E. 波特


现代竞争取决于生产力, 而非取决于投入或单个企业的规模。生产力取决于公司如何竞

争, 而非它们在何领域竞争。如果公司运用熟练的方法和先进的技术, 提供独特的产品和服



然而, 公司在某一特定的地理位置进行竞争的复杂程度受当地商业环境质量的影响极


果没有受过良好教育的雇员, 公司也无法在成熟的服务业中进行有效的竞争。企业无法在繁


环境的某些方面, 例如法律制度或公司税率, 也会影响所有产业。在发达的国家中, 商业环



影响; 其次,通过推动创新的方向和步伐,为未来生产力的增长奠定坚实的基础; 再次,通过



簇群与生产力 成为簇群的一部分将使得公司在寻求投入、获得信息技术及所要的制度、



经验的雇员, 从而降低他们在招聘过程中的搜索成本和交易成本。因为每一个大簇群意味着





低交易成本。这有助于把存货需求降低到最小程度, 同时也有助于减少进口成本以及避免生


理位置的相近性有利于改善通讯联络、有利于供应商提供辅助性服务, 诸如安装、排除故障

之类的服务。然而, 如果其他条件相同, 就地取材比从远处取材更为方便快捷, 尤其是对于






生产和诸如培训等服务方面, 通常更具有成本效益和责任心。虽然广泛的垂直一体化曾经是


即使某些投入要素最好从远地获取, 簇群也仍然可以提供某些优势。那些致力于渗入一

个广阔而又集中的市场的供应商们, 将会使其定价更具竞争性, 因为他们知道, 他们的这



可以从其他地区外购能减少成本损失的各种生产要素。更重要的是, 簇群不仅增加了对专门






型的旅游簇群为例。观光旅游者的旅游质量不仅取决于景观引人入胜的程度, 还有赖于互补

性商业活动, 如旅馆、餐馆、商店和交通设施的质量和效率。因为簇群内各个成员是相互依


互补性表现形式众多。正如上述旅游簇群说明的那样, 最为明显的一种形式是许多产品

在满足顾客的需求方面相互补充。另外一种表现形式是, 公司之间的相互协调可以使他们的

集体生产能力得到进一步完善。以木制产品为例, 锯木厂的效率有赖于高质量木料的供应以

及所有木材得到充分利用的能力。在20 世纪90 年代初期,葡萄牙锯木厂因木材质量差而遭


成货盘和木箱, 这种低价值的使用限制了供给的价格。大量改进生产力是有可能的, 但前提

条件是, 簇群内的其他一些成员应同时改变经营方式。例如, 伐木厂必须改变砍伐和分类程

序, 并以更复杂的方式发展其加工木材的能力。共同协作以发展标准化的木材分类法和测量





与设计方面享有良好的声誉, 这些声誉使那些涉及皮毛商品、鞋类、衣服饰品等方面的生产

公司受益匪浅。除声誉外, 簇群成员还经常能从大量的营销机制中获益, 例如, 公司分派贸



卖主(即提供旅游服务的公司) , 他们同样会察觉到购买风险降低了。这是因为一个地区内

有众多的供应商可供他们选择, 所以, 当需求上升时, 他们就有可能从多种渠道寻求要素








量中心、实验室等方面投资, 也将对生产率的提高做出贡献。不过, 诸如此类的民间投资通


更好的动力和衡量。当地的竞争更具动力。在簇群内部, 甚至在非竞争或非直接竞争的







簇群与创新 除提高劳动生产率之外, 簇群在持续提高公司创新能力方面同样也发挥




地探求客户的消费需求和倾向, 这是其他公司无法比拟的。在簇群内, 与其他实体保持持续

的关系, 还有助于公司更早地了解到演进中的技术、零部件和机械的可用性,服务和营销概






既定的创新将如期执行。相比之下, 一个依赖于远地供货商的公司在其与其他组织进行协作

的每一项活动中———例如签订合同、确保交货、获得有关技术和服务支持等, 都将面临极


如果创新贬低了内部资产的价值, 或者当有新产品研发出来而又必须维护当前的产品




簇群和新业务的形成 许多新公司能够在既存的簇群内而不是在孤立的地区成长起来并

不奇怪。例如, 新的供应商能够在一个簇群内扩大规模是因为一个客户集中的基地可以减少




感知到构成经营业务的产品或服务方面的差异。除此之外, 与其他地方相比, 这里的进入障






簇群内新业务的形成是积极的反馈圈的一部分, 一个扩展的簇群增强了所有上述利益。







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