英语演讲教程-developing the speech

英语演讲教程-developing the speech


少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻 - 百度文库

英语演讲教程:Developing the Speech Text

To begin ith, I ould like to talk about a priniple。

lass=MsoNormal>I think it ould be best to start out b looking

at some pitures。 lass=MsoNormal>The first thing I ould like

to talk about is the definition of the terms hih I’11 use in

m presentation。II。 Shifting to the Next Main Point

lass=MsoNormal>Well, let's move on to the next point。

lass=MsoNormal>We ill no e to the seond problem。

lass=MsoNormal>Turning to the next question, I' 11 talk

about the stages of the proedure。 lass=MsoNormal>As the

seond topi, I shall stop here。 No let' s turn our attention

to the third topi。 lass=MsoNormal>So muh for the methodolog

of our experiment。 I ould no like to shift to the disussion

of the results。 lass=MsoNormal>No, let's move ** from the

first part and sith over to the next part of m presentation。

lass=MsoNormal>That's all for the introdution and no e an go

on to the literature revie。 lass=MsoNormal>Next, I ould

like to turn to a more diffiult problem。 lass=MsoNormal>The

next point I'd like to talk about is the feasibilit of this

projet。 lass=MsoNormal>That brings me to m seond point。

lass=MsoNormal>I am glad that e an no leave this rather

boring subjet of mathemati dedution and go into a more

attrative one, that is the appliation of the formula。III。


少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻 - 百度文库

Resuming the Topi lass=MsoNormal>Let' s e bak to hat I said

in the first part of m speeh。 lass=MsoNormal>Getting bak to

the subjet of the problem of theoretial onsiderations e an

find that。 lass=MsoNormal>I ant to return to the first part

of m presentation。 lass=MsoNormal>No, to get bak to the

effet of temperature, ou ma be **re that the problems have

been solved。 lass=MsoNormal>This brings me bak to the

question of seurit。 lass=MsoNormal>At this point I ould like

to refer again to the question of methods in the first part

of m leture。 lass=MsoNormal>Referring again to the first

question, I think。 lass=MsoNormal>Referring to the Coming

Point lass=MsoNormal>I'll deal ith it later。

lass=MsoNormal>I' 11 touh upon that point in a moment。

lass=MsoNormal>I shall tell ou in detail shortl。IV。

Introduing the Supporting Materials lass=MsoNormal>I think

this part is the most diffiult, so I'll explain it in

greater detail。 lass=MsoNormal>I think this part of m paper

is most important, so I plan to spend more time on it。

lass=MsoNormal>Please allo me to deal ith this matter more

extensivel。 lass=MsoNormal>Being the most important part of

m presentation, I ill elaborate on it ith more slides。

lass=MsoNormal>I' 11 expand this topi ith draings and

figures。 lass=MsoNormal>Indiating the Points Briefl

lass=MsoNormal>Limited b the time available, I an onl give






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