学术会议发言稿 英文
学术会议发言稿 英文
good morning,ladies and to harbin,a beautiful
northland ie it of hina.i’m ab,from shool of eonomis and
management of a ver ver great pleasure to partiipate
in the 5th international finane onferene as the hairman,its m
first time to do i reall reall enjo being sta here ith
ou this international finane onferene has been held
4th times b fa institute sine9
8. the purpose of the onferene is to share our experienes
and knoledge in regard to the theor, frontier developments and
reaserhes, as ell as possible appliations of them in solving
pratial problems a lot of urrent issues have been disussed,and
some of them have been effetivel soluted..
toda,as the first time of the onferene debut in this it,e’
ll have a unique topi of prepared presentations is
the appliation of quantitative methods in finane ,toda’s
speakers ill share their thoughts on ho to effetivel run models
in different issues and give a reasonable ,e’ll have
a q a session,hih allos the everone to ask some questions ou
ma be interested. i am sure that ou ill find some topis to be
presented both interesting and informative. no,let me introdue
the first speaker,ho is ver ver rih,not in dollars,but in
knoledges and experienes,he got his ph.d in finanial eonomis
at the ub,folloed b a series of teahing and researh positions
at mit and harvard. please dont hesitate to join me in eling
our first speaker, prof.s, hose topi is entitled threshold
effet beteen the sale of shado banking and the stabilit of the
banking sstem. ele.
thank ou for the impressive speeh .as far as e kon,shado banking
sstem plaed an important role in the last finanial risis mainl
derived from its high leverage and asmmetri information
produed a supervision lak of
information, regulators ere unable to measure the atual risk
of the finanial is ruial for to take a further knoledge
of approahes to gauge the risk exposure more entirel and more
s has given an ee opener as ell as a ver meaningful
ou again,prof s.
plz alo me to introdue the next speaker, usiqin,ho is the
orporate department manager of hina onstrution bank in harbin.
she holds a bahelor degree of siene in engineering of hit,she
also holds a master of business administration of renmin
universit of topi toda is oordinated development trend
of hina’s siene-tehnolog finane and eonomi groth
ele miss u.
thank ou for our speeh,miss u. e are delighted to be able to
share our ne speifi strategies and tehniques. miss u’s speeh
is about frontier siene,hih is profound and preditive,greatl
iden our horizon,as least m horizon. ana, i ould like to express
to her the most sinere appreiation
the next speaker,, has hosted a dail tv program ith respet
to eonomi issues on the sina. and has appeared on tv,ho is also
the author of an uping book named more mone than nation .so to
speak to ou on innovation
apabilit of high teh enterprises b gra theor, please elome mr
jxs ith the armest applause.
o hat an innovative idea,to quantif the inonovation abilit and
lassif into different ategories. tr to think about it and ou’
ll find its ver enlightening. thank ou for the exellent
presentations and ideas.
no,i ll be ver pleased and exited to introdue the next
speaker,mrs hujianjie,ho is the vie president of fa
represent the sponsor host unit ,it’s the fifth
time for her to be the final breadth and depth
of knoledge,profound disoveries and distintive ideas alas ause
shok at the ,mrs hu ill address ou on relationship
beteen stok liquidit and asset liquidit of listed panies,i ant
ait to her inspiring ideas. ele
thank ou ver muh for the extremel enlightening presentation.
generall,e anna investigate the orrelation of asset liquidit
and stok liquidit, thereb linking stok liquidit to orporate
finane the relationship beteen asset liquidit and
stok liquidit is her speeh, mrs hu introdue a
useful model to explore the ambiguous relationship,hih ma shed
ne light on the importane of firm’s investment and finaning
ladies and gentleman,our distinguished speakers hv finished
their presentations,e no enter into the question and anser
session,prof.s,miss.u,,jie and i ill be ver
happ to anser as man of our questions as e ould.
are there an questions?
ok,ell,i m sorr to sa that this session ill have to stop
ou for our questions.i hope this as as good a session
for ou as it as for us.
ladies and gentlemen,
i shall end here b thanking ou for ing to the the 5th
international finane onferene. i hope that ou have benefited
muh from the onferene and from disussions ith olleagues.
i ould like to thank and the fa institute for offering
me the opportunit to be the hairman.
thanks to everbod ho has ontributed to the onferene and all
other ou for our time and attendane.
ladies and gentlemen, ou have m best ishes for our still greater
ahievements in our areer. no, i delare the onferene
meet again in beijing in 201X.
dear professor ang,
on behalf of the ohio state universit and the ieee puter soiet,
i ould be ver pleased to invite ou to attend and hair a session
of the forthing 201X international onferene on parallel data
proessing to be held in bellaire, mihigan, from otober 25 to
otober 28, 201X.
ou are an internationall alaimed sholar and eduator. our
partiipation ill be among the highlights of the onferene. e
sinerel hope that ou ould aept our invitation. as ou kno, this
is the 10th anniversar of the onferene and e plan to make it
a trul international meeting. e have aepted man papers from
several foreign ountries, inluding to from hina. if ou an e,
please let us kno as soon as possible, sine e have to prepare
the final program soon. e are looking forard to our aeptane.
sinerel ours, peter hite
1. prologue
thank ou, mr. hairman, for our graious introdution. i am honored
to have the hane to address ou on this speial oasion. the topi
of m paper is “transation ost and farmers’ hoie of agriultural
produts selling”. the outline of m talk as follos. the first
part i ant to introdue the bakground of this researh. the seond
part suggests a simple household hoie model .the third part
overs the data used in this researh. and then, e introdue the
empirial results. finall, a simple onlusion is given.
ell, let’s move on the first part of this topi .the motivation
of this ork like this. institutional eonomis posits that agents
making deisions on different tpes of transations do so in a ostl
a .for example , farmers deiding sell a partiular rop to hom
base their deisions not onl on the prie the expet to reeive in
eah market hoie but also on additional osts related to
transating in these markets.
i ant to use a piture to illustrate it. for example, given some
market hannels, farmers’ hoies an be regarded as equilibrium
beteen the surplus and the additional osts that related to
transating .espeiall in developing ountries, high-value rop
produers full partiipate in the market and the transation ost
has been the hard onstraint to farmers. furthermore, farmers’
market hoies an be taken as a hoie dilemma of transation ost
and prodution surplus. onsequentl, the sientifi question of
this researh is ho transation ost affets planters’ hoies.
3. methodolog
let’s move to the theoretial model of our researh. onsider a
household model in one rotation. in stage 1 , famer η needs
to alloate the input fators .this proess an qbe set into a
funtion like this q? ? q, qη means the output farmers deide
qto produe .p implies the output prie implies input prie
and.z: ? is fixed input. one produe hat and produe ho man are
deided, next question to be onsidered is ho muh produts to be
transated in market. here e use three . no this universit ranked
the 13th in hina, hih is in the front rank in hina and maintain
the top 20 ranking in hina. this universit is one of the
prehensive universities diretl affiliated ith the eduation
ministr, is loated in the it of xiamen in fujian provine. in95
it as inluded in the list of the “211 projet” for the state
ke onstrution; in 201X it beame one of hina’s higher-level
universities designated for the state ke onstrution of the “985
for this onferene, e are folloing the agenda here. the meeting
is supposed to last for three das,and to be separated into to
parts. to begin ith , e’ll invite some representatives from
our guests to give letures about their latest researhes and
reports on the issue, and then e ill have some smposiums. during
the onferene e are pleased to be our guide to this it. if anthing
needed, don’t hesitate to ontat us. e believe b our ollaboration
e are sure to make this gathering a onsummation.
and finall i ish ou an unforgettable and prefet experiene here.
international onferene on remote sensing tehnolog
distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and
gentlemen, and all the friends:
at this speial time of onderful marh, in this grand hall of the
beautiful ampus, our respetable guests are here getting
together . jointl sponsored b hina remote sensing assoiation,
undertaken b remote sensing institution of nuist at nanjing,
the first international onferene on remote sensing tehnolog ,
ill be open. no, first of all, please allo me to give our heart
ele to all of ou present, and thank ou , for our friendl ing.
e feel so proud, and appreiated as ell to be the host of the
it is a great honor for us to have all ou here to attend this
onferene, of hih the theme is the XXdemi exhange about the
advaned tehnologies on rs. here i’d be delighted to introdue
our onventioneers in brief. apart from our fault and students,
most of the delegates and guests are prestigious experts and
sientists, ho are related in these fields from all over the orld.
ith man signifiant ahievements, the are the most dnami leaders
in the movements of the siene and the host, i ould
like to take this opportunit to give ou a general introdution
about our shool. nanjing universit of information siene
tehnolog , founded in60 and renamed from nanjing institute of
meteorolog in 201X, as designated in78 as one of the ke
institutions of higher learning in hina. the universit onsists
of 24 departments or olleges, 12 sientifi researh institutions
and one international training enter. the universit, overing
an area of 140 hetares ith a floor spae of 4201X0 square meters,
boasts 42 basi and speial laboratories suh as ke laborator of
meteorologial disasters and sino-amerian remote sensing
laborator. ith a total olletion of over 1,170,000 books, the
librar as listed as one of the most pleted literature libraries
in hina in terms of atmospheri sienes.
for this onferene, e are folloing the agenda here. the meeting
is supposed to last for three das,and to be separated into to
parts. to begin ith , e’ll invite some representatives from
our guests to give letures about their latest researhes and
reports on the issue, and then e ill have some smposiums. during
the onferene e are pleased to be our guide to this it. if anthing
needed, don’t hesitate to ontat us. e believe b our ollaboration
e are sure to make this gathering a onsummation.
and finall i ish ou an unforgettable and prefet experiene here.
学术会议发言稿 英文